Squats have become the ideal exercise for any workout, as they allow you to strengthen your legs and buttocks, but also your abdomen and arms if they are done with some weight.
But those are not the only benefits of squats, as they also help prevent injuries, reduce back pain and help burn fat quickly. Of course, to extract all the benefits of this classic exercise, it is essential that you do not remain in the most basic movement and that you learn all the types of squats that exist and what are the functions of each one of them.
Table Of Content
1. classic squat
2. Sumo Squat
3. High bar squats
4. goblet squats
5. Front squat or front squat
6. Vertical jump squat
7. sissy squat
8. Single leg pistol squat
9. Overhead squat
10. Bulgarian squat
11. Jefferson Squat
12. Zercher Squat
13. Anderson Squat
14. tension squat
15. Squat with pump
Classic Squat
If you want to learn how to squat well, it is essential that you start by practicing the classic squat. Wondering what classic squats are for? With this movement you will not only burn fat and gain resistance and balance, but you will also be able to strengthen your quadriceps, your glutes and activate the hamstrings, calves, adductors and long fibular muscles. To do the classic squat do this step-by-step:
- Standing, spread your legs until they are shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your knees slightly and push your butt back as far as you can.
- Take a deep breath, contract your abdomen and raise your arms forward to help your balance.
- Begin to go down as if you wanted to sit on an invisible chair, maintaining verticality. Pause and go back up. This movement can be at medium or low speed so that the muscles feel more of the work done.
- To start this routine, we suggest you perform four sets of 10 repetitions each in the first week.
Increase the series and repetitions as you gain resistance, and if you want to learn how to do squats correctly at home, in this other OneHOWTO article we show you a more detailed step-by-step.
Sumo Squat
There are many benefits of sumo squats since it is an exercise that, if performed with dumbbells or weights, can help you work both the upper body and the lower body. They are more intense squats than the previous ones, so we recommend doing them when you have mastered the classic squats. Take note!
- Standing, open your legs as much as you can, until they exceed the width of your shoulders. This separation should be about 70-80 cm depending on the size of the person.
- Put your feet pointing outwards, forming a 45-degree angle in relation to your torso.
- If you have weights or dumbbells, now is the time to take them with both hands, so that they are completely off the hook. If you don’t have these instruments, keep your arms straight in front of your body.
- Proceed to lower slowly, vertically, until the hip is slightly above the knee. You should not go down to the height of the knee and much less below it, since you can get injured.
- When you are down, hold the position for a few seconds, making force with the abdomen, and slowly go back up.
Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions each during the first week. As you gain strength and stamina, increase these numbers.
High Bar Squats
Among the most common types of squats, we find the high bar squats, an exercise that is performed with a bar on which discs of appropriate weight to the body of each individual are placed. According To Bar Bend High-Bar Vs Low-Bar Squats — They’re NOT That Different
- If you are wondering how to do high bar squats well, you should know that it is important to always look for the alignment of the axes. That is, the knees always have to be aligned with the tips of the feet.
- Start with the bar at the height of your traps, holding it with both hands in a way that feels comfortable.
- Remember never to rest the bar on the cervicals.
- Bend your knees and begin to lower the bar onto your traps.
- Wait a few seconds, and return to the starting position, always with slow and well-controlled movements.
The contraction of the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings will allow you to tone your legs and glutes in record time. In addition, in this other article we offer you 14 Exercises for legs and buttocks at home.
Goblet Squats
Goblet squats, also called deep squats, are one of the best types of squats you’ll find, as they’re perfect for building maximum leg strength and working your glutes like never before. It is ideal to do this type of squat with some weight, since this way you can work your whole body in a simple movement… we teach you how to do goblet squats well.
- Standing, open your legs to the width of your shoulders.
- If you have, grab a kettlebell or dumbbells that allow you to use both arms.
- Place the weight at the height of your chest, that is, bending your arms.
- Lower yourself gently with your back completely straight until you reach a squat position, that is, with your hips below your knees.
- Pause briefly in this position and begin to push your body up with your legs and buttocks, without pushing yourself, until you are fully standing.
- Repeat this process for four sets of 10 reps each. After a few days, you can increase the amount.
Front Squat or Front Squat
If you want to know what the front squats are for, you should keep in mind that this exercise activates the spinal erector muscles, the pyramidal muscle, the core area, the quadriceps and the multifidus, so it is a very complete option. that can only be done with a bar. It also helps improve body load distribution, improving lower body mobility. If you’re wondering how to do front squats right, follow these steps: According To CrossFit® The Front Squat
- In front of the bar, take the starting position: keep your shoulders down, chest up, and pelvis neutral.
