4 Habits That Can Cause Retinal Ablation

Retinal ablation or the detachment of the nerve layer of the eyeball can cause sudden blindness. What kind of daily habits can trigger this health problem?

Some say the eyes are the window to the world. This is because through it you can see things. However, did you know that the sense of sight is one of the important sensitive organs of the body. If the health is not taken care of, the eye can be affected by a number of disorders, such as irritation, retinal detachment, and even blindness.

So that your vision is not disturbed, make sure to take care of and treat your eye health. Don’t forget to know a number of disorders and their causes. For example, you should know habits that can trigger retinal ablation.

What Is Retinal Ablation?

It is clear from the name, retinal ablation is indeed a health disorder that attacks the human retina. The retina is the innermost layer of the eyeball consisting of rod and cylinder cells. This part is more sensitive to light and plays a role in detecting shapes, colors, and patterns.

In the retina, there are optic nerve fibers that will continue to the brain for the vision process. The retina is supported by a viscous fluid in the form of a gel called the vitreous fluid. This fluid fills the eyeball and gives the eyeball its round shape.

Retinal ablation itself is a condition when the retina detaches from its place. This will cause a sudden decrease in vision. If not dealt with quickly, blindness can occur. Surgery is the only way to treat retinal detachment.

Causes of Retinal Ablation Can Happen

Knowing that there is a part out of place, definitely makes you feel uncomfortable and ask questions. How could such a thing happen? You need to know. Retinal ablation can be caused by three things, namely the following.

  • Having a Tear or Hole in the Retina

This condition is most often found. The formation of holes in the retina occurs due to the aging process. As you get older, the contents of the eyeball in the form of gel (vitreous fluid) will increasingly melt and shrink.

When the vitreous fluid shrinks, the retinal layer can be pulled along and the vitreous fluid can pass through the hole in the retina. This causes detachment of the retinal layer.

  • Formed Scar Network (Tractional)

In this type, detachment of the retina occurs when scar tissue forms on its surface. This network causes the part of the eye to be attracted until it comes off. This is often found in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

  • There is Fluid (Exudative)

For this type, there is fluid that collects under the retina. This condition is often caused by a heavy impact on the eye, tumor, and inflammation in the eye such as uveitis.

Factors That Cause Retinal Ablation That Should Be Avoided

Now, you already know some of the causes of retinal ablation. However, there are a number of factors that trigger vision disorders to occur. Here are some of them.

  • Aging age. Retinal ablation is generally found in people over 50 years old.
  • History of retinal ablation in the other eye.
  • Family history of retinal detachment.
  • Severe myopia ( farsightedness with glasses measuring more than minus 6).
  • History of eye surgery (cataract surgery).
  • History of serious injury to the eye due to impact.
  • History of other eye diseases such as retinoschisis, uveitis, or thinning of the edge of the retina (lattice degeneration).

Symptoms of Retinal Ablation

According to the Mayo Clinic, retinal ablation patients will experience several symptoms that can be felt from their vision, which are as follows.

  • Seeing threads or black dots flying (floaters) suddenly or more than before.
  • Glare is like seeing flashes of lights.
  • Seeing a black shadow like a curtain at the edge of the field of view.
  • Sudden blurred vision.

However, you may experience the above symptoms even if you do not suffer from retinal ablation. The only way to know is to do an eye doctor’s examination.

The examination is done by giving medicine drops to dilate the pupil of the eye, then looking at the retina with a special tool in the form of an ophthalmoscope. Eye ultrasound is also sometimes done to get a clearer picture of the retina.

Retinal ablation can cause permanent blindness if not treated quickly. Ideally, immediately check with an eye doctor in the first 24 hours you experience the above symptoms.

The only treatment is with surgery. The result of the operation depends on several things, namely the location of the detached retina, how large the part of the detached retina is, how long it takes for retinal detachment to occur, and whether there is a history of other diseases such as diabetes mellitus.

Habits That Potentially Trigger Retinal Ablation

Retinal ablation is certainly not something that can be taken lightly. These eye disorders can occur from various bad habits that you may often do. Here are the habits that can trigger retinal detachment:

  • Reading in Dark Places

The habit of reading text in the dark can trigger excessive accommodation in the lens. So, it can trigger the occurrence of myopia (farsightedness). Severe myopia can trigger retinal detachment.

  • Using Gadgets for Too Long

Electronic devices in the form of mobile phones, computers, or tablets can emit blue light that can be harmful to vision and trigger a decrease in vision, namely myopia. Increasing myopia increases the risk of retinal detachment.

  • Activities Involving Collisions in the Eyes

Some physical or athletic activities such as boxing and other martial arts are quite risky for eye health. A collision or direct blow to the eyeball area can cause retinal detachment. Ideally, use appropriate eye protection when doing activities like this.

  • Diabetic patients who do not regularly take medicine

Diabetes mellitus can be one of the risk factors for retinal detachment. Routine check-ups with the doctor, regulating diet, and taking the medication regularly are very important to prevent eye complications.

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