Health Fitness Tips

The Busy Person’s Guide to Exercise

However, there are effective ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine without sacrificing other responsibilities. Here are some tips and tricks to stay active, even when time is not on our side.

HIIT(high-intensity interval training)

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training strategy that combines short, intense periods of exercise with short periods of rest or less intense activity. This method is ideal for those with busy schedules because it provides a complete workout in a short amount of time, usually between 15 and 30 minutes.

HIIT allows you to get a full workout in a short period of time, ideal for those with busy schedules.
Studies have shown that HIIT can burn more calories in less time compared to moderate-intensity workouts.

HIIT is great for heart health, increasing cardiovascular capacity and overall endurance.
Due to the high intensity, HIIT can boost the metabolism and help burn fat even after the workout is over.

Exercises for a HIIT circuit can include jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, and other exercises that get your heart rate up.

An example of a HIIT structure is 30 seconds of intense activity followed by 30 seconds of rest or low-intensity activity, repeated for 15-30 minutes.

The level of intensity should be adapted according to physical condition. It’s important to challenge yourself, but also to listen to your body to avoid overwork.

Combining cardio with strength in a HIIT workout can lead to better results and prevent monotony.

HIIT is an extremely effective method to get an intense and beneficial workout in a short time. It’s perfect for those who want to maximize results without spending hours in the gym.

Integrating exercise into daily activities

Integrating exercise into your daily activities is a great way to stay active without allocating extra time for separate workouts. This approach saves time and helps maintain a constant level of physical activity.

Choose to walk or cycle for short distances.

Household activities such as gardening, cleaning or even cooking can be turned into exercise. For example, do squats while lifting things or use broad strokes while cleaning.

If you spend a lot of time at your desk, take breaks to do some light stretches or exercises, such as leg raises under your desk or shoulder rolls. Replacing the traditional chair with a balance ball can help strengthen muscles.

If you have kids, get involved in their active games like soccer, Frisbee, etc.

Wearable activity trackers or fitness apps can be a source of motivation to move more. Set daily goals, such as the number of steps or minutes of physical activity.

Regular exercise helps improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and improve well-being.

Physical activities integrated into your daily routine can help maintain a healthy weight.
Exercise, even mild exercise, can reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Multitasking exercises

Multitasking exercises, also known as compound exercises, involve movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. They are extremely effective for those who want to get a full workout in a short amount of time, maximizing calorie burn and toning the body.
The combination of squats, planks and jumps in one movement works both the lower and upper body as well as the cardiovascular system.

By doing several exercises in one movement, you can shorten the duration of your workout without compromising intensity or effectiveness.

These exercises increase the intensity of the workout, which can lead to higher calorie consumption and improved cardiovascular fitness.

By working on multiple planes of motion and combining different types of exercises, coordination and balance are improved.

If you include weights in your exercises, start with a moderate weight to make sure you can maintain proper form.

Make sure you perform each movement correctly to avoid injury and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

Experiment with different exercise combinations to keep workouts interesting and challenging.

Multitasking exercises are a great way to get the most out of your training time.

Set realistic and measurable goals

Setting realistic and measurable goals is a crucial step in maintaining an active lifestyle, especially for those with busy schedules. Well-defined goals help you track your progress and stay motivated on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

Goals should be tailored to your needs and lifestyle. Smaller goals like walking 10,000 steps a day or doing a short 10-minute workout at home can be a good starting point.

Use a pedometer, fitness app, or even a journal to track your progress. Visualizing progress can be extremely motivating.

Make sure the goals are achievable and not too ambitious. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and loss of motivation.
Every small victory, like completing all your planned workouts in a week or improving your running time, is worth celebrating.

Life can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to be able to adjust your goals as your routine changes. If you can’t reach a certain goal in a week, don’t get discouraged. Learn from the experience and adjust your goals accordingly.

Find fitness apps and communities

Participating in fitness communities and using dedicated apps can be extremely beneficial for maintaining motivation and commitment to an active lifestyle. These resources provide support, inspiration and a sense of belonging that can be essential in achieving your personal fitness goals.

Being part of a fitness community, whether online or local, gives you access to a group of people who share similar goals and challenges. This mutual support can be a powerful motivational boost.

Fitness communities are great places to learn new training strategies, nutrition tips, and other approaches to a healthy lifestyle.

Interacting with others can provide new perspectives and ideas to inspire us.

Many apps offer workout plans that can be customized based on individual goals, fitness levels, and preferences. These can range from short workouts to longer and more complex sessions.

Fitness apps often offer tools for monitoring progress, such as counting steps, calculating calories burned, and recording workouts. Tracking your progress helps keep you motivated and sets realistic goals.