- Get under the bar and take it with both hands, in such a way that your shoulders are under it. The hands should face outwards and touch your shoulders.
- Before raising the bar, take a deep breath without expelling it.
- Unhook the bar from the rack, take about two steps back, and then exhale.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. You can leave the feet slightly pointing out.
- Breathe in air again, completely filling your lungs.
- Lower down until you are in a squat position. In this position, the knees should exceed the tips of the feet.
- Return to a standing position, exhaling as you come up. The force of going up should be done in the heels and leg muscles, as well as in the abdomen.
Vertical Jump Squat
One of the best types of squats that exist is this, as it is easier to perform than those that require weight and helps strengthen the quadriceps, hip and knee flexor muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and biceps femoris and the twins. According To Candito Training HQ, Jump Squats to Increase Vertical Leap: 315 lbs Jump Squat!
- Assume the classic squat position.
- Slow down at whatever speed feels most comfortable to you until you’re in a deep squat.
- Reach your hands back and push through the heels of your feet into a vertical jump. As you jump, bring your hands up.
- As you land, land on the balls of your feet and bend your knees again to reduce the impact.
Initially, you should repeat this type of squat for three sets of five repetitions each , as it is one of the most tiring exercises out there. As your body adjusts to the exercise, you’ll be able to increase your repetitions.
Sissy Squat

It is one of the most suitable types of squats if you want to strengthen your legs quickly. Do you want to know what Sissy splints are exactly for? With this exercise, you will improve your balance, increase core strength and, above all, increase the size of your legs in no time. According To VAHVA Fitness SISSY SQUAT | The Best Bodyweight Exercise for Quads
The best thing if you want to learn how to do sissy squats well is to get a special bench for this exercise, however, at OneHOWTO we show you a variation so you can do them at home comfortably.
- If you’re at the gym or have a Sissy Squat at home, place your feet under the handles.
- Stand tall and, with your hands in front of you, slowly lower yourself down.
- Stop when you feel the support under your legs and stay in a sitting position for a couple of seconds.
- Then go back up little by little.
- If you want to know how to do this exercise at home, start standing up and hold on to a wall, table or chair that provides you with balance.
- Bend your knees forward, so that you are supported on the tips of your toes and that your shoulders are aligned with your heels.
- Your back should be diagonal. Go back to the starting position.
Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds and rest for another 10 seconds before repeating the exercise a couple of times.
Single-Leg Pistol Squat
This type of squat is a variation of the air squat that will improve your balance, flexibility, strength, and coordination. The pistol squat, however, also helps you develop your hip and gluteal muscles, as it is an intense exercise that can strengthen all the muscles in both your lower body and core.
- Stand up straight and extend both arms forward with your hands open for balance.
- Raise one of your feet slightly.
- In this balanced position, lower yourself into a crouched position with your foot off the ground as far forward as you can go.
- Return to the starting position, pressing down on your support foot and reaching your arms back as you rise.
- Do five squats per set and rest twenty seconds between sets.
- Switch legs and repeat the steps above.
Overhead squat

Of the different types of squats, we cannot fail to mention this one, since it is a basic exercise in weightlifting. Want to know how to do overhead squats right? To learn how to combine mobility in your back and shoulder muscles with core strength, stability, and tension, follow these steps. Of course, remember that it is a high-impact exercise that requires strength and experience :
- Place the bar on the rack and stand in front of it.
- Reach under the bar and grab it with both hands, so that your arms form an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the bar.
- Push up or push press behind the neck to get the bar off the rack and step back.
- Now with the bar located exactly above your head, separate your feet approximately 70 cm and point slightly outwards.
- Take as much air as you can to activate your abdominal muscles and begin to descend in a controlled manner, reloading your weight on your heels.
- With your armpits facing forward, keeping tension in your shoulders and core, you must control the bar so that it is in the center of gravity.
- Finish lowering to a squat, then slowly come back up, keeping the bar balanced and your sword straight.
Bulgarian squat
If you don’t know how to do the Bulgarian squat well, here’s a very simple step-by-step so you can work your legs and glutes like never before. Among the most unknown types of squats that exist, the Bulgarian has earned a special position, as it is an effective and easy exercise that you can perform perfectly with a little practice.
- You can do this squat with or without a weight, but at OneHOWTO we recommend that you start without it to gain practice.
- You will need a chair, bench or sofa for its realization. Start by standing in front of said support, turning your back to it.
- Support one of the legs on the chair, so that it is at an angle, and leave your hands well stretched out in front of you so as not to lose your balance.
- Now slowly lower your other leg into a squat.
- When you go back up slowly, strengthen your abdomen, because that way it will cost you less and you will work your abs at the same time.
- Put as much weight as you can on your heel.
- Do as many reps as you can over 30 seconds, and after resting for another 10 seconds, repeat the process. Do the same with the other leg.
Jefferson Squat
Not sure what the Jefferson Squat is? This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks and arms at the same time and very effectively. To do this you must use a bar with weights according to your capacity and follow these steps: According To Scott Herman Fitness How To: Jefferson Squat
- With the bar on the ground and the amount of weight suggested for each type of person, stand above it, with one foot on one side of the bar and the other foot on the other side.
- Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Place one foot pointing forward and the other foot pointing out.
- Do a classic squat to grab the bar, one arm in front of you (corresponding to the foot pointing forward) and the other arm behind you (corresponding to the foot pointing out).
- Raise the bar off the ground, pushing through your heels while keeping your torso straight and face up.
- After a few seconds, lower yourself back down to the ground, but don’t let go of the bar.
- Repeat the up and down movement as many times as you can.
- Now change position, that is, if the right arm was in front of you, now place it behind you and vice versa. Repeat the steps above to perform the Jefferson squat.
Zercher Squat
If you are looking for strength training that allows you to work your legs, glutes, arms and shoulders intensely and effectively, you cannot forget the Zercher squat. This is how you should do it: Follow Scott Herman Fitness How To: Zercher Squat
- Get into a squat rack, although you can also do this exercise from the ground.
- Place the bar in one of the supports, the one that best suits your height. This should be located below the chest, but above your waist.
- Put the bar on the inside and upper part of the arm (the back of the elbow) and press your hands against the chest, in such a way that your arms are crossed.
- Raise the bar up so it’s resting on top of your forearms and walk back a meter away from the cage.
- Place your legs apart, pointing your feet slightly out.
- To maintain your balance, look straight ahead, keep your back completely straight and take in as much air as you can.
- Go down very slowly by bending your knees. When the balls of your knees and the balls of your feet are in line, stop.
- Start going up until you are completely straight while exhaling the breath you have taken.
- Repeat this exercise for four sets of five repetitions each, resting for one minute between sets.
Anderson Squat
Among the most demanding types of squats that exist, we find the Andersen squat, an exercise that you must do in the gym. If you want to work your quadriceps, calves, chest, shoulders, torso and entire arms intensely, be sure to follow this step-by-step:
- Unlike the traditional squat, this exercise starts at the bottom of the position.
- So, once you have chosen the most appropriate weight for your abilities, stand with your legs and hips flexed.
- Crates are usually used on the sides to rest the exercise plates, so position yourself between them.
- Keep in mind that you will be in front of the bar and you will raise it slightly above your shoulders.
- Squatting, in the most critical position, grab the bar with both hands. The palms should be facing out.
- Lift the entire weight, making sure to load it into your legs and heels.
- Slowly lower yourself down and leave the records in the drawers for a couple of seconds before lifting the weight back up.
It is important that you do the repetitions with which you feel most comfortable and that you increase the difficulty little by little since it is an extremely intense exercise and you could hurt yourself.
Tension Squat
We now find a much simpler type of squat but equally beneficial for your quadriceps, calves and glutes. Follow Mind Pump TV to know Tension Squat- Increase Squat Depth with this Simple Exercise
- Position yourself as if you were going to perform a normal squat.
- Instead of going all the way down, stay within a few inches of the final position.
- Hold the position and try not to move at all.
- Keep your abdomen well tensed to maintain balance.
The trick is to hold for 30 seconds before resting for another 7 seconds. Repeat this exercise two or three more times, depending on your abilities.
Squat with Pump
We recommend that you always perform this squat after the previous one, since they are two variations of the classic squat that will allow you to gain much more strength and muscle in less time. Follow Hybrid Strong To Know SQUAT PUMPS
Follow these steps:
- Position yourself as if you were going to perform a normal squat.
- Before you get to the bottom, stop.
- Tense for a few seconds, as you did in the previous squat.
- Next, make small movements up and down, as if giving yourself the impulse to jump. These movements must be a few centimeters (maximum 4).
- You’ll feel your quads burning from the effort, but it’s important that you keep moving up and down for 30 seconds. When this time has passed, return to the starting position.