What are the benefits of yoga

Yoga is a discipline that is gaining more and more followers, and in addition to helping to keep the body in shape, it allows you to find emotional and mental stability by becoming aware of the union that exists between body, mind, and spirit. Its practice is thousands of years old and its success really lies in all the benefits for physical and mental health that the different yoga postures report. If you also want to join this revolutionary form of exercise, take note of the benefits of yoga and start practicing it now.

Steps to follow:

1. There are many physical benefits of yoga and among the most outstanding we find the strength of each part of the body, especially improving the tone of the muscles and the resistance of the bones. On the one hand, practicing the different yoga postures (asanas) strengthens and increases the flexibility of all the muscles of the body, as well as the tissues that surround them (ligaments, tendons and fascia), resulting in a great improvement of the system locomotor and body posture in general.
What are the benefits of yoga - Step 1
2. On the other hand, the movements that are made when practicing this discipline strengthen the bones and increase bone density. This is excellent for the long-term prevention of diseases that compromise the good health of the bone system, such as osteoporosis or bone degeneration. In addition, all the joints are activated, which helps prevent degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis and the appearance of joint pain.
What are the benefits of yoga - Step 2
3. Another of the great benefits of yoga is that it favors the oxygenation of the cells and stimulates the blood circulation of the internal organs, thus improving the circulatory system in general. There are certain positions such as the inverted ones and the most energetic ones that allow the blood from the hips and legs to flow properly towards the heart, and this is why yoga is considered an ideal discipline to protect the heart, slow down the frequency heart disease and prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke.
What are the benefits of yoga - Step 3
4. The respiratory function also benefits from the practice of yoga, and the teaching of breathing is one of its strengths. It focuses on proper breathing through the nose, improving lung capacity by inhaling as much air as possible and exhaling correctly; This manages to filter the air, heat it and humidify it, ideal for removing dirt and all those harmful substances that can penetrate the lungs.
What are the benefits of yoga - Step 4
5. When you are looking for an activity to lose weight, you probably do not think of yoga, but you should know that, although the caloric expenditure is not as high as when practicing other exercises, it has been shown that those who practice it lose weight more quickly and They get it in a completely healthy way. This is mainly because, in addition to burning calories, the reduction of stress, anxiety and tension – which in many cases are the main causes of eating more – lead you to modify your eating habits and reduce the amount of food you usually eat.
What are the benefits of yoga - Step 5
6. In addition to all these benefits of yoga for your physical well-being, the other important part of this discipline is all the mental benefits that it brings immediately. They stand out among them:
  • Stimulate relaxation and tranquility being ideal to combat stress, anxiety, depression and the accumulation of tensions.
  • Improve concentration by practicing the different positions, which requires good memory and attention.
  • Achieving inner peace, because it calms the mind and the premise of the inner self allows you to achieve a permanent state of peace and tranquility with yourself.
  • Strengthen self-esteem.
  • Promote happiness, because yoga favors the release of endorphins, which are those substances that are produced naturally by the brain and that generate a great feeling of well-being and pleasure.
  • Feel fresh, revitalized and renewed after practicing a yoga session, which also favors sleep and rest.

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