What are the benefits of applying a cinnamon, nettles, and coffee mask on hair?

Cinnamon Nettle And Coffee Mask for Hair Growth: People adopt many methods to make hair long and thick. Women and men living in cities, who are troubled by hair loss, breakage, and falling, are often in search of such home remedies that not only provide relief from the problems but also grow new hair.

If you are also struggling with hair-related problems then try a hair mask made of cinnamon, nettles, and coffee. This mask made in a 100 percent natural way at home will not only get rid of hair problems but will also help in making hair thick and long. Let us know the method of making hair masks of nettles, cinnamon, and coffee, and its benefits.

How to make Nettles, Cinnamon, and Coffee Hair Mask

Ingredients List

  • Cinnamon or cinnamon powder – 2 teaspoons
  • Nettle powder- 1 teaspoon
  • Coffee- 1 teaspoon
  • Yogurt- 1 large cup

How to make a hair mask

  • First of all, mix cinnamon and nettle powder well in a bowl.
  • Mix 1 spoon of coffee and 1 cup of curd in this mixture.
  • You have to mix this mixture until all the lumps are gone.
  • Your hair mask is ready to be used on your hair.

How to apply hair mask on hair

  1. First of all, lightly wet the hair from the scalp to the bottom.
  2. After this, apply the mask from the scalp to the bottom.
  3. Leave this hair mask in the hair for about 1 hour.
  4. When it dries, clean the hair with mild shampoo.
  5. To get rid of hair problems, use this hair mask twice a week.

Benefits of Nettles, Cinnamon, and Coffee Hair Mask

Helpful in curing scalp infection

The main reason for hair-related problems is an accumulation of dirt in the scalp. Due to dirt in the scalp, it can cause scalp infection. It is obvious that when there is an infection in the scalp, hair will fall rapidly. Cinnamon is very beneficial in eliminating scalp infections. Cinnamon has antibacterial properties, which clean the dirt from the scalp and eliminate infection.

Provides relief from dandruff

Mahi Chaturvedi, founder of Delhi-based New Clinic and hair care expert, says that many people are troubled by the problem of dandruff and itching in the scalp. In such a situation, their hair becomes weak and the problem of scalp irritation starts. The use of cinnamon and coffee is very beneficial in avoiding this. Cinnamon, nettles, and coffee contain vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and alpha-carotene properties, which relieve the problem of dandruff. According to experts, applying cinnamon and coffee to hair regularly results in faster hair growth. Besides, it is also helpful in making hair thick.

Makes hair thick

Hair care expert Mahi Chaturvedi says that the caffeine present in coffee increases hair growth and helps make the hair stronger. Actually, using caffeine on the scalp improves blood circulation, which makes the hair long and thick.

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