what are adaptations and adaptation for animals, Types, Examples

What Are Adaptations And Adaptations For Animals

Behavioral adaptation is an activity or behavior of an animal that adapts to environmental conditions to help it survive. Behavioral adaptation can be a result of learning or instinct/instinct from birth.

Behavioral Adaptation Goals

The following are the objectives of Behavioral Adaptation, as follows:

1. To protect themselves from predators.
2. To survive the evolution of climate or evolution in physiological processes.
3. To find food.
4. To make life easier
5. Adapt to the environment where he lives

Types of Behavioral Adaptations

Behavioral adaptation has 2 types of behavior, namely as follows.

1. Social behavior, for animals that live in groups.
2. Behavior for protection.

Examples of Behavioral Adaptation

The following are examples of behavioral adaptations in animals and plants, as follows:

1. Examples of Behavioral Adaptations in Animals

1. Chameleon


Chameleons have the ability to adapt with unique techniques. Chameleons will process the color of their skin according to the place they live in. The chameleon’s ability to process skin color is called mimicry.

Chameleons use skin color to disguise themselves, making them difficult to see by predators.

2. Termites

Termites that have just hatched from their eggs, will lick the mother’s anus to get flagellate enzymes.


Such behavior allows flagellates to enter the digestive tract of the young termites.

Flagellates are needed by termites to understand wood, because flagellates can produce cellulase enzymes.

3. Lizard

Lizards will make behavioral adaptations by cutting their tails or known as autotomy.

This autotomy is performed by a lizard with a destination to attack other fauna that will attack it.


Thus, the attention of predators who will attack is diverted to the tail of the lizard that moves, so that the lizard can freely escape. After a while, the tail of the lizard that was severed will grow back.

4. Buffalo

When the weather is hot, the buffalo will dig into puddles or watery places to bathe. This form of adaptation carried out by the buffalo aims to minimize the influence of heat (heat) in its body.


Buffaloes have dark skin on all surfaces of their bodies, so they absorb heat quickly. One way to minimize heat on the buffalo’s body is to soak in a watery or muddy location.

5. Squid

Squid have adaptation skills by spraying their ink and swimming away when in danger.


The squid sprays ink to distract its enemy, so the enemy cannot know the existence of the squid, because the environment around it is dark.

6. Hippopotamus

Almost the same as buffaloes, hippos also adapt by digging rivers or ponds for soaking. The habit of soaking the hippopotamus is practiced for almost half a day.


Hippos have thin skin and are sensitive to the sting of the sun, so this fauna will struggle to protect themselves from the heat of the sun with the technique of soaking in water from morning to evening.

7. Birds

The form of behavioral adaptation of birds is migration. Birds will often migrate in groups to explore new suitable places for them to live.


This migration is also carried out by birds to avoid cold temperatures in their habitat or to explore new food sources.

Once migrated, birds can cover distances of up to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers with a travel period of about two months.

8. Millipede

The millipede (luwing) will roll its body to form a circle to do self-protection.


This form of behavior is performed by a thousand feet when the fauna feels threatened. The back of a thousand-foot hard body would be a shield if attacked by its predators.

9 Dolphins

Mammals that live in the sea, for example dolphins, will make adaptations by frequently coming to the surface of the water.


This form of adaptation is carried out by dolphins with the aim of picking up oxygen in the air, because the dolphin’s breathing apparatus is the lungs so it cannot bind oxygen dissolved in water.

2. Examples of Behavioral Adaptations in Plants

1. Teak tree

Adaptation of behavior carried out by teak trees is to shed, which is to drop leaves during the dry season.

Teak tree

The dry season is characterized by a high rate of water evaporation, to the point that by dropping the dry leaves, the withered leaves will cover the soil and minimize the evaporation of water that occurs in the soil.

2. Shy Princess

The form of adaptation carried out by the embarrassed princess plant is quite unique, which is to close the leaves when touched. The movement of the shy daughter’s leaves when touched is called seismonastic.

Shy Princess

The adaptation carried out by the shy princess is aimed at tricking the predatory fauna that will eat it, because the fauna will think that the leaves of the shy princess will immediately wither.

3. Flowers at Four

The dude at four o’clock will work on behavioral adaptations when the sun is out or in the morning. When the sun comes out, the four o’clock flower will look withered and bloom back in the evening.

Flowers at Four

Factors that influence the adaptation of this four o’clock flower are the intensity of the surrounding temperature and sunlight.

4. Corn

When the dry season or hot weather, corn will adapt to the technique of rolling its leaves.


This is done by the leaves with the aim of minimizing the evaporation of water that increases when hot weather arrives.

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