How To Do Water Fasting For Weight Loss?

Water Fasting For Weight Loss

Losing weight is no less than a task. To lose weight, the right diet plan, exercise, yoga, and most importantly, a strong determination is required. However, due to a busy lifestyle, office stress, and eating small snacks, it becomes difficult to lose weight. Eating small snacks in between causes weight gain instead of loss. This is the reason why nowadays people are adopting the method of fasting to lose weight. Some people do intimate fasting to lose weight.

But have you heard about water fasting for weight loss? Water fasting for weight loss is becoming quite popular these days. Looking at the trend of water fasting for weight loss, today we are going to tell you about the method and benefits of doing it.

Water Fasting for Weight Loss

Health expert and yoga guru Deepak Kumar believes that water fasting not only helps in weight loss but is also very beneficial for health. Water fasting helps in reducing cholesterol and insulin levels. Apart from this, they help in detoxifying the body. He told that there is no strict rule for water fasting, but it can be done for 24 hours. Once a routine is established, you can do water fasting 2 to 3 days a week.

How does water fasting help in weight loss?

Experts say that the main characteristic of people who want to lose weight is to keep their body healthy and fit. During water fasting, the body does not have to depend on any kind of carbohydrate for energy. At this time, the body uses stored fat for energy, which helps in reducing weight and keeping the body slim.

How to start water fasting?

To lose weight, most people take consultation from a dietitian or health expert. If you are doing something for weight loss for the first time, then before starting water fasting, you can prepare your body by eating less for 2-3 days. You can do this by not eating once a day or by eating smaller portions. If you are doing water fast for 24-72 hours then you have to drink only water and nothing else.

Who should not do water fasting?

Health expert Deepak Kumar says that there are some rules for water fasting. According to these rules, some people do not want water fasting, because it can harm their health.

1. People who are below 18 years of age are advised not to do water fasting. Along with this, people above 60 to 70 years of age are also advised not to do water fasting.

2. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding small children should also not do water fasting for weight loss.

3. People who are suffering from cancer, diabetes or any other disease are also advised not to do water fasting.

4. If you are taking any medicine or treatment then do not do water fasting.

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