Know Types of warm-up in physical education

Playing sports is a healthy habit that, in addition to increasing people’s quality of life and promoting their physical and mental well-being, helps manage stressful situations and contributes to strengthening self-esteem.

If you are one of those who want to improve your lifestyle by practicing some type of sports discipline, you will know that carrying out a table of warm-up exercises is the ideal way to prepare your muscles and joints for that extra energy expenditure that you are about to expend. experience, preventing injuries or unwanted mishaps.

we are going to tell you about the types of physical education warm-ups that exist so that your sports session is safe and 100% satisfactory. According to Sir Johnuel Warm Up Exercises.

Table Of Content

1. Types and objectives of heating
2. General warm-up: parts and exercises
3. Specific heating
4. dynamic heating
5. Preventive heating

Types and objectives of heating

Warming up is an essential part of exercise sessions. It is the intermediate point between total rest or the performance of a low-profile physical activity and the practice of an intense sport. Properly warming up prepares your muscles and joints and also activates your mind for the physical challenge you are about to undertake. However, it is important that you are clear about what type of warm-up exercises are the most appropriate when practicing sports. Some type warm-up in physical education that you should know are:

  • The overall warm-up
  • specific heating
  • dynamic heating
  • preventive heating

Now that you know the objectives of the warm-up, in the following sections, we will talk about the characteristics of each of these types of warm-ups and the exercises specific to each of them. In addition, we will reveal the parts of the warm-up and the structure of the warm-up.

General warm-up: parts and exercises

If we talk about the different types of warm-up in physical education, we must start with global warm-up, the one that is practiced initially and before any type of physical effort. The intensity of the general warm-up is characterized by being moderate because the exercises performed don’t require excessive force. The objectives of the general warm-up are to prepare your muscles for the activity or sports discipline that you will later perform and to activate both your body and your mind. Most of the exercises that fall within the general warm-up are:

  • Run smoothly: it is important to do it without spending all your energy at once, without sprinting and breathing properly. This article on How to run well can be of great use to you.
  • walking on the elliptical
  • Perform stationary bike

The parts of the general warm-up are characterized by a progression that goes in crescendo, that is, you start with those exercises that require less physical effort and you increase the difficulty. During this warm-up, it is essential that you do not force your breathing and that you breathe steadily. It is also important that you do not perform series that exceed 10 or 15 repetitions; because you could overload some muscles.

If you are wondering what the parts of the warm-up are, we present a very practiced general warm-up scheme :

  1. Dedicate 5-8 minutes to mobility or cardiovascular exercises that increase your heart rate and therefore your pulse rate: easy runs or in place, jumping jacks, zig-zag runs, lateral runs (moving from right to left). left every two or three steps), jog bringing the knees closer to the chest or, jump rope gently.
  2. Perform five to seven stretching exercises in order to achieve greater flexibility in the muscles. Keep in mind that if you’re stretching during a general-type warm-up, you should avoid stretching that requires you to lie down or sit on the floor. Remember that the objective of the warm-up is to raise your heart rate and in a resting position you will achieve the opposite effect.
  3. Return to a table of warm-up exercises that increase your cardiovascular capacity, for an approximate time of 10 to 15 minutes. Abdominals, lower back, knee exercises, races, heel and/or knee lifts, high strides, etc. are the most common exercises in this phase.

Cardio warm-up

The cardiovascular warm-up is a fundamental part of all types of warm-ups in physical education. The objective of this is to start working the muscles so that there is an increase in body temperature, something essential to avoid injuries and to activate our entire body physically and mentally.

Thus, when we refer to cardiovascular warm-up, we are not referring to another type of physical education warm-up, but to an essential part of all warm-ups that are carried out before playing sports. If you need more information about different cardio exercises to do at home

Specific heating

We advance in the types of warm-up in physical education with the specific warm-up, which must be done next and as a complement to the general warm-up. If you want your warm-up table to be effective, you should not skip or skip any of the mentioned warm-ups.

The objectives of the specific warm-up consist of working those muscles and joints of the body that you will use during the sports activity. For this type of cardiovascular warm-up, you will perform at low intensity the exercises that you will later do with full intensity; In other words, if you are going to play a football match, during the specific warm-up session you will mainly use your legs, performing moderate exercises with your legs and with the ball.

On the other hand, if the sport discipline you are about to practice requires other muscles in your body to come into action, you will warm up with exercises that help activate and warm up those muscles. For example: a basketball player will dedicate part of this warm-up to exercising, in addition to his legs, his arms shooting baskets and series that include movement and use of the ball.

An important benefit of specific warm-ups is that in addition to cardiovascular progression and injury prevention, it is one of the types of warm-ups in physical education that works best and enhances hand-eye coordination.

Dynamic heating

The objectives of the dynamic warm-up include working on strength, breath control, flexibility, balance, reflexes, coordination and other psychomotor factors. During the realization of this type of warm-up, both the physical and psychological skills of each person are put into practice.

Also, all parts of the warm-up are performed at a medium-level intensity; somewhat higher than that of an initial warm-up but much less than that used during the sporting activity itself.

Of all the types of warm-up in physical education, the dynamic warm-up is the one most often used by professionals in the world of sports, since they are tables that are made by personal trainers who seek to work on a series of skills and aptitudes in athletes. The dynamic warm-up, like the rest of the warm-ups, is done gradually.

Normally it will be your personal trainer who designs and decides the most suitable warm-up exercises for you, but some of the sequences that are usually included in a dynamic warm-up session are, for example:

  • Jog and rotate arms forward and backward
  • Raise your knees without stopping jogging
  • roll up your heels
  • Stretch your arms (one forward and one back)
  • Open and close arms
  • Move laterally with one leg and the other
  • Move on the balls of your feet

As we can see, it is also a cardiovascular warm-up, since these exercises are intended to raise body temperature. In the following article, we propose a cardio routine for beginners in the gym

Preventive heating

We finish the types of warm-up in physical education with the preventive warm-up. The objectives of preventive warm-up are to rehabilitate or recover a muscle or joint after a sports injury. Given the reason for which this type of warm-up is used, the exercises included are of a gentle nature and of very low intensity.

To achieve the best result, preventive heating is usually combined with local massage and local heat application. Preventive warm-up should always be carried out under the supervision of a professional in the sports and physiotherapy field. An incorrect practice in this regard can lead to a worsening of your injury or even that you suffer a new one.

we care about your health and physical well-being. That is why, whatever your sports goals may be, it is important that you always put yourself in the hands of a personal trainer or a professional from the world of physical education. They will advise you better than anyone and help you design the most suitable warm-up exercise tables for your constitution and resistance.

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