Five Airplane Facts That Are Rarely Known, Pilot and Co-Pilot Foods Are Different

Airplanes are often chosen as one of the mainstay modes of transportation for traveling to various destinations. The reason is, in addition to saving time, the plane also provides comfort during the trip.

However, did you know that there are a number of unique facts about aircraft that are rarely known by the general public? In order not to be more curious, see the reviews below, come on, which are summarized from various sources.

1. Planes have horns

Just like other modes of transportation, planes also have horns, you know. Quoting the Simple Flying page, the horn on the plane is not to alert other aircraft in the air or scare birds, but rather is used to communicate and will only be heard when the plane is on the ground. For example, when a technician is checking something in the cockpit or he wants to attract the attention of other crew members outside the plane.

In addition, citing Aero Corner, aircraft can also sound a horn that resembles a siren when certain problems arise, such as fire or certain systems are damaged. The horn is mounted on a set of colorful lights with each light having a different meaning.

2. The temperature inside the plane is cold

When traveling by plane, some passengers sometimes ask the cabin crew for blankets. In fact, some prepare warm clothes from their respective homes. It feels cold to fill the cabin of the plane. In fact, the average temperature inside the aircraft cabin only ranges from 22°C to 24°C. It’s as cold as any room in the office in general.

Quoted from Aero Time, the cold feeling that appears is caused by the lack of passenger movement while on the plane. How not, what passengers usually do when traveling by air is just sitting around watching a movie, listening to music, reading a book, or eating. Obviously, the body does not produce heat, it even causes a piercing cold.

3. The aircraft has been designed to be ready for lightning strikes

Still according to Simple Flying, in a year, there is at least one incident of a commercial airplane being struck by lightning. However, this is not too dangerous. Citing the Time website, standard commercial aircraft have been designed to accept lightning strikes. Metal parts and a lightning protection system in the fuselage prevent electrical build-up.

In most cases, the part of the plane that is struck by lightning leaves only charred marks on the surface. However, if the plane is struck by lightning, the pilot will automatically check all systems to make sure everything is functioning properly. If a serious problem is detected, the plane will be diverted to land at the nearest airport.

4. The plane door can’t be opened while in the air

The aircraft door type is clogging from the inside out and the inside of the door is bigger than the outside. Launching Simple Fyling, the inside of the aircraft cabin has a much higher pressure than the air outside. This is what makes the plane door very difficult to open when the plane is in the air.

In addition to the presence of high pressure, there are also other safety mechanisms. Like the locking bolt that functions to keep the door tightly closed, this bolt is inside the door structure. This bolt can only be deactivated with permission from the cockpit. Thus, passengers will not be able to simply turn it off during the flight.

5. Pilot and co-pilot meals cannot be the same

One more thing that not many people know is that the food consumed by airline pilot captains and co-pilots while on duty is different. Not without purpose, launching Simple Flying, this is intended to be in case one food is contaminated so that the pilot captain or co-pilot can still take over flight duties.

This is done for the sake of smooth flights and the safety of all passengers. Most pilots also try to avoid eating foods that can trigger indigestion. Sambal or raw fish are among the foods they avoid when they are on the air.

How these five facts are not widely known, you know. Hopefully broaden your horizons, yes. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends too.

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