Beware, Diseases from Dogs That Can Be Transmitted to Humans

Although cute and adorable, dogs can also be a source of disease, you know! Be aware, there are some diseases from dogs that can be transmitted to humans.

Dogs often act cute and adorable. Coupled with their loyalty to their owners, dogs are considered the best animals that deserve to be kept.

It is undeniable, keeping a dog can indeed provide benefits for the health of the body. A Swedish study found that those who keep dogs have a 23 percent lower risk of a heart attack.

These benefits exist, because dog owners are thought to have a better response in dealing with stress. They also have more stable blood pressure, so the risk of blood vessel disease is minimal.

However, keeping a dog can also cause harmful side effects. In fact, there are several diseases from dogs that can be transmitted and infect humans.

The risk of disease from dogs is mainly felt by those of you who don’t regularly clean the cage, don’t take the pet for vaccines, or don’t give him food regularly.

Here are some diseases from dogs that you should be aware of:

1. Campylobacter infection

Campylobacter is a bacterial infectious disease that can cause a variety of symptoms; ranging from bloody diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) notes that campylobacter attacks about 1.3 million people in the United States each year.

Campylobacter bacteria are generally spread through consumption of contaminated food. In some cases, transmission can also occur through direct contact or with the feces of infected animals.

Until now, antibiotics to treat campylobacter has not been found. Therefore, this disease needs to be watched out for, especially by those of you who have dogs at home.

2. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)

This disease is found in the Atlantic region, United States. Spread by the bacterium rickettsia, RMSF is often caused by pet dogs.

Symptoms include high fever, muscle aches, headache, and feeling cold. Patients with this disease can also experience redness on the wrists and feet, palms, and other body parts.

3. Rabies

The virus that causes rabies can be transmitted to humans through the saliva, bites, or scratches of an infected dog. You can also get the disease if you come in contact with mucous membranes or open wounds.

Facts say, most cases of rabies are caused by the bite of an unvaccinated dog. This condition also tends to be detected late. The reason is, victims of rabid dog bites may not immediately experience symptoms.

There is a time gap between the bite and symptoms, about one to three months. However, it is possible for symptoms to occur immediately within a few days or six years later.

Symptoms of rabies are similar to those of the flu, namely muscle aches and fever . In addition, the patient may also experience a burning sensation at the bite mark. If not treated immediately, the virus will attack the central nervous system and cause other, more severe symptoms.

4. Skin Fungus

Dogs can also be the cause of fungal infections in humans. If this happens, your skin will become dry, scaly with redness around the edges, and clean or white in the center.

If the infected is the scalp, the part will appear scaly, red, or swollen.

Fungal infections in the skin can be treated with antifungal therapy through shampoo, cream, or oral medication.

5. Toxocariasis

This disease is caused by infection with the parasite Toxocara, which mostly lives in the digestive tract of dogs or cats. Eggs from the Toxocara worm will enter the dog’s feces and can contaminate the soil where your child usually plays.

When a child accidentally swallows contaminated soil due to not maintaining hand hygiene, the worm larvae will enter the digestive tract and can spread to various other organs.

Symptoms that can appear are fever, cough and runny nose, enlarged liver, red rash, and swollen lymph nodes.

Beware of dog diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Reduce this risk by keeping the cage clean and periodically vaccinating your pet.

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