How to avoid contracting skin diseases from pets

Your favorite pet has a skin disease so you can’t play with it, do this so you don’t get infected.

Like humans, all animals naturally also carry germs. Animals can also carry bacteria, viruses, parasites, to certain fungi that can cause disease if transmitted to humans. Yes, you can get infected if the animal bites or scratches you. Likewise, if you are exposed to dirt, saliva, or their fur.

Skin diseases are very common in pets. Signs and symptoms can include changes in the coat as well as skin problems such as lumps, pus, scales, crusting, and so on. Some skin diseases that can be experienced by pets, include Pyotraumatic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dry skin, hair loss, and fleas.

These diseases can affect humans in many ways. The vulnerable groups affected are infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and people whose immune systems have been compromised by the disease. Babies and children under 5 are at risk because their immune systems are still developing. First Aid When Bitten by a Dog

Here are ways you can do to avoid contracting skin diseases from pets:

  • Avoid kissing or touching your pet in the mouth area as the infection can be spread through saliva.
  • Do not bathe your pet in the kitchen sink or bathtub. Clean pets outside the house.
  • Always wash your hands, especially after touching pets, handling pet food, and cleaning pet cages, tanks, or litter boxes. Wear gloves when cleaning animal waste, and if you have birds, wear a mask when cleaning the cage to prevent urine or fecal particles from entering.
  • Don’t let children clean the pet cage unless an adult is supervising them. And the adult should know how to clean the cage safely and responsibly. After that, wash your child’s hands.
  • Do not share food with pets.
  • If your pet is indoors, keep the room clean and free of litter. If your pet likes to pick up trash from outdoors, take it out regularly.
  • Do not allow pets near the dining table where food is being prepared.
  • If your pet has fleas, control your pet’s flea problem. This is because fleas can carry diseases that are easily transmitted to children. Oral and topical medications should be available to treat lice. Check regularly for fleas on your pets, and for bites and scratches that make them more susceptible to infection. Keep your pet away from other animals that look sick or may not be vaccinated.
  • Talk to your vet about how to care for your pet. If you want to buy animals at a pet shop, avoid animals that behave strangely or animals that look sick. Never adopt wild animals as pets.

Playing with pets is fun. Even if your pet is well cared for, you still need to be vigilant. Because like humans, animals can also carry bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. As a result, you and your family become vulnerable to contracting skin diseases from pets. By following the steps above, you can prevent yourself and your family from skin diseases that can be transmitted by your pet.

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