Five Interesting Facts about Trovant, the Mysterious ‘Living’ Stone from Romania

Trovant is the name for a large, bulging-looking boulder that is commonly found in Romania. This mysterious stone is a popular tourist attraction in Romania.

Trovant has a unique shape and in various sizes. The shape and size of these stones are almost always changing, because trovans can “grow” like living things.

Trovant which is initially small like a pebble, can “grow” and get bigger, even reaching a diameter of 10 meters. This “living” rock attracts not only tourists but also researchers’ interest. Not a few researchers and scientists are interested in uncovering the secrets of this mysterious stone. What are these Romanian “living rock” facts? Look in the following list.

1. Formed from compacted sand and carbonate

Formed from compacted sand and carbonate

Trovant is a synonym for Sandsteinkonkretionen which in German means hardened or petrified or cemented sand. As reported by Wonderpolis, geologists have their own theories about this mysterious rock. They found that the Trovant was a rock formed from compacted sand and carbonate.

There are no mineral differences in the Trovant rock with the surrounding environment. This supports the notion that the Trovant was formed from sand and carbonate which was thought to have been compacted by earthquakes and the movement of seismic waves of the earth since about six million years ago. The strong movement of the earth’s surface eventually mixed the sand layer with carbonate rock, then compacted it into clods of Trovant rock.

2. Stones will grow when in contact with water

Stones will grow when in contact with water

Trovant does not grow by itself like a living creature. For the Trovant to grow in size, special conditions are needed that provoke the growth of the stone. The carbonate cement contained in the Trovant stone must be “hooked” out so that the stone gets bigger.

Heavy rain can cause the cement on the Trovant to come out. The cement that is drawn out will come into contact with the water. Cement in contact with water will slowly expand because the sand and minerals that make up Trovant absorb other minerals contained in rainwater. As a result, Trovant’s outer circumference would gradually increase. The increase in the outer circumference of the Trovant makes the rock larger and thus makes it look like it is “growing”.

3. The cross-section of the stone is similar to the circumference of the cambium on a tree trunk

cambium on a tree trunk

The mystery of the Trovant stones has attracted the curiosity of many people. Some people even cut open the rock to find out what was inside. When split open, in the cross-section of the Trovant boulder, you can see circular or elliptical lines that are similar to the circumference of a year on a cambium tree trunk.

The circumference of the year on the tree trunk is used to determine the age of the tree. However, the function and meaning of the circle on the Trovant stone is still a mystery. Reported by Newsnpr, the function or reason why there is a circular feature on the Trovant still cannot be explained by researchers.

4. Trovant stones can be found in several locations in the world

Trovant stones can be found in several locations in the world

The researchers found that the Trovant rock phenomenon is commonly found at riverbeds. However, Trovant rocks on land are mostly found in Romania, precisely in the village of Costesti. Reported by Indie88, Trovant rocks can also be found at twenty other points in Romania, such as in Valcea County. This makes people think that the trovant came from Romania.

Trovant rocks are not only in Romania. This type of stone can also be found in several other locations in the world. Trovants can be found in the Czech Republic, Russia, and Kazakhstan. However, the size and number of Trovants in the region are not as numerous and large as those in Romania.

5. Trovant rock area in Romania designated as a nature reserve

Trovant rock area in Romania designated as a nature reserve

Initially, the location of the Trovant stone in the village of Costesti was a research area. However, in 2005, the area was opened as a tourist area. The tourist area was opened to the public after being declared a nature reserve in 2004. The area was named Muzeul Trovantilor which means Trovant Museum.

Although referred to as a museum, the area which is also called the Trovants Museum Natural Reserve is an open area. The 1.1-hectare area exhibits Trovant stones in various shapes and sizes. The area managed by the Kogayon association is also under UNESCO protection.

Trovant rock in Romania is a geological phenomenon that was formed after going through a process that took millions of years. The existence of this unique stone deserves to be protected and preserved as a form of appreciation for the splendor of nature.

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