The logical answer to why we don’t remember our dreams when we wake up

why don’t remember our dreams when we wake up

There are several factors that cause a person not to remember dreams, ranging from dreams starting to disappear before waking up, the REM phase does not occur, to experiencing sleep disturbances.

Table of Content

1. Why don’t we remember dreams?
2. What is the pattern of dreams?

Feel the dream is so real like a lucid dream but suddenly wake up without remembering a piece of the story? This is common. Even after trying your hardest, you have absolutely no recollection of the dream that just ended a minute ago. That’s one of the facts of dreams that will fade after waking up If it is analogous to a vehicle at a red light, electrical signals and chemical activity in the brain when dreaming will change to a new vehicle when awake. That is, when the light turns green, the memories surrounding the dream will move forward and be replaced with new things around them while awake.

Why don’t we remember dreams?

Despite the mystery surrounding dreams, here are some plausible explanations for why a person doesn’t remember dreams. Anything?

1. REM phase does not occur

Ideally, dreams occur when the stages of sleep are in the rapid eye movement or REM phase. The eyes will move quickly involuntarily and the muscles throughout the body are not active. But when you don’t remember the dream, it could be that this phase doesn’t happen or is in the phase of being aware.

In addition, there are also several other factors that influence the occurrence of REM. For example the consumption of drugs such as antidepressants to alcohol consumption before bedtime.

2. Dreams fade before waking up

It’s a rule of the game that dreams fade quickly after awakening. Electrical signals as well as chemical activity in the brain will be replaced with awareness, just like the loss of dew on a glass when morning turns to afternoon.

If there are memories about last night’s dream, there is usually a trigger, such as an experience, that comes to mind. The part of the brain that plays a role in the formation of dreams is active again.

This also explains why there are certain dreams that can be remembered even decades later. There is a memory attached to it. For example, nightmares are often associated with extraordinary emotions such as fear.

At the same time, there is an area of ​​the brain called the amygdala that helps form these emotional dreams. This is also the answer why someone can wake up for a moment and then go back to sleep with the same dream experience or continue the previous dream.

3. Sleep disturbance

Some types of sleep disorders can also be the answer to why we don’t remember dreams. For example, untreated sleep apnea can cause the REM phase to become fragmented. For some people, this can affect their ability to recall dreams. Sleep apnea problems can also cause a person to rarely get into the REM sleep stage.

In addition, people with narcolepsy conditions can also experience sudden sleep transitions that cause hallucinations to sleep paralysisOther factors such as poor sleep habits, stress, and other psychological conditions can also affect the ability to remember dreams.

What is the pattern of dreams?

It is very interesting to know how dreams occur. It’s perfectly normal to dream, but it’s also normal when you don’t remember dreams. Usually, dreams occur in the REM stage which occurs in the form of intervals during the night.

The first period of REM can last 90-120 minutes. When it happens too fast, which is less than 15 minutes, it could be a sign of narcolepsy.

Then, this REM period will become longer before the morning. As a result, the last third of the night may be full of REM stages. It’s also quite common to wake up in the morning when you’re in the last period of REM.

Interestingly, the brain uses the same energy when asleep, just as it does when awake. Likewise with the use of glucose in the body. In this phase, vivid dreams can occur.

Meