How to practice yoga to treat epilepsy

There are a number of Yoga postures for the treatment of epilepsy. Forward Bend Pose, Downward Dog Pose, and Corpse Pose are three of the 18 positions illustrated. Epileptic seizures occur when the brain generates abnormal electrical signals. The rhythmic yoga breathing in these positions increases blood flow to your brain, calming your brain cells and calming your nervous system.

Steps to follow:

1. Stand on your mat or towel, feet hip-width apart, to initiate yoga breathing. Inhale and lengthen your spine, filling your rib cage with air. Exhale. Breathe in again and look up at the sky or ceiling, then exhale and release the tension in your jaw, shoulders, lower back, and hips. Make your breath strong, like the wind passing through a tunnel and visualize heating up your spine. Hold your breath until your entire back feels hot and tingly.

2. Tilt your belly down toward your hips for forward pose. Close the opposite elbow to the opposite hand or reach the right hand to the right ankle and the left hand to the left ankle. Explore back flexibility by bringing your belly closer to your hips with each exhalation you take. Stay in that position for several breaths. Repeat the pose several times if you wish.

3. Get down on your hands and knees on the mat or towel to prepare for a low dog. Place your palms below your shoulders, shoulder-width apart, and your knees below your hips, hip-width apart. Inhale and push your hips toward the ceiling or sky and your chest toward your feet. Your body will form an inverted V. Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale and draw your navel toward your spine. Stay in the position for five minutes taking deep breaths, then return to your hands and knees. Repeat the pose a couple of times, if you like, and stay in it for several breaths.

4. Lie down with your back on the mat and knees bent for the corpse pose. Extend your legs one at a time. Let your feet and arms reach toward the ceiling or sky. Let your lower teeth hang from your upper teeth. Let your eyes float in their sockets. Allow all tension to melt away. Your mind stays in the present moment with your body. Let random thoughts drift through your awareness and focus on your breath. Remain in Corpse Pose for two to three minutes or more to continue practicing thisyoga position.

5. Explore more of yoga by attending classes led by a certified instructor. These are the basic yoga positions and are found in any yoga class. Yoga is a suitable therapy to reduce the side effects of medication in the treatment of epilepsy, including fatigue, dizziness, weight gain and loss of coordination.


1. It is possible to use up to three yoga blocks in the forward bend position. Stack them under your hands to reduce stress on the strings.
2. Place a folded blanket under your neck, under your back, or below your knees in corpse pose to reduce tension in those areas. You can also do the corpse pose with your knees bent.
3. Don’t lock your knees in the forward position, as this puts pressure on your lower back.

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