Many apps include challenges and competitions, either with you or with other users. These game elements can add an extra level of fun.
Find apps that match your goals and interests.

Using fitness apps and participating in fitness communities can provide a significant boost to our motivation.

Flexibility in routine

Maintaining flexibility in your exercise routine is essential, especially for those with a variable or busy schedule.

Breaking up your workouts into shorter modules can be an effective approach. For example, if you don’t have time for a full 30-minute session, break it up into three 10-minute segments throughout the day.

On days when time is limited, focus on high-intensity exercise or circuit training to maximize calorie burn and muscle activation in a short amount of time.

On busier days, choose recovery exercises like yoga or stretching, which can be more relaxing and less time-consuming.

Find ways to integrate physical activity into other activities. For example, do light exercise while watching a movie or doing housework.

Accept that some days will be more productive than others. Don’t blame yourself if you can’t always stick to your exercise plan.

Review your fitness goals periodically to ensure they remain realistic and achievable within your schedule.

Avoiding the stress of “missing” a workout contributes to a healthier and more balanced approach to fitness.

Flexibility in your exercise routine is essential to maintaining a healthy balance between daily responsibilities and physical health.

By tailoring and adjusting workouts to our daily availability and mood, we can maintain an active and healthy lifestyle without the pressure or stress of sticking to a rigid schedule.

Health Fitness Tips

Here Are 9 Benefits Of Garlic For Men’s Health

Garlic is thought to have properties in male reproduction. So, what are the benefits of garlic for men? Find out the answer here. Garlic is known as a kitchen spice that has a multitude of health benefits. But in fact, this plant also has benefits in male reproduction, you know

The ingredients in garlic are known to support male fertility. Not only that, the benefits of garlic for men can also keep the body fit. Come on, find out a series of benefits of garlic by reading the following article.

1. Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

A man can experience erectile dysfunction when he experiences impaired blood circulation to the penis. Fortunately, one of the benefits of garlic for men is that it can prevent erectile dysfunction or the inability to maintain an erection during intercourse.

“Garlic contains ingredients that can stimulate the production of nitric oxide which functions as a vasodilator which helps increase blood flow to the penis,”

2. Increases male fertility

Some people suspect that garlic has benefits for sperm, so it can help increase male fertility.

According to Doctor Vita, there is research that shows that garlic contains the compound s-allyl cysteine ​​which can increase the testosterone hormone to produce sperm.

Unfortunately, this research has only been tested on animals, so further research on humans is needed.

3. Maintain body fitness

The vitamin B1 and Allicin content in garlic plays a role in muscle activity, helps relieve fatigue, and improves men’s physical health.

Not surprisingly, the use of garlic can help men become physically stronger. Apart from that, this cooking spice is also effective in increasing men’s vitality.

Unfortunately, people with diarrhea, liver disease or eye disease are not advised to consume excessive amounts of garlic. The problem is, this type of onion will make these symptoms worse.

4. Increases Blood Flow

Garlic can help increase blood flow. By consuming garlic, overall blood vessel function will improve. In addition, nitric oxide levels can also increase.

Nitric oxide itself plays a role in helping blood vessels to widen so that blood flows better. This can optimize the body to function properly.

5. Optimize Brain Function

The content in garlic is very diverse, ranging from potassium, zinc, selenium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, to iron. Miraculously, this content has good benefits for the body.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium play a role in improving cognitive function. This can make men have a better mood and mind.

6. Protects the body from chronic diseases

The antioxidants in garlic play a role in protecting the body from chronic diseases. Apart from that, this content can also fight dangerous free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are compounds associated with the causes of aging and oxidative stress.

When a man eats garlic, this plant can help him reduce and inhibit the formation of free radicals, increase sperm count, and optimize erectile function.

7. Maintains heart health

Garlic can reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the body. Garlic supplements are believed to reduce LDL by up to 10-15 percent.

Apart from that, consuming garlic will not have a significant effect on triglyceride levels, so it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

8. Overcoming Respiratory Disorders

The anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties in garlic can help treat respiratory disorders, such as asthma. The reason is, that asthma is a disease caused by inflammation.

Based on The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, garlic extract is reported to have anti-asthmatic properties, so it can overcome inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract.

Unfortunately, this research has only been carried out on animals, so further research is needed regarding the benefits of garlic for asthma in humans.

9. Overcoming Calluses

The antioxidants contained in garlic can help treat skin diseases, such as calluses.

This plant will speed up the healing of calluses on the hands by fighting fungal and bacterial infections, thereby treating calluses from the roots.

If you are interested in trying it, you only need to apply crushed garlic to the area affected by calluses.

Of the many benefits of garlic for men, there’s no harm in consuming this natural ingredient regularly.

Health Fitness Tips

The Myriad Benefits of Garlic for Liver Health

Not only for heart and blood vessel health, garlic is also beneficial for the liver. What are these benefits? The liver is an organ that functions to fight infections, remove toxins, and so on. Not only that, the liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself.

Therefore, it is very important for you to keep your liver healthy. If liver function has problems, this can trigger liver disease and metabolic disorders.

To help protect the liver, one way is to pay attention to daily food intake.

There are many foods that a person can consume to help protect the liver, one of which is garlic. Yes, you can include this plant in your daily menu to maintain liver health.

The following are the various benefits of garlic for the liver:

1. Get rid of toxins

Garlic is known to contain allicin, selenium, and arginine which are useful for activating enzymes that can remove toxins from the body.

Allicin is an antioxidant that can ward off free radicals that damage the body, including the liver.

In addition, allicin has antibacterial and antifungal properties. In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, allicin in garlic can cause the death of cancer cells in the liver.

2. Antioxidant properties

The powerful antioxidant properties of garlic have the most significant benefits for liver health.

These antioxidants can prevent liver damage due to natural free radicals produced by the body, help balance fat, and ward off toxins from outside the body such as chemicals.

3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Based on a study from the Journal of Nutrition, using garlic extract every day can reduce levels of triglycerides or bad fats that form in the liver.

In this way, the liver can avoid fatty liver disease.

4. Fights inflammation (Anti-Inflammatory)

One of the benefits of garlic for the liver is that it can fight inflammation.

Vitamin B6 can fight inflammation in the liver. Vitamin C is also able to prevent disorders of liver cells.

5. Reduces the risk of fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

A small 2016 study showed that supplementing the diet with garlic extract powder capsules may benefit people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

It is known that it can reduce body weight and body fat in sufferers, without losing lean body mass.

Weight loss is beneficial for many people, as being overweight or obese is a contributing factor to NAFLD.

6. Repairs Liver Damage

Another benefit of black garlic for the liver is that it can improve liver function in cases of liver damage due to chronic alcohol, possibly through its antioxidant activity.

In other studies, it was also found that black garlic can reduce levels of ALT and AST, two chemicals in the blood that indicate liver damage.

The liver plays an important role in the body. It’s a good idea for you to start paying attention to your daily food intake so that your liver health is maintained.

Then, you also need to avoid foods and drinks that might actually harm your liver.

Keep your heart healthy with a healthy lifestyle. One way you can do this is by adding garlic to every dish.

There are so many benefits of garlic for the liver, from removing toxins to improving liver problems and diseases.

Health Fitness Tips

Is It True That Garlic Can Treat Flatulence

Known to have many health benefits, is it true that garlic can treat flatulence? Here’s the explanation! What do you usually do if your stomach is bloated? Some people often overcome this by applying wind oil or drinking warm drinks.

Apart from that, it is believed that flatulence can be overcome with garlic. It is thought that the way to treat flatulence with garlic can be done by drinking boiled garlic water or eating raw garlic.

Is it true that the benefits of garlic for flatulence are effective and proven medically safe?

Can Garlic Treat Flatulence?

According to Doctors, until now there has been no research that says that garlic can cure or eliminate discomfort in the stomach or flatulence.

“As far as I know, garlic can actually cause flatulence. “That’s because the fructose content, when digested by the intestines, actually causes gas, thus making the stomach bloated,”.

Fructose is also found in shallots and leeks. In fact, in small amounts, garlic and onions can cause bloating and other digestive problems.

Some people who are allergic to garlic or onions are also at higher risk of experiencing flatulence and belching after consuming them. For this reason, using garlic to relieve flatulence is not necessarily effective.

Other Side Effects of Raw Garlic on Digestion

For those of you who have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, you should limit your garlic intake to prevent heartburn.

According to research in the journal Foods, certain compounds in raw garlic can irritate the digestive tract. This may cause a burning sensation in the chest or stomach.

Basically, eating raw garlic in moderate amounts usually doesn’t cause problems for healthy adults. However, be careful if your digestive condition is sensitive or you are taking regular medication such as blood thinners.

The reason is, garlic may also increase the risk of bleeding. This natural ingredient can prevent the formation of blood clots.

Do This to Treat Flatulence

Doctors explained that effective ways to treat flatulence include:

1. Give a gentle massage to the stomach
2. Actively move and exercise, so that gas moves through the intestines more quickly, thereby reducing bloating in the stomach
3. Reduce consumption of foods that trigger gas in the stomach, for example, garlic, onions, and cabbage
4. Drink peppermint tea or supplements

According to research in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, supplements containing peppermint may help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which include gas and bloating.

