7 Popular Herbal Teas & Good For Health! Most People Like to Drink No. 4

It seems that many people may have drank this water but do not know that there are many benefits of herbal tea for the health of the body.

Unlike regular tea that is yellow tea, green tea or black tea that we usually make as afternoon tea, this herbal tea is probably much better.

The question is, what are some of the types of herbal teas that are believed to be good for the health of all of us? Let’s read this article on the topic of herbal tea nutrition.

The benefits of herbal tea according to its type that we should all try!

In fact, there are many types of herbal teas in the world that may bring a lot of herbal tea benefits to our body if drunk regularly.

Here are some examples of herbal teas that we should all try:

#1. The chamomile herb

chamomile herb

Chamomile is a type of herb derived from flowers and is commonly extracted into oil or tea that can be rubbed on the body and drunk.

The benefits of this herbal tea are believed to be able to provide a calming effect and is always used by individuals who suffer from sleep disorders or mental disorders.

According to a study conducted on 34 insomnia patients, taking this chamomile tea drink 2 times a day is said to be able to treat it.

In addition, this chamomile herb also has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that are believed to be able to protect your liver organs.

#2. Mint tea

Mint tea

Mint tea is produced through the process of extracting mint leaves which is then made into one of the most famous herbal drinks in the world.

It is believed to be able to improve the health of the digestive system and digestive system due to the antioxidant elements possessed by this plant.

According to laboratory studies that have been conducted, it is believed that mint tea can relax the intestines and stomach that have any problems.

As a result, this drink may be able to treat problems such as indigestion, indigestion, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and heartburn.

It tastes quite strong and spicy but is believed to be able to solve the problem of nausea and vomiting that is often experienced by pregnant women.

According to a study conducted on pregnant women who are in the early stages of pregnancy, the consumption of ginger tea can reduce the symptoms.

In the meantime, it is also said to be able to help treat problems related to stomach organs such as stomach pain, indigestion and stomach ulcers.

#4. Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is a kind of herbal tea drink that comes from a flower that is one of the symbols of our country, namely hibiscus.

In addition to its beautiful color and unique taste, it is believed to be able to bring benefits to health that is able to fight viruses.

According to a test tube study in the laboratory, it was found that this herbal tea extract may be able to fight a strain of a type of virus called bird flu.

However, the level of its effectiveness in fighting other types of viruses has not yet been determined and further studies should be conducted to confirm it.

#5. Echinacea herbal tea

Echinacea herbal tea

Echinacea is a type of herb that is also derived from flowers and is commonly extracted into tea to drink for certain health benefits.

Among the benefits of this herbal tea is said to be able to strengthen the body’s immune system and help fight any infection or disease.

According to various studies, it is believed that its intake is able to shorten the duration of infection of common fever or flu.

In addition, it is also said to be able to relieve sore throat and stuffy nose with a runny nose – common symptoms of fever or flu.

#6. Rooibos herbal tea

Rooibos herbal tea

Rooibos is a type of herb that originates from South Africa and is commonly used as an herbal tea to drink for the purpose of keeping the body healthy.

Among the benefits of this herbal tea is that it is believed by the local community to be very good for growth, development and bone density.

According to a test tube study in the laboratory, it was found that rooibos herbal tea is able to stimulate the cells involved in the bone density process of the human body.

In the meantime, it is believed to be able to help treat kidney stones but still needs further research.

#7. Lemon Balm herbal tea

Lemon Balm herbal tea

Unlike the usual lemon tea or lemon tea, this herbal tea comes from a type of herbal plant with the scientific name of Melissa officinalis.

It is believed that there are many benefits of this herbal tea including for internal health as well as the external beauty of the human body.

According to a study involving 28 people who drank this herbal tea daily for 6 weeks, it is believed to be able to increase arterial elasticity.

In the same study, it was found that it is also able to increase skin elasticity making it very good for health and beauty.

Even so, it should be noted here that all studies that show the benefits of this herbal tea will not necessarily have the same effect.

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