What are the benefits of Matcha Tea for weight loss?

Matcha Tea Benefits for Weight Loss: Whether you want to detox the body, increase good cholesterol or lose weight, the first option that comes to everyone’s mind is green tea. Especially for those who are motivated for gym, yoga, and fitness, a drink like green tea is a boon for them. However, not everyone likes the bitter taste of green tea (Green Tea for Weight Loss).

Not only this, but many times people who like green tea say that they are bored with it, but they do not have the option of healthy tea. If you are also among those people who are looking for a green option for weight loss, then you can try matcha tea. Matcha Tea is a super food which is wonderful in taste. Matcha tree is mainly consumed in Japan. A long process is adopted to prepare this tea, but today many companies are selling it in the market. So what are you waiting for, let us know how matcha tea helps in weight loss and its recipe.

what is matcha tea?

You can call Matcha tea an updated version of green tea. The color of this tea is also green. This tea is prepared by drying and grinding special types of leaves. Matcha tea contains more antioxidants and nutrients than green tea.

Matcha Tea Recipe

Ingredients List

  • Matcha tea powder- 2 tsp
  • Water- 2 cups
  • Ice cubes- 7 to 8 pieces
  • Honey – as an option

method of making

  • First of all, heat 2 cups of water in a saucepan.
  • Once the water is hot, add matcha tea powder and whisk until foam forms.
  • It may take you 2 to 3 minutes to stir the matcha tea powder into the water.
  • Keep this mixture aside to cool.
  • Now add honey and a few pieces of ice as per taste in a glass.
  • Now add matcha tea to it and enjoy.

Why is Matcha Tea helpful in weight loss?

National Institute for Health According to the report published on, matcha tea reduces lipogenesis and fat absorption in the body. Which helps in weight loss. Additionally, consuming matcha tea boosts metabolism, which helps in reducing both weight and obesity. Research conducted on Matcha tea has revealed that if Matcha tea is consumed in limited quantities daily for 10 to 12 weeks, it helps in melting body fat faster.

Benefits of drinking Matcha Tea

1. Keeps the heart healthy: Matcha tea contains a compound called epiglo catechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which helps in controlling blood pressure. It is obvious that when blood pressure is controlled, it will help keep the heart healthy.

2. Beneficial for the skin: Elements like rosacea and actinic keratosis are found in matcha tea, which are considered very beneficial for the skin.

If you are also troubled by increasing weight and obesity, then you can try matcha tea in your diet. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take expert advice before consuming matcha tea.

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