Apart from that, there are several foods that are believed to help reduce gas in the body, including:

1. Lean meat and protein
2. Apple cider vinegar
3. Chamomile tea
4. Counts
5. Fish
6. Lettuce and zucchini
7. Tomatoes, grapes and melon

The doctor advised that you can also prevent stomach bloating by eating slowly. Chew the food until it is completely smooth.

If you experience flatulence, you can try some of the things recommended by the doctor above. The thing is, garlic for flatulence has not been proven to be effective and safe for you.

Health Fitness Tips

Benefits Of Garlic For Diabetics

Apart from being a cooking spice, garlic has also been researched to contain anti-diabetic properties. What are the medical facts? Garlic is a mandatory spice for some people because it can provide a savory taste. These onions can even be a salt substitute for those trying to reduce sodium levels.

Garlic is also known to be beneficial for health. For example, it lowers blood pressure, has antitumor effects, prevents the growth of cancer cells, and has strong antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Apart from that, garlic is also believed to be beneficial for diabetes sufferers. What are the facts?

Garlic Nutritional Content

Garlic is known as a natural ingredient with good nutritional content. Reporting from Very Well Fit, 1 clove of raw garlic (3 grams) contains:

1. Calories: 4.5
2. Sodium: 5 gram
3. Carbohydrates: 1 gram
4. Fiber: 1 gram
5. Protein: 2 gram

Apart from that, garlic also contains vitamin C and manganese.

Benefits of Garlic for Diabetes

According to Doctors, garlic is known to help maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Heart disease itself is a condition that affects around 80 percent of diabetes sufferers.

It is known that the allicin content , which is the active ingredient in garlic, can act as an antidiabetic and antibiotic.

“However, research that garlic can reduce blood sugar in humans requires further research. Because, currently it only works on mice. “So it is possible that in the future there is hope that garlic could be an alternative therapy,”.

Reporting from Healthline, a 2006 study found that raw garlic can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Although it is still being researched, a 2014 study also supports these findings.

It is said that regular consumption of garlic can help lower blood sugar levels.

Garlic also contains vitamin C. This vitamin is known to play a role in maintaining blood sugar levels.

Tips for Eating Garlic for Diabetics

For diabetics, you can try consuming 1-4 cloves of raw garlic per day.

“Try a little first and see if there are any side effects or not. For example, headaches, itching, or red rashes on the skin. “Because there are side effects of garlic if consumed too much,”.

Especially if you have stomach ulcers, garlic can trigger stomach acid production.

Apart from that, in other conditions, garlic consumption also needs to be considered. For example, for diabetes sufferers who have other conditions, such as heart disease or stroke, who require blood thinning medication (warfarin).

“You have to be careful because this condition can increase the risk of bleeding. “So, if you have other medical conditions besides diabetes, you should consult a doctor first,”.

Meanwhile, information from Healthline suggests leaving chopped garlic for at least five minutes, so that the allicin is at its highest concentration.

That way, the health benefits of consuming garlic can potentially increase.

Health Fitness Tips

Various Benefits of Single Garlic for Health, Can Fight Cancer

Single garlic is a variant of garlic that consists of one clove per bulb. Containing high levels of nutrients, the benefits of single garlic for health are numerous. Starting from helping lower cholesterol, and preventing heart disease, to fighting cancer.

According to the Biosaintifika Journal, single garlic has been proven to contain more active compounds than regular garlic.

Garlic generally contains nutrients that are good for body health, including phosphorus, potassium, fiber, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.

We briefly discuss the various main benefits of single garlic for body health.

1. Improves the Immune System

Single garlic is rich in the compound allicin, which has powerful antioxidant properties. This compound is effective in fighting free radicals and improving the body’s immune system. Regular consumption of single garlic can help protect the body from infections and diseases.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common health problem. Garlic alone has been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure. This is due to its ability to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow, which in turn helps lower blood pressure.

3. Lowers Cholesterol

High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. The efficacy of single garlic has been proven to help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol) and triglycerides in the body while increasing HDL cholesterol (‘good’ cholesterol).

4. Prevent and Treat Heart Disease

Heart Disease

The benefits of single garlic in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol also help in preventing heart disease. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque forms in the arteries.

5. Fights Cancer

Some studies show that garlic alone may help reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including stomach cancer and colon cancer. This is due to its high antioxidant content, which can help prevent the formation and development of cancer cells.

6. Controls Blood Sugar

Garlic alone can help in managing diabetes by affecting blood sugar levels. It works by increasing insulin secretion and improving insulin sensitivity, which is very important in the management of type 2 diabetes.

7. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Compounds in garlic alone, such as allicin, have anti-inflammatory properties. It is very useful in reducing inflammation and pain associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

8. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia

The antioxidants in garlic alone may help protect brain health and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. This compound helps in fighting oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain.

9. Improves digestive health

Single garlic also has benefits for the digestive system. It can help prevent and treat digestive problems such as constipation and bloating, as well as improve the health of intestinal flora.

10. Bone Health

Research shows that garlic alone may help improve bone health by increasing estrogen levels in women, which may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, the mineral content such as calcium and phosphorus in single garlic also supports bone health.

Single garlic not only adds flavor to food but also brings a number of important health benefits. From improving the immune system to reducing the risk of chronic disease, although this proof still requires further research, currently single garlic is a superfood to be reckoned with.

However, if you experience some of the diseases mentioned above, we still recommend that you get checked and treated by a doctor first.

Health Fitness Tips

Chinese New Year Foods 2024: Guide Nutritional Facts About Auspicious

During Chinese New Year celebrations, gathering with family while enjoying various dishes together is an inseparable tradition.

Various typical Chinese New Year foods ranging from basket cakes, semprong cakes, mandarin oranges and many more, are usually served on the table.

Even though they are delicious, you should still not consume these foods in excess. It’s possible that your daily calorie intake will actually be in surplus.

“If you want to lose weight, it can help you calculate your daily food intake. In people with obesity, it can also help them lose weight,” he explained further.

The following is the nutritional and calorie content of typical Chinese New Year foods that you need to pay attention to.

1. Basket Cake

This food is made from sticky rice flour, sugar, and oil. Its delicious and sweet taste is loved by everyone.

However, be careful if you eat too much. You need to pay attention to the calorie content of basket cakes.

One piece of basket cake (20 grams) contains 47 calories, 0.1 grams of fat, and 7 grams of sugar. 100 grams of basket cake can even contain 148 kcal. According to Dr. Dyah, the calorie content will be higher if it is processed by frying.

However, despite being high in calories, Nian Gao cake is rich in complex carbohydrates which provide sustainable energy.

Additionally, although not high in protein or fiber, Nian Gao can be a quick source of energy.

2. Semprong Cake

The savory taste of semprong cake made from coconut milk, eggs and sugar can sometimes make you forget yourself.

For those of you who want to lose weight, keep semprong cakes out of reach on Chinese New Year.

The calories in semprong cake are quite high. Eating just two pieces of semprong will add 112 calories to the body.

3. Legit Lapis Cake

Legit layer cake can be eaten at any time of the year. However, during the Chinese New Year, this cake made from butter, eggs and sugar must be provided or sent to relatives.

One slice of legit layer cake (50 gr) can contribute 259 calories and 11.28 grams of fat to your body. So, don’t eat too much of this Chinese New Year food, the calories in legit layers are quite large!

4. Cupcakes

Cupcakes are moist cakes that are famous for their sweet taste and soft texture.

Cupcakes are made from rice flour and sago flour which are usually added with food coloring to enhance their appearance.

Because it is made from flour with a sweet taste, the sugar content in cupcakes is very high, so the calories are also quite large. 100 grams of cupcakes contain around 369 calories.

5. Moon Cake

Mooncakes are also a typical Chinese New Year food whose calorie count you need to be aware of. 50 grams of mooncake contains around 214 kcal.

However, even though they are high in calories and fat, mooncakes also provide some protein and fiber, especially from fillings such as nuts or salted eggs.

6. Yusheng

This dish consists of raw fish salad mixed with chopped carrots, white radishes, crackers, nuts, and served with sauce.

A serving of yusheng (360 gr) can contain 550 calories, 42 grams of fat and 16 grams of sugar. If you eat two portions of this Chinese New Year food, you can get more than 1000 calories.

However, as a raw fish salad, Yee Sang is a food rich in omega-3s from fish, as well as vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables. It also contains fiber which is good for digestion.

7. Onde-Onde

This market snack also turns out to be a favorite when celebrating Chinese New Year. The calorie content of onde-onde is around 336 per 100 grams.

Even though it is sometimes served in small form, the use of sugar and oil means that individual consumption needs to be limited, especially if you are on a diet.

8. Nastar

Not only popular during the Eid holiday, nastar cake is also one of the mainstay cakes during Chinese New Year. The deliciousness of pineapple cake can make you forget yourself and not feel like you have eaten it in pieces.

