Asbestosis Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Asbestosis Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention


Asbestosis is a health disorder that occurs due to long-term exposure and inhalation of asbestos dust. Asbestos is a mineral product that is heat and corrosion-resistant. This product is widely used in cement, ceramics and other building materials. Because the structure is small and relatively sharp, asbestos becomes difficult to remove from the airways and over time can irritate the lungs.

Furthermore, this irritation can cause damage to cells in the lungs and form scar tissue. This scar tissue formation causes the lungs to lose their ability to expand and regulate the incoming oxygen. As a result, shortness of breath and various other respiratory complaints can occur.

Those who work in asbestos mines, aircraft manufacturers, trucks, iron, steel, and ceramics are exposed to a lot of asbestos have a much higher risk of developing asbestosis later in life. The bad effect of exposure to these materials makes the current government has made regulations regarding the use of asbestos. Asbestos has been replaced by many other materials that are more environmentally friendly and more friendly to the human body.


Asbestosis is caused by long-term exposure and inhalation of asbestos dust. Asbestos dust that is found in many mines and factories can be inhaled by workers and people around the location.

Normally, small amounts of fine dust can be removed from the body through the airway-clearing mechanism. But not with asbestos. Dust that is very small in size and has a sharp surface is easily trapped in the respiratory tract but difficult to remove.

Over time, a pile of asbestos dust will irritate the airways, become inflamed, and form scar tissue. The occurrence of scar tissue then makes it difficult for the lungs to work to pump air.

Therefore, the main complaints felt by sufferers are more respiratory symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. If not treated properly, asbestosis will lead to permanent lung damage and heart problems.


Symptoms of asbestosis generally begin to appear 10–40 years after intensive exposure to asbestos dust occurs. Some of the symptoms that appear, such as:

  • Coughs
  • Hard to breathe
  • Additional breath sounds
  • Presence of blood in phlegm
  • High blood pressure
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Swelling of the neck area
  • Changes in the shape of the fingertips
  • Weight loss and appetite


The diagnosis of asbestosis is determined on the basis of a medical interview, physical examination, and a history of long-term exposure to asbestos. To confirm the diagnosis, a series of tests will be carried out, such as:

  • Chest X-ray
  • CT scan
  • Lung function check

All of these examinations were also carried out to find out more about the extent and extent of lung damage that occurred and the level of lung work fitness at that time.


So far there is no medical step that can really restore lung function to normal in people with asbestosis. The various forms of therapy currently available are limited to preventing the disease from getting worse and relieving symptoms.

To monitor the progress of the disease, a series of examinations will be carried out periodically. Tests that can be done include a chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests.

A person with asbestosis is also advised to immediately avoid sources of asbestos exposure, stop smoking, and consider flu and pneumonia vaccines.

The lungs in asbestos sufferers have decreased function and are prone to infection. Therefore, these two types of vaccines are needed to help increase the body’s protection from attacks by germs that cause the disease.


A person with asbestosis is thought to be at a higher risk of developing lung cancer later in life. Especially if the person concerned smokes or has a history of smoking in the past.


Avoiding exposure to asbestos dust is the main key in asbestos prevention measures. Choose materials that are safe for the body and for the environment when you want to make a new building.

Check the building and your surroundings. If susceptible to asbestos dust, try to use a mask or seek consultation with an environmentalist to minimize exposure to these harmful particles. Asbestosis: Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment [Patient Education] With Med Today

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