How many calories does running burn?

Staying in shape and taking care of your body requires effort and sacrifice with a very simple formula: the combination of sports and a healthy diet. These two factors are essential if you want to lose weight. As for physical exercise, cardio is an important part since running burns a considerable amount of calories. Going for a run with the goal of losing weight can be easy to achieve in the short term, but it is essential to have a sports and eating plan so that this habit is maintained over time. Thus, you will obtain the desired results and you will not fall into frustration.

If you have thought about setting up an exercise plan to lose weight or to maintain it, you will be interested in knowing how many calories are burned by running according to weight, time, and distance. So, if you want to find out, keep reading this article.

Table Of Content

1. How many calories do you burn running based on your weight?
2. Calories burned running over time
3. How many calories do I burn running based on distance?
4. What are the exercises that burn the most calories?

How many calories do you burn running based on your weight?

Burning calories running can be achieved by anyone regardless of their eating habits and the kilos they have, but losing weight by running will not be possible if you do not follow a balanced diet. At OneHOWTO we want to highlight this aspect again, since to burn fat and lose a few kilos you don’t have to stop eating: you simply have to follow a varied and healthy diet that covers all your nutritional needs.

Obviously, not all people lose the same number of calories running. One of the variables to take into account is your weight: the more kilos you have, the more calories you will lose. The same goes for your fitness, as those who start running will burn more calories because they need to use a higher energy load to perform.

Speed ​​also influences the count of calories burned based on weight. On average, you will burn 0.73 calories at an average speed of 4-6 km/h, that is, walking. If you increase your speed and run, the figures increase to 1.03 kcals per kilo of weight. Therefore, to determine the exact amount of calories burned, you will have to multiply your weight by 1.03 and the distance traveled during the time you have run.

Here below you can see an indicative table to know approximately the calories that are burned running according to the weight.

Calories burned running over time

Time is another factor that will determine the amount of calories burned that you will get running. It is necessary to mix it with the medium speed since the faster you run, the more calories you will burn in less time.

If a person of 70 kilos runs at a pace of 12 km/h, he will have to do the following calculations to know how many calories are burned running 20 minutes :

  • At this speed, it will cover a total of 4 km in 20 minutes.
  • 1.03 kcals burned for each kilo of weight running one km * 70kg = 72.1 calories burned per km traveled.
  • 72.1 kcals * 4km = 288.4 calories
  • In this case, the person will have burned 288.4 calories running 20 minutes.

Instead, to determine how many calories a 20-minute jog burns, the calculations will change since the speed will be slower. It can be established that, at a jog, it will go at 8 km/h, so:

  • He will run 2.66 km at a jog in these 20 minutes.
  • 1.03 kcals * 70kg = 72.1 calories burned per km traveled.
  • 72.1 kcals * 2.66 km = 191.78 calories

In this scenario, the individual will have burned about 192 calories jogging for 20 minutes. Even so, remember that everything will depend on your current weight and the average speed at which you run to accurately set the calories burned in that period of time.

With this table to know how many calories you burn when running according to time, you will be able to have an orientation of these calculations.

How many calories do I burn running based on distance?

Distance is the last factor you should consider next to the weight, time, and average speed to determine how many calories you burn running. And the more kilometers you do, the more calories you will burn. Continuing with the previous case, a 70 kg person will have to do the following calculations to know how many calories are burned running 5 km :

  • 1.03 kcals burned for each kilo of weight running 1 km. In this case: 1.03 * 70kg= 72.1 kcals/km.
  • 72.1 kcals * 5 km = 360.5 calories .

With 70 kilos of weight, a person who runs 5 km will burn 360.5 calories. To find out how many you can burn running this distance, do the math with your weight.

Below you can see a table of the calories that are burned running according to the distance traveled. As you can see, it is not difficult to know the calories burned running, but you have to know the calculations and you also have to know the data of your weight, the time, the distance, and the speed at which you have run.

What are the exercises that burn the most calories?

Going for a run is one of the physical activities with which you will be able to burn more calories, but there are also other exercises that will allow you to burn the same or even more. What is the best exercise to burn fat then? These are the exercises that burn the most calories :

  • Skipping rope: this is an intense exercise in which, if you manage to do an average of 100 jumps per minute, you will burn approximately 14 calories for each minute of activity. In this way, you will improve coordination, agility and work several muscles at the same time. In this other article, you can read about How many calories are burned jumping rope.
  • Burpees: Combine the squat with the push-up and the jump. It is a very intense exercise, people who are out of shape should be especially careful when practicing it. With 7 repetitions per minute, you will burn 10 kcals on average.
  • Bicycle: Riding a bicycle exponentially increases the count of calories burned throughout the day in any person. Although it depends on the weight, at medium intensity you can burn about 300 calories in just one hour. Here you can learn more about How many calories do I burn on a bike.
  • Stairs: An exercise as simple as climbing stairs will increase the number of calories you burn in a day. Depending on your weight and the speed used, you will be able to burn around 3 to 7 calories/minute.
  • Swimming: the trunk, arms and legs are toned swimming. As in the rest of the exercises, it will depend on the intensity and the weight, but you can burn up to 500 kcal/h. The butterfly style is the one with which you will burn more calories. In this other post we talk more about how many calories do I burn swimming.
  • Squats: They allow you to burn calories even after doing the exercise. With an average of 7 series and 20 repetitions, with seconds of rest per series, you will be able to burn 13 kcal per minute.

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