In fact, two pieces of nastar contain 165 calories, 8 grams of fat and 12 grams of sugar. That’s quite a lot of calories, isn’t it, if you eat more than four pieces.

9. Sago cake 

In some areas, sago cake is known as risen cake. This food is made from tapioca flour, sago, sugar and coconut milk. Apart from Chinese New Year, this cake is also popular before Eid, Christmas or other holidays.

Even though the calorie content of risen cake is not as big as nastar, you still have to limit your intake. Eating two slices of sago cake contributes 50 calories, 14 grams of fat and 2 grams of sugar. If cheese is added, the calories of this Chinese New Year food can be greater.

10. Bakkwa

Bakkwa is not only popular during the Chinese New Year holiday, but is also popular throughout the year. This jerky is made from pork marinated in soy sauce, sugar, and honey.

The mixture of flavors makes the bakkwa so delicious that anyone will be addicted to eating it.

However, you need to be aware of the calories in pork jerky, because one piece of bakkwa contains 230 calories, 7.8 grams of fat, and 25 grams of sugar.

11. Sumpia

The calorie content of the mini version of sumpia or spring rolls per 25 grams is 120 calories. The size is small, so it is suitable as a snack with the family on big holidays, including Chinese New Year.

However, its savory taste can make you forget how many pieces of choppia you have eaten. If you eat 5 pieces of chopsticks, that means 600 calories enter your body, you know!

Apart from sumpia, during Chinese New Year you also often find Semarang spring roll snacks. The content of Semarang spring rolls is no less high, namely around 100 – 200 kcal per fruit.

Providing fiber from vegetables, spring rolls can also be a source of protein from chicken or shrimp filling. However, pay attention to processing methods that can increase the fat content, OK?

12. Spikoe

Spikoe or what is now known as Surabaya layer cake is a baked cake consisting of 3 layers of cake.

Usually, the cake layers are yellow and brown. Each layer is filled with filling, such as strawberry jam.

The calorie content of spikoe per piece or around 50 grams is 26 calories and 17 grams of fat. Enjoying a few slices of this cake plus other typical Chinese New Year foods can increase your body’s calorie intake.

13. Bakpao

Bakpao is a typical Chinese New Year food that is usually filled with various flavors, ranging from chicken, mushrooms, and chocolate, to green beans.

Because it is made from wheat flour, the calories in buns are quite large. The number of calories in 100 grams of buns reaches 130 kcal.

Bakpao provides carbohydrates, depending on the contents, can also be a source of protein. However, you still need to pay attention to the sugar and fat content.

14. Dim sum

Another typical Chinese New Year food whose calories you need to be aware of is Dimsum. 100 grams of dim sum contains 40-100 kcal.

However, the calorie content depends on the type. The calories in fried dim sum can also be greater than steamed dim sum.

In 1 piece of fried dim sum (50 grams), it contains 116 calories and 160 mg of sodium. If you consume one portion of dim sum, the calories of 4 pieces of dim sum can contribute around 464 calories.

To make it more nutritious, you can choose steamed dim sum filled with vegetables and chicken to make it richer in protein, vitamins, and minerals.

15. Peking Duck

Peking Duck is also a typical food that is usually eaten as a big meal at Chinese New Year celebrations.

The calorie content of duck is well known, per 100 grams it contains 178 kcal. Even though it is high in protein, Peking Duck also contains fat, especially in the skin.

So that the saturated fat content can be maintained, make sure you consume Peking duck wisely.

16. Angsio Tofu

If you want to eat healthy snacks, you might choose the tofu angsio menu. This is a typical Chinese New Year food containing tofu and other stir-fried vegetables.

Tofu is a good source of vegetable protein, low in fat and cholesterol. Coupled with vegetables, Angsio Tofu is a healthy choice that is rich in nutrients.

However, make sure you don’t eat too much. Because one portion of tofu langsio contains up to 120 calories.

If you eat with rice and other side dishes, of course, the calorie content will be higher.

17. Black Pepper Beef

Not only during Chinese New Year but whenever you consume black pepper beef, it’s best not to overdo it. The calories in this food are quite high, namely around 175 calories per 100 grams.

However, the black pepper beef diet is a source of high-quality protein, which also provides iron and zinc. Meanwhile, the fat content depends on the cut of meat used.

Even if you only consume small amounts, the list of foods above contains calories that you need to pay attention to your intake. Especially if you are on a diet program.

Baby Health Tips

Reasons For Stomach Ache In A Small Child

Stomach-related problems are common in small children. It is often seen that they become irritable due to stomach aches or gas problems and keep crying for hours. The child cannot explain his problems verbally, due to which it becomes even more difficult for the parents to understand his problems. In this article, we will learn in detail about why a small child gets stomach ache and the remedies to cure it. It will also tell parents how to diagnose their child’s problem.

