These 5 Types Of Herbs Have Many Health Benefits, The Most ‘Top’ Right Now Is Herb #4

Herbal plants can not only be used as a flavoring in cooking, but also used for medicinal purposes, especially in traditional medicine. Traditional medical methods using herbal trees are not only found in this country but are also practiced all over the world according to their respective cultures.

There is no way to know exactly how the earliest cultures used herbal plants, but they have taken thousands of years to experiment with the use of herbal plants.

Want to know what are the benefits of herbal trees to humans? Let’s continue your reading.

History of the use of plants and herbs for medicinal purposes

The Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Babylonians, and ancient Native Americans were all herbalists.

The oldest known list of medicinal herbs is Shen Nung’s Pen Ts’ao or Shennong Ben Cao Jing (around 3000 BC).

It is likely an arrangement of Chinese herbs for the older tradition of Chinese oral medicine.

In addition to the Chinese community, the Ancient Egyptians and ancient Roman Greeks were also famous for their use of herbal trees.

Herbal plants that have medicinal value

Based on information from the Malaysian Forestry Department, there are several types of plants or herbs either from the forest or around human settlements that have medicinal value.

Here are 5 types of herbal plants that are believed to have medicinal value:

#1 Saga Root Herbal Plant

Also known by names such as Rosary Pea, Jequerity, Crab’s Eye, Precatory Bean, Gunja and Ratti. It is a type of legume with long leaves.

This plant comes from Indonesia and grows in the tropics and subtropics.

The parts of this tree that are used are the seeds, leaves and roots. The seeds are aphrodisiac, antimicrobial, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, purgative, cooling and sedative.

A karnya is used for the treatment of gonorrhea and jaundice. The oil extracted from its seeds is said to promote the growth of human hair.

The seeds are used as a contraceptive, to treat diabetes and chronic nephritis.

#2 Jerangau herb tree

Jerangau herb tree

Other names for Jerangau are Sweet flag and Calamus root. Jerangau(Sweet Flag) is widely used in modern herbal medicine as an aromatic stimulant and mild tonic.

In Malaysia, it is grown in Malay and Indian backyards, where it is used externally as a lotion.

The leaves are aromatic while the rhizomes are very fragrant, containing aromatic oils with volatile compounds.

Jerangau is used as an antibacterial, antiseptic, antiseptic and emetic.

The rhizome is used as a remedy for bloating, colic, dyspepsia and intermittent fever, rheumatism, neurological diseases, intestinal problems, dysentery in children, bronchial infections and asthma.

#3 Ghost Cotton(Devil’s Cotton)

Devil's Cotton

Another name is Devil’s Cotton. It is a tree that comes from Asia to Australia. This tree is common in most parts of India. It can also be found in Pakistan and many other Asian countries.

In Ayurveda, the juice of the fresh leaves is very useful in treating female uterine ailments and menstruation.

It controls menstrual production and acts as a uterine tonic. Its fresh and dried root bark is also used as a uterine tonic and controls menstrual production.

Fresh juice obtained from the bark of its roots is very useful in problems such as dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, urinary problems and bronchitis.

The leaves are used in diabetes, rheumatic pain and sinusitis. In Bali, Indonesia, it is used as a patch for scabies or scabies.

#4 Earth Bile Herbal Plant

Earth Bile

This herb comes from Southeast Asia, China and India. This herb has been used for centuries in several antidotes in countries such as China, India and Java.

However, recently the potential has actually been discovered and has since attracted the attention of the herbal and pharmaceutical markets.

It is now considered a new herb that is being tested for the treatment of various diseases including HIV, AIDs and various symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders.

In Malaysia, earth bile is usually grown in the backyard or in pots for medicinal purposes.

This herb is given as a painkiller, laxative, cough relief, indigestion, stomach ache and is also used to treat diabetes, fever, worm infections, chronic bronchitis, leprosy, bloating, colic, dysentery, and skin diseases (e.g. burns, wounds, ulcers).

It is also a good medicine to treat pain due to snake bites and women’s problems.

#5 Herbs Cover the Earth

Traditionally, it is considered effective in treating all diseases. To date, this plant has not been propagated in Malaysia but is collected from the wild by traditional medicine practitioners to be prepared as herbal medicine.

This herb is used as a diuretic, fever medicine and to relieve anuria and blennorrhagia.

In addition, it is also used as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory agent, anti-inflammatory and skin softener.

It is believed to be a good remedy for leucorrhea, and anemia and beneficial during the birth of a baby.

A decoction made from the leaves or roots is used as a tonic to treat worms, treat coughs and venereal diseases.

A decoction made from fresh roots and betel leaves is said to work to stave off vomiting while the leaves are recommended to treat dropsy.

Control the use and dosage of herbs

Although herbs have their own benefits, it is sad when it is said to be a contributing factor to the problem of liver failure caused by drugs.

According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey in 2015 by the Ministry of Health stated, about 29% of the population practices traditional medicine by consultation.

Director-General of Health Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said any drug, including traditional and complementary medicine, that is capable of producing therapeutic effects can also cause side effects even with the appropriate use of medication.

According to him, the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) received 70 reports of adverse drug reactions involving the use of registered traditional and complementary medicines in 2017.

However, none were reported as drug-induced liver injury and did not indicate a causal relationship.

Therefore, patients should inform the use of traditional products to their doctors for advice on any risky harms.

Any use of herbal plants should be controlled through the total dose taken. Also seek advice on the use of herbal plants from officials or pharmacists, nutritionists and chemists.

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