Benefits Of Applying Baking Soda to Hair

Home Remedies For Healthy Hairs:

Everyone wants healthy and shiny hair. But these days, due to air pollution, moisture present in the air and use of products containing chemicals (Beauty Treatments for Hair), not only the hair is becoming weak but it has also lost its shine. To make hair beautiful again, people resort to many types of beauty treatments, but sometimes due to these treatments (Hair Care Tips in Hindi), the problem of itching and dandruff in hair increases. When the condition of people’s hair does not improve despite expensive products and beauty treatments, then they try home remedies (home remedies for hair).

If you also want to try some home remedies to strengthen your hair and make it healthy, then you can use baking soda. Baking Soda for Hair Care can bring new life to the hair by removing the dirt from the roots of the hair. In this article, we will tell you how to use baking soda for hair and how it benefits hair.

How Baking Soda For Hair Care

To make hair healthy and strong, you can use baking soda mixed with shampoo. Apart from this, you can also apply baking soda directly on the hair. Let us know how:

  • For this, mix half a cup of water and one spoon of baking soda in a cup.
  • Dissolve baking soda in water until it mixes well.
  • Now apply this water to the roots and ends of the hair and leave it.
  • Leave the baking soda mixture on your hair for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After this, wash the hair with mild shampoo and apply conditioner.
  • If your hair has become too oily then first wash it with shampoo and then apply the baking soda mixture.
  • To get relief from hair problems, you can use baking soda once a week.

What happens when you apply baking soda to hair?

Baking soda keeps the scalp clean

Applying baking soda to hair helps in cleaning the scalp. Baking soda can also help in repairing hair weakened due to air pollution, dust and soil. Sodium bicarbonate is found in baking soda, which helps in cleaning the scalp.

Eliminates dandruff

Using baking soda on hair helps in eliminating dandruff that occurs in winter. The anti-bacterial agents present in baking soda can also help in relieving inflammation by reducing scalp dandruff.

Precautions while using baking soda in hair

Before using baking soda on hair, do a patch test. Try applying a mixture of baking soda and water to a part of your hand or foot. If you have any kind of itching, burning or any skin-related problem then do not use baking soda in your hair.

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