Reasons for stomach ache in a small child

Below we are giving information related to what could be the reasons for stomach ache in a small child.

  • If your baby is not burped after breastfeeding, he may suffer from gas problems. Because of this the child may have stomach ache.
  • If the baby’s umbilical cord gets removed from the navel, it can also cause stomach ache.
  • Constipation can be one reason for baby’s stomach ache.
  • Sometimes the baby may have stomach ache due to acid reflux. In this, acid from the stomach starts coming back into the esophagus i.e. food pipe.
  • Even if the child is hungry for a long time, the child may experience pain due to stomach cramps. On the contrary, if the baby is fed too much milk, then in this situation the baby may suffer from stomach cramps and pain.
  • The baby may often suffer from stomach ache even when the weather changes.
  • 30 percent of babies suffer from stomach pain due to colic pain in three to six months.

Symptoms of Stomach-Related Problems in Kids

The following symptoms may be seen if the baby has punt-related problems:

  • Repeatedly turning the legs of the baby towards the stomach can be a sign of stomach pain.
  • Hardening of the baby’s abdominal muscles.
  • Do not allow your baby to touch his stomach and cry as soon as you touch his stomach.
  • If the baby does not drink milk properly or leaves it mid-stream.
  • One symptom of baby’s stomach pain may be crying more than usual.

How to cure baby stomach ache?

To cure the baby’s stomach ache, his stomach should be massaged with natural oil. It can provide relief to the child from indigestion, colic, acid reflux, constipation etc. It plays an important role in providing relief to the stomach muscles of the baby along with removing pain and stiffness in the stomach. Use of the following oils is beneficial for stomach ache in children.

  • Asafoetida oil provides relief to the baby from bloating.
  • Ginger oil reduces baby’s stomach ache and relaxes the stomach muscles.
  • Fennel oil relieves the problem of indigestion in infants and also reduces stomach ache. Also provides relaxation to the muscles.
  • Peppermint oil is an effective remedy to relieve the problem of gas and flatulence in babies.
  • Nutmeg oil is considered effective in relieving digestive problems as well as relieving muscle pain.
  • Organic coconut oil is very useful for stomach aches and cramps in babies.

Tummy Relief Roll On will provide relief from baby’s stomach ache

It often becomes difficult for parents to find out the reason behind stomach ache in babies.

The company claims that this roll-on is dermatologist-tested. Its use is completely safe for the child. It helps in providing relief from baby’s stomach discomfort, pain caused by colic, gas, indigestion, constipation, etc. It is prepared from asafoetida oil, ginger oil, fennel oil, mint oil, nutmeg oil and organic coconut oil. No toxins or chemicals have been added to it. 100 percent natural oil has been used in it.

After reading this article you must have understood that the baby cannot tell about the pain in his stomach. But how can parents understand this problem of their child? Apart from this, information about how to relieve stomach ache in a child is also given in the article. If even after this the baby’s stomach pain does not go away and he keeps crying continuously, then contact the pediatrician without any delay.

Baby Health Tips Uncategorized

First Cold And Your Newborn, Know Some Special Tips

Newborn babies are very delicate and that is why babies need special care in every season. Especially during the first winter, the newborn needs special care. Because after summer, as soon as winter comes, diseases also start appearing. Let us know how to take care of your newborn in winter

1. First of all, be aware of those newborn vaccines that are given to protect against infections in the cold season.
2. During the winter season, let sunlight enter the entire house, because sunlight is very beneficial for the newborn.
3. The newborn’s clothes should be comfortable and soft, warm inner must be worn underneath, if the temperature of the room has already been heated then do not wear too many clothes.
4. A newborn baby’s nappy becomes more wet during the winter season. Due to this the nappy must be changed from time to time due to feeling of cold.
5. By spreading a warm blanket on the newborn’s bed, this will keep the baby warm. Make sure that the baby’s bed is comfortable and spread blankets and warm bedsheets on the mattress.
6. The newborn baby gets nutrition from the mother’s milk and the body remains warm from inside. Keep breastfeeding the baby every hour even in cold. This will strengthen the immunity and will also reduce the risk of infection for the baby.
7. Be sure to massage the newborn baby with olive oil in the sun.
8. If the child has cold or cough, then add celery, asafoetida, fenugreek and garlic in mustard oil and fry it. Let the oil cool and massage the newborn’s chest with it.
9. After 6 months, newborn babies start drinking water, hence keep giving lukewarm water to the baby.
10. If the newborn has started eating something, then soak the almonds, grind them and mix the almonds in milk and keep him licking them.
11. Include nutritious items like lentil water, boiled apple, mixed dry fruit kheer in the diet of the child.
12. Do not forget to massage before sleeping at night because massage provides warmth to a great extent.
13. A natural way to avoid mosquitoes is to burn camphor in the room and close the windows and doors for 10 minutes.

