4 Ways to Do Lucid Dreams, Also Recognize the Risks

How to get lucid dreams can start by keeping a journal to reality testing. However, lucid dreams are also at risk of causing nightmares.

Table of Content

1. How to get lucid dreams
2. Is there a risk?

Usually when one is dreaming, one does not realize it. However, it is different from a lucid dream which is dreaming consciously, even being able to control the storyline. There are many ways to do lucid dreaming, from trying the stages of REM sleep to keeping a journal.

But apart from the benefits for mental health, pay attention to the side effects of lucid dreams. There may be a long-term risk of experiencing sleep problems to depression.

How to get lucid dreams

Just like other dreams, the lucid dream phase most often occurs when you are in the rapid eye movement or REM sleep stage. The main characteristic of this dream is that even if something strange happens in the dream, it feels so real. According to Explore Lucid Dreaming How To Lucid Dream Tonight.

In fact, people who are dreaming know that what they are experiencing is not reality. They can be in control of what happens. The emotions felt were so intense.

Then, is there a strategy on how to get a lucid dream?

1. Increase REM phase

Given that lucid dreams occur in the REM phase, it is important to improve sleep quality as much as possible so that you can be in this stage. In the REM phase, the eyes will move more quickly, muscles throughout the body will not move, and the tendency to dream bigger.

To be able to experience this phase, optimize sleep hygiene by sleeping regularly, avoiding access to electronic devices before bed, not eating too much, avoiding caffeine consumption before bed, and making the bedroom atmosphere as comfortable as possible.

2. Keep a journal

In addition, some people also admit that the way to do lucid dreams is to record their sleep cycles every day. Keep a journal or dream diary so you are more likely to experience it. This way, you can also become more aware of these experiences as they occur.

3. Mnemonic induction of lucid dreams

Also known as MILD, this technique involves convincing yourself that you are going to dream and are aware of the dream. This technique relies on prospective memory mechanisms or the ability to recall future events. Indirectly, this also activates the lucid dream situation.

The MILD technique is most effective when a person is awake in the middle of the night for about 30-120 minutes, before falling back asleep. That is, this method is deliberately done by interrupting a person’s sleep duration.

4. Reality testing

Reality testing activities are carried out when you wake up and fall asleep to find out whether you are dreaming or not. The shape can be anything. For example, by pressing your finger against a wall to find out if you are dreaming. If you don’t dream, of course your finger will stop when you hit the wall.

But it is different when dreaming. Your finger could go right through the wall. Getting used to doing reality testing while you are awake will get you used to applying it while you are sleeping.

Is there a risk?

Many deliberately do lucid dreaming because the world around them will feel so fantastic. The sensory and emotional experience is extraordinary. There are also many benefits ranging from increasing creativity, less nightmares, to reducing excessive anxiety.

But on the other hand, there is some evidence that lucid dreams have a negative side. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Bad impact on mental health

It’s possible, there is a negative connection between lucid dreams with a person’s mental state. In a 2018 study, people who experienced intense lucid dreams also experienced symptoms of mental disorders.

In addition, the techniques used to stimulate the occurrence of real dreams are also risky in the long run. Starting from causing sleep disturbances, and depression, to dissociative identity disorders.

  • Disturbed sleep

Given that this one dream can feel real and emotional, it has the potential to disrupt your sleep. In fact, some methods to provoke lucid dreams such as the MILD technique are deliberately done by interrupting sleep.

In more detail, how to get this kind of lucid dream can reduce the duration and quality of sleep. If it occurs continuously, this poor sleep quality can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health.

  • Vulnerable to having nightmares

Like two sides of a coin, there is also the possibility that someone is more prone to having nightmares when in the lucid dreaming phase. Moreover, the emotions felt in this dream were intense. His dream felt so real.

  • Influence on Personality

In a study from the University of Wales Swansea in England, the characteristic of people who can dream lucidly is to have a fairly high control center. When judged on the cognitive and creativity aspects, the score was even higher. In addition, there is also a connection between this real dream and one’s openness to new experiences.

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