Here Are 9 Benefits Of Garlic For Men’s Health

Garlic is thought to have properties in male reproduction. So, what are the benefits of garlic for men? Find out the answer here. Garlic is known as a kitchen spice that has a multitude of health benefits. But in fact, this plant also has benefits in male reproduction, you know

The ingredients in garlic are known to support male fertility. Not only that, the benefits of garlic for men can also keep the body fit. Come on, find out a series of benefits of garlic by reading the following article.

1. Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

A man can experience erectile dysfunction when he experiences impaired blood circulation to the penis. Fortunately, one of the benefits of garlic for men is that it can prevent erectile dysfunction or the inability to maintain an erection during intercourse.

“Garlic contains ingredients that can stimulate the production of nitric oxide which functions as a vasodilator which helps increase blood flow to the penis,”

2. Increases male fertility

Some people suspect that garlic has benefits for sperm, so it can help increase male fertility.

According to Doctor Vita, there is research that shows that garlic contains the compound s-allyl cysteine ​​which can increase the testosterone hormone to produce sperm.

Unfortunately, this research has only been tested on animals, so further research on humans is needed.

3. Maintain body fitness

The vitamin B1 and Allicin content in garlic plays a role in muscle activity, helps relieve fatigue, and improves men’s physical health.

Not surprisingly, the use of garlic can help men become physically stronger. Apart from that, this cooking spice is also effective in increasing men’s vitality.

Unfortunately, people with diarrhea, liver disease or eye disease are not advised to consume excessive amounts of garlic. The problem is, this type of onion will make these symptoms worse.

4. Increases Blood Flow

Garlic can help increase blood flow. By consuming garlic, overall blood vessel function will improve. In addition, nitric oxide levels can also increase.

Nitric oxide itself plays a role in helping blood vessels to widen so that blood flows better. This can optimize the body to function properly.

5. Optimize Brain Function

The content in garlic is very diverse, ranging from potassium, zinc, selenium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, to iron. Miraculously, this content has good benefits for the body.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium play a role in improving cognitive function. This can make men have a better mood and mind.

6. Protects the body from chronic diseases

The antioxidants in garlic play a role in protecting the body from chronic diseases. Apart from that, this content can also fight dangerous free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are compounds associated with the causes of aging and oxidative stress.

When a man eats garlic, this plant can help him reduce and inhibit the formation of free radicals, increase sperm count, and optimize erectile function.

7. Maintains heart health

Garlic can reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the body. Garlic supplements are believed to reduce LDL by up to 10-15 percent.

Apart from that, consuming garlic will not have a significant effect on triglyceride levels, so it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

8. Overcoming Respiratory Disorders

The anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties in garlic can help treat respiratory disorders, such as asthma. The reason is, that asthma is a disease caused by inflammation.

Based on The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, garlic extract is reported to have anti-asthmatic properties, so it can overcome inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract.

Unfortunately, this research has only been carried out on animals, so further research is needed regarding the benefits of garlic for asthma in humans.

9. Overcoming Calluses

The antioxidants contained in garlic can help treat skin diseases, such as calluses.

This plant will speed up the healing of calluses on the hands by fighting fungal and bacterial infections, thereby treating calluses from the roots.

If you are interested in trying it, you only need to apply crushed garlic to the area affected by calluses.

Of the many benefits of garlic for men, there’s no harm in consuming this natural ingredient regularly.

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