There is a fear of infection with newborn cough and cold in the changing season. Therefore, before the onset of cold and summer, definitely consult a doctor and also keep giving multivitamins.

Health Fitness Tips Uncategorized

10 Main Foods To Increase Disease Resistance In Children

Every parent is very worried about the health of their child, but if you want your child to always be healthy and fit, then you should take full care of their food and drink. You should pay more attention to feeding them nutritious food instead of junk food. If our body is healthy and bones are strong then we have no need to worry. After this, even if children sometimes fall sick, it does not matter because their body has the ability to fight diseases.

For this, we should include some foods in the diet of our children which increase their immunity. Let us know, which are these 10 diets?

1. Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables are very important in the diet because vitamins and minerals are found in large quantities in them. Iron, Vitamin B, complex, Vitamin C, calcium and fiber are found in large quantities in them. They contain powerful antioxidants that eliminate and prevent free radicals that cause cancer. Green leafy vegetables strengthen the digestive system and their consumption keeps the stomach clean and does not cause constipation.

2. Almonds

Eating some soaked almonds daily not only increases the body’s immunity but also helps in developing the brain at a faster pace. Vitamin E helps in increasing the natural killer cells found naturally in the body which helps in destroying viruses and cancer cells. Almonds help in increasing the number of B-type cells in the body. These cells produce antibodies that help in destroying the harmful bacteria present in the body. Vitamin E found in it not only keeps the skin healthy but also makes it glowing. It also prevents diseases related to heart and muscles. Therefore, make your child consume almonds daily.

3. Parents

An element called folate is found in spinach which, along with creating new cells in the body, also works to repair the DNA present in those cells. Besides, the fiber, iron, antioxidant elements, and Vitamin C present in it keep the body healthy in every way. By eating spinach, the digestive system works properly and the problem of constipation goes away. This leafy vegetable is rich in nutritious elements, hence it is also known as superfood.

4. Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is found in sufficient quantity in citrus fruits like orange, lemon, pineapple, and grapefruit, which helps in producing white blood cells that fight all types of infections. The antibodies produced by its consumption form a covering on the surface of the cells which does not allow the virus to enter the body. Vitamin C present in them increases good cholesterol in the body, which prevents cardiovascular diseases. It also slows down the process of fat accumulation in the arteries of the heart, thus keeping the blood flow normal. Therefore, include sour fruits in your child’s diet.

5. Curd

Curd has more calcium than milk. The bacteria and nutrients present in curd work as antibiotics of the body and also increase the ability to fight diseases. Curd contains nutrients like protein, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins, etc. in sufficient quantity. Therefore, make your child consume curd daily but avoid giving it at night.

6. Flax seeds

Linseed is considered a mine of virtues. It is true that people do not have much awareness about it, but consuming flaxseed daily gives children the strength to fight many types of diseases. It contains alpha, linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids which provide our children with the strength to fight diseases. Omega-3 is not made inside our child’s body but it is consumed through food.

7. Broccoli

Apart from vitamins A and C, an antioxidant called glutathione is found in broccoli. It strengthens the immune system. You can also make salad from it and give it to your children. Due to this, children’s body gets adequate amounts of protein and calcium.

8. Mushrooms

It is helpful in activating white blood cells. Mineral called selenium, an antioxidant element called vitamin B, riboflavin and nisin are found in it. Due to these, elements like anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-tumor are found in mushrooms. Feeding 30 grams of mushrooms daily to your child strengthens the immune system. It is especially consumed in winter. You can give it to your child with soup, salad or soya pasta.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is considered a versatile antibiotic. It is also used to cure diseases like cancer and it also purifies the blood and contributes significantly in improving the physique and complexion of the body. The elements present in it reduce blood sugar and keep diabetes under control.

10. Garlic

Eating garlic produces a lot of antioxidants which provide strength to our child’s system to fight diseases. In which an element called allicin is found which gives the body the power to fight infections and bacteria. Feeding a little garlic to your child every day helps prevent ulcers. You can also chop it finely and mix it in vegetables. This also keeps blood pressure under control.

To increase the immunity of children’s body, along with the diet given above, one thing you must keep in mind is that you should make your child consume maximum water throughout the day because water is very important for the body. This gives strength to the body and keeps the digestive system of the body healthy and also helps in removing unnecessary substances from the body.