What are the symptoms and treatment for Strep A fever?

Strep A infection in Kids

After Coronavirus and Monkeypox virus, another infectious disease is spreading rapidly in the world. These days, strep A infection is spreading rapidly throughout Britain. In view of the increasing cases of Strep A infection spreading among small children, the British government has issued an alert for parents and health department officials.

The World Health Organization has also expressed concern in view of the increasing cases of Strep A infection in British children. After this infection spreading among children, health experts are worried that if it spreads all over the world, it can cause more devastation than Corona. Let us know about this disease in detail.

What is strep A infection?

According to the news of DailyMail, Strep A is caused by infection with Streptococcus A bacteria. This disease usually infects the throat and skin of the child during the winter season. In some cases of strep A infection, it turns into a fever. It has also been said in the reports that if the bacteria of Strep A infection reaches the blood, it can cause serious illness and can be fatal. In the alert issued by the British Health Security Agency, it has been said that if the child has a sore throat, headache, fever or skin rash, then parents should immediately contact a doctor or the nearest hospital.

What are the symptoms of strep A infection?

When strep A infection occurs, the following symptoms are seen in children:

  • sore throat
  • skin rash
  • high fever
  • swollen cheeks
  • muscle pain
  • feeling tired all the time
  • ear infection
  • Symptoms like wounds appear on the skin.

The British Health Security Agency says that symptoms of strep A infection in children can appear for up to a week. In some cases, these symptoms are not even visible. Red rashes start appearing on the body within 12 to 48 hours of infection.

What is the treatment for strep A fever?

If symptoms of strep A infection appear in a child for a week, a doctor should be contacted immediately. In some cases, if the patient has a persistent sore throat and the symptoms do not improve for a week, then a doctor should be contacted.

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