How to run well

Although it seems easy, running is a complicated exercise to perform and you must do it with a series of care and basic premises to protect your body from any injury or illness. If you go running several times a week, it is important that you have some basic notions about injury prevention, body posture, breath control and the way you step, all these elements will help you improve your way of running. running and, furthermore, not to put your physical health at risk. In this article, we are going to give you some tips that will help you learn how to run well and thus make the most of the benefits of this healthy sport. Follow Global Triathlon Network to know How To Run Properly | Running Technique Explained

Steps to follow:

1. To be able to run well, it is essential that you warm up before starting to do this sport. Why? Because if you start exercising cold, with cold muscles, you may have a higher risk of injury since your body was not prepared for that demand for strength and wear. For this reason, doing a warm-up session that lasts about 5 minutes is of vital importance so that the exercise is carried out in a context of safety and health. What to eat before running

In this case, we must warm up the parts of the body that are most involved in the exercise and, therefore, are at greater risk of injury:

  • Feet and ankles: they are the part that cushions the tread and the one that will work the most during the duration of your outing, so a good exercise for them is to bend one leg, turn the foot to the left and right, up and down, and then, switch feet to do the same movement.
  • Knees: it is also an area of ​​the body that can be damaged if the exercise is not carried out correctly and if we do not warm up beforehand. You will have to bend both legs and go down, as far as you can, then go up and back down. You should do a series of 15 repetitions.
  • Hips: by uniting the trunk with the legs, this part of the body also receives the impact of the race, so we must warm up a bit to avoid injury. To do this, all we have to do is place our hands on our waist and make circles moving our hips and keeping our trunk upright.
How to run well - Step 1
2. In order to run well, it is also important that we know how to control our breathing because it will be what will allow us to have more resistance and prevent us from drowning during the race. In general terms, it should be noted that the ideal is that we inhale air through the nose and release it through the mouth because, in this way, we can endure more time exercising without feeling short of breath.
But, it is true that as time goes by and you are more fatigued, you can end up taking in air through your mouth as well; do not get overwhelmed with this issue because the only thing you should try to do is cover the area well in winter to avoid catching colds.

The position of your body is also very important because the diaphragm (which is under the lungs) is the part that pumps the air and, therefore, to improve its functioning it is important that it is not pressed, so you should try to run with Keep your back straight, avoiding bending it so that it does not press on the area.

Breathing should be abdominal, not chest, that is, ensure that the part of the body that inflates when we take in air is the belly and not the part of the chest. With this, deeper and longer breaths are achieved, allowing oxygen to reach the entire body better and, therefore, making each inhalation be used to the maximum. We will tire less and we will be able to last longer running.

we tell you in detail how to breathe while running so that you learn the exact technique.

How to run well - Step 2
3. The stride is also an aspect to take into account in order to run better. When we talk about “stride” we refer to the step we take when we run, to the opening of the legs and that allows us to take fewer steps to cover a specific distance. But having a bigger stride is not synonymous with going faster, but simply getting less tired because you can do the same route with fewer steps.

If you are a beginner in the world of running, it is recommended that you start with a short stride to avoid injury or sprain in your foot, but over time, it is recommended that you widen your strides to achieve greater resistance and less physical wear. . In any case, if what you are looking for is to lose weight, it is better that you do short strides because that way you accelerate your heart rate and enhance aerobic work.

The long ones allow you to carry out races or to be able to participate in different sports competitions for which you need to endure, complete a few kilometers and do it quickly, without getting tired or putting yourself in danger. But to be able to do it, it is important that you train firmly and progressively improve your technique, only in this way can you avoid muscle overload and/or injuries.

How to run well - Step 3
4. But how should you step on it to avoid hurting yourself? Supporting your foot correctly and giving yourself the impulse to be able to move forward are aspects that you must also take into account in order to run well. To give yourself the impulse, you must support the front part of the foot, avoiding that only the fingers are the propulsive agents of the impact because, if so, you can injure yourself and load this area, causing discomfort and pain to appear.

When you fall, you should avoid letting all the weight fall only on the heel area, as it can also be overloaded and hurt; the best thing is that you land with the front part of the foot and, therefore, that the exercise is performed, all the time, with the front part of the foot, from the bridge to the toes.

When you do the stride you should not raise your foot too much from the ground either, because the impact on your joints will be greater, it is best that you rise a little from the ground, just the right distance to be able to move forward without damaging yourself.

How to run well - Step 4
5. The posture of the body is also another aspect to take into account to be able to perform the exercise correctly without running the risk of injuring or damaging any part of the body. You will have to keep your back straight with your head slightly raised, pointing your chin a little upwards;
This pose will allow a correct entry of air into the body.

The arms are the ones that will allow you to maintain your balance when you run and, therefore, you must be semi-bent and separated from the body. Your hands should be open and relaxed because if you have them closed you will be spending more energy in a totally unnecessary way.

When you start to get tired you will notice that your body will tend to bend and stoop but you should avoid this at all costs because you can overload your kidneys and back, as well as not allow good breathing.

How to run well - Step 5
6. To run well, it is also important that you keep your heart rate under control because, in this way, you will be able to assess the demand to which you are subjecting your body. For an accurate result, the most recommended thing is that you get a heart rate monitor as it will give you your vital signs exactly. How to start running to lose weight

If you don’t have this device, you can check your pulse by placing your finger on your wrist and pressing lightly for 15 seconds while counting your heartbeat. You will have to multiply the result you get by 4 and thus you will be able to know how many beats you have per minute.

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