7 Wrong Myths About Building Muscle

Building muscle is not easy, everyone knows it very well. Therefore, many people try various ways to be able to build muscle with maximum results. But unfortunately, some of them still believe in the wrong myth, so that the process of muscle building is not perfect. To find out the right ways to build muscle, let’s look at the various myths below.

Myths in building muscle

1. “You have to eat large amounts of protein to build muscle”


Protein is very important for protein synthesis and muscle growth, but in general, the amount of protein needed by the body is actually not the same as you might think. Strength athletes (people who are trained to participate in muscle strength competitions) are recommended to meet a protein intake of 1.7 grams/kg body weight per day, which of course is easily achieved through a healthy diet.

In most cases, the amount is sufficient to optimize protein synthesis and muscle growth in the body. If protein is consumed in excess, then it actually causes an increase in fat.

2. “Lifting weights slowly builds bigger muscles”

Building Muscle

Lifting weights slowly will only result in a longer workout. Researchers from the University of Alabama recently studied two groups of lifters who did 29 minutes of exercise. One group did the exercise using a 5-second up and 10 seconds down phase and the rest did the exercise in the traditional way, which was 1-second up and 1-second down. The faster group burned 71% more calories and lifted 250% heavier weights than the slower group.

3. “ Leg extensions are safer for the knees than squats”

A recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that open-chain exercises (active movements that involve one), such as leg extensions are more dangerous than closed-chain exercises (involving multiple joints), such as squats and leg presses.

4. “Protein and amino acid supplements are more effective in building muscle”

There is no evidence that protein and supplements are the most effective for muscle building compared to protein found in food. In addition, the price is also more expensive than the protein found in food. However, to get high-quality protein from food, you can consume dairy, eggs, meat, and soy.

5. “You need to do at least three sets of exercises to build muscle”

While it seems that doing a lot of reps is more effective at synthesizing protein in the body, it has no effect on muscle size. Experts believe that the activation of muscle fibers is the key to increasing strength and muscle mass, which is more important than doing a large number of training sessions.

6. “Consuming more protein after a workout can lead to better muscle growth”

It’s true that consuming good quality protein after a strength training session can promote muscle growth. However, there is no relationship between the amount of protein and the amount of muscle gained. About 20 grams of protein in a three-hour period after exercise and adequate protein throughout the day at regular intervals is the most effective thing for muscle building.

7. “Carbohydrates are not important for muscle growth”

Many athletes and bodybuilders make the mistake of thinking that protein is the most important nutrient in building muscle and that carbohydrates play no part in muscle synthesis. However, even though they do not provide the building blocks for muscle growth, carbohydrates are still the main fuel for muscle.

Adequate carbohydrate intake can increase the ability to perform strength and resistance training by providing muscles with the energy they need. Thus carbohydrates also contribute to more effective training sessions and promote muscle growth.

Intake of protein before and after exercise, carbohydrates before and during training, and adequate fluids appear to be the most effective methods for building muscle.

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