It takes 4 days to pay an hour’s sleep debt, this is a fact

According to a study by Japan’s National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, it takes four days to completely pay off an hour’s sleep debt. In addition, this follow-up sleep is not the same as meeting the need for sleep on time as it should.

Table of Content

1. Can you pay your sleep debt?
2. How to avoid sleep debt?
3. Sleep is as important as any other activity

When there are conditions that make you inevitably have to stay up all night, it is actually possible to pay the sleep debt the next day. However, paying off debt in this way will differ in quality from sleeping on time. This is because it takes longer for the body to recover. Get to know Deep Sleep, the Stage of Sleep that Has an Important Role for the Body

In fact, sleep is an activity when the brain sorts information while restoring the body’s condition. At the same time, sleep is also important for heart and blood vessel health.

Can you pay your sleep debt?

According to a study by Japan’s National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, it takes four days to completely pay off an hour’s sleep debt. In addition, this follow-up sleep is not the same as meeting the need for sleep on time as it should.

Not only that, there is a phenomenon called sleep deficit. This occurs in individuals whose sleep deprivation conditions are very chronic. As a result, it will be increasingly difficult to pay off sleep debt. The risk of experiencing symptoms of sleep deprivation also increases.

Sleep deficits that have occurred continuously will become chronic and impossible to pay off sleep debts. Moreover, there is a mindset that sleep deprivation can be paid for later when the weekend arrives.

In fact, when someone sleeps too long on Saturday and Sunday, it will be difficult to sleep on time on Sunday night. Consequently, the deficit will continue until next week.

Too much sleep loss will make a person susceptible to health problems, such as:

  • Risk of suffering from diabetes
  • Weakened immune system
  • High blood pressure
  • The high cortisol stress hormone
  • Easily angry
  • The risk of experiencing depressive symptoms
  • Drowsy while on the move
  • Suicidal thought appears

How to avoid sleep debt?

Not everyone has the flexibility to sleep ideally for 7-9 hours every night. Many factors play a role, ranging from work, tasks, medical conditions, sleep disorders, and so on.

To identify how much sleep is ideal for you, try to listen to the condition of the body the next day. Ideally, the right amount of sleep is characterized by a body that feels refreshed when you wake up the next day.

In addition, the body will naturally recognize its own circadian rhythm when to wake up and when to sleep. Try to let the body sleep as it needs for a few days, without being disturbed by other matters. This experiment can help identify the need for sleep each day.

Then, are there any tips that can be done when accidentally trapped in sleep debt?

  • Take a nap for at least 15 minutes
  • Can sleep longer on holidays, but still wake up no later than two hours than usual time
  • Sleep longer for 1-2 nights
  • Go to bed early the next day

But for those with chronic sleep debt, some of the tips above may not be very helpful. There need to be changed in the long term, such as:

  • Go to bed 15 minutes earlier every day until you reach your ideal time
  • On weekends, wake up late but no more than two hours from normal time
  • Keep electronics separate from the bedroom
  • Trace what activities at night that cause late sleep
  • Stop using electronics two hours before bed
  • Make sure the bedroom light is dark enough
  • Avoid consuming caffeine at night
  • Not exercising within three hours before bed
  • Avoid naps longer than 20 minutes

If some of the lifestyle changes above don’t help, there could be other factors such as sleep disturbances. This needs to be discussed directly with a doctor to find out the right treatment.

Sleep is as important as any other activity

Many assume that sleep means wasting valuable time for work or activities. In fact, sleep is just as important as any other activity you do while awake.

In fact, someone who gets enough sleep will have a better memory and ability to absorb information. Just look at how an individual can be more focused in the morning if he gets enough sleep at night.

When focused, the work can be completed faster. Like a cycle, this will also affect the completion of the work and there is no reason to stay up or stay up longer to get it done.

Not only that, sleeping longer when possible also keeps the body healthy. Blood sugar levels are maintained, the heart is protected, the diet is normal, and blood pressure is under control.

Moreover, while sleeping, the body also regenerates cells and body tissues and optimizes muscle mass. Adequate sleep is also very good for the immune system so it is not easy to fall ill.

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