How Asthma Affects Sex Life?

How Asthma Affects Sex Life:

These days air pollution is increasing in Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon. Due to air pollution, symptoms of asthma are visible in many people. Some people are having trouble breathing. Air pollution is causing more trouble to those people who are already suffering from asthma. The life of a person suffering from asthma troubles him in many ways. Patients suffering from asthma often ask this question whether their sex life can also be affected by this (asthma effect on sex life).

To know the answer to the question of whether asthma really affects sex life, we talked to Dr. Mukesh Mehra, Internal Medicine, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Patparganj. Dr. Mukesh Mehra says that asthma is a lifelong disease.

Symptoms of Asthma

Symptoms of Asthma

The doctor says that the most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. It is a hoarse or whistling sound that is felt while breathing. The following symptoms are seen in asthma patients:

  • difficulty talking
  • breathlessness
  • chest tightness
  • difficulty breathing
  • Nervousness
  • Tiredness
  • Chest pain
  • breathing rapidly
  • Frequent infections.

Does asthma affect sex life?

The doctor says that the symptoms of asthma and the problems caused by it can increase during sex. If you notice symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, feeling nervous, and chest pain while having physical relations, then it is a sign that your asthma has gone out of control. However, this does not mean that you cannot have physical relations with your partner. You will have to keep some things in mind while forming a relationship so that any physical problem does not increase further.

Asthma patients should keep these things in mind while having physical relations

1. If you are an asthma patient then it is important to keep some things in mind while having physical relations. Let us know about it.

2. If your breathing becomes labored or there is any kind of difficulty in breathing, then ask your partner to stop immediately.

3. If your breathing becomes heavy while having sex, then immediately use an inhaler or sit quietly as per your convenience.

4. After taking some rest, try to have a relationship again. If you feel the same problem again then take a break for a few days. Relax your body and try again.

5. The smell of scented perfume, scented candles or oil used during sex can also increase the symptoms of asthma, so avoid using it.

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