Benefits of Warrior 1 Pose in Yoga

Warrior 1 posture is one of the most practiced in yoga sessions. It is a very basic asana that is also perfect for people who are just starting out in this ancient practice to try and that, in addition, contains a large number of benefits such as, for example, it helps to tone our muscles, improve lung capacity and achieve a state of relaxation and tranquility. In this article, we are going to discover all the benefits of the warrior 1 posture in yoga so that you understand why it is such an interesting asana to learn to practice correctly.

Table Of Content

1. Main benefits of Virabhadrasana I
2. How to correctly do the warrior pose in yoga
3. Warrior Pose Contraindications
4. The muscles that the warrior posture works

Main benefits of Virabhadrasana I

There are many benefits of the warrior posture in yoga since, thanks to the position to which we put our body, we manage to tone certain muscles and, in addition, we also strengthen parts such as the back and cervicals by completely stretching the body. Next, we are going to discover the main benefits that this yoga posture brings us so that you understand why it is usually included in most sessions. Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose) Benefits, How to Do by Yogi Ritesh- Siddhi Yoga

In general, it should be noted that the warrior posture manages to improve the flexibility of the thighs, strengthens the spine and reduces the stiffness of the shoulders, as well as the tension accumulated in the cervical area. The muscles open up and therefore the function of the lungs improves making the breaths deeper.

But let’s discover in a concrete way what are the benefits of the warrior posture :

  • Strengthens the muscles of the ankles, thighs and calves
  • It manages to tone areas such as the ankles and knees
  • Improves shoulder mobility
  • It manages to improve the balance of the body (although, in general, this is achieved by most of the asanas)
  • We deeply stretch the upper part of the body
  • Get correct posture because you have to keep your back straight at all times
  • It improves the coordination of our body because we have to concentrate so that our muscles work in harmony and we can maintain the posture
  • It helps us to concentrate better by having to be focused on not losing balance and on fully stretching the body
  • Due to the above reason, the warrior posture in yoga is also ideal to help us deal with stress and relax more easily.

Let’s not forget that most yoga postures focus on stretching the body, toning the muscles and helping us connect with our interior. Therefore, relaxation and concentration are two essential benefits that you will achieve with any other asana that you practice.

How to correctly do the warrior pose in yoga

Now that you know the benefits of the warrior posture in yoga, we are going to discover exactly how you have to do it in order to enjoy all the benefits it can bring to your body. Keep in mind that yoga, if practiced well, can be very beneficial for us, but if practiced poorly, it can damage our joints and muscles.

So, to do the Virabhadrasana I posture well, you have to follow these steps:

  1. We have to start standing barefoot on the mat. Feet together and firmly on the ground and body straight with relaxed shoulders. This is known as the mountain pose and is where many of the asanas in yoga come from.
  2. Now take a deep breath and separate your arms from your body by raising them to your side. You will have to take a step forward with your right leg simultaneously, your feet will have to be approximately 1 meter apart.
  3. Raise your arms to the sky keeping them by your head. She bends her right knee and stretches her left leg in addition.
  4. Now you will have to join the palms of your hands above your head and, in this position, begin to feel how your muscles stretch. Keep your back straight at all times.
  5. If you feel comfortable with the posture, you can raise your head with your gaze towards the ceiling so that your cervicals are also stretched. In the event that you feel any discomfort, leave your head facing forward.
  6. Hold the pose for 1 minute with relaxing music in the background and deep breathing.

In yoga, it is important that we listen to our body and that we never force it. It is a progressive bodywork that improves flexibility, posture and balance, therefore, overnight you will not be able to become a “yogi”, you need dedication to progress.

Warrior Pose Contraindications

Although it is a very beneficial posture, you have to bear in mind that there are a series of contraindications that you should be aware of, as it is not recommended for anyone:

  • Cardiovascular problems: people who suffer from this condition should not perform this position because they could feel breathing difficulties that would prevent the proper functioning of the body
  • Pregnant: Women who are pregnant have to be careful when doing this posture because the position of the body could cause abdominal pain. In addition, with the weight gain that is achieved with pregnancy, joints such as the knees have to make an extra effort, something that can end up wearing them out.

In any case, it is recommended that you consult an expert if you have any specific health condition.

The muscles that the warrior posture works

Many people start practicing yoga in order to improve their physical condition while enjoying a relaxing and meditative practice. This discipline from India activates muscle work, allowing us to sculpt our silhouette and burn accumulated fat.

Thus, another of the benefits of the warrior 1 posture in yoga is that it helps us work certain muscle groups in our body, improving our physique. The muscles we work are the following:

  • ABS
  • back muscles
  • triceps
  • neck muscle
  • Deltoid
  • Buttocks
  • Quadriceps
  • Abductors
  • Twins
  • hamstrings
  • Biceps

However, we do not have to conceive of yoga as a fitness activity because the results that are achieved are very progressive. Also, remember that it is a type of exercise that focuses on the connection with your interior and that, incidentally, works the muscles of the body but will not help you burn too many calories.

If you are overweight, it will be important that, in addition to yoga, you practice cardiovascular exercise that will help you burn excess calories and, therefore, burn fat. In this other article, we will tell you if yoga is good for losing weight.

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