Benefits Apply Apple Peel On Face?

Apple Peel For Skin: Has your skin developed blemishes, spots and freckles over time? Are you tired of trying different types of creams and beauty treatments to get rid of these skin problems? If the answer to all these questions is yes then today we have brought a special thing for your face. By adopting this thing you can get rid of spots, blemishes, acne and freckles on the skin. This thing is apple peel. Yes, you must have heard that eating apple provides many benefits to the skin, but let us know how apple peel is beneficial for the skin and how apple peel can be applied on the face.

How to apply apple peel on the face

Apple peels can be used in many ways for the face. If you want, you can take out the peel of fresh apple and make a paste of it and use it as a face pack. Apart from this, you can dry the apple peels, make powder and store it in a vessel.

How to make apple peel face pack

  • To make a face pack, take two spoons of apple powder in a bowl.
  • Make a mixture by adding 1 spoon of porridge or oats to this powder.
  • Add 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons rose water to this mixture and mix.
  • Now mix this mixture well and prepare a paste.
  • Now clean the face with water and apply apple peel paste.
  • Leave the apple peel face pack on your face for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • When the face pack dries, clean it like a scrub in a circular motion.
  • You can use apple peel face pack 2 to 3 times a week.

How is apple peel beneficial for the skin?

1. Keeps the skin healthy

Collagen and Vitamin A are found in apple peel, which helps in keeping the skin healthy. Having the right amount of collagen in the skin also helps in getting rid of pigmentation.

2. Helpful in improving complexion

Vitamin C is found in apple peel, which helps in improving the complexion of the skin. Not only this, apple helps in maintaining the natural pH of the skin. Maintaining the natural pH of the skin helps in improving the complexion.

3. Gets rid of spots and blemishes

Antioxidants are found in apple peels, which get rid of blemishes and spots on the face. Beauty experts believe that when the nutrients of apple peel and honey come together, they help in deep cleansing the skin, which helps in making the skin spotless.

4. Makes the skin soft

We all know that it is very important to keep the skin hydrated to bring glow on the face. Apple peel also proves to be very beneficial in providing adequate hydration to the skin. Applying apple peel on the face regularly helps in softening the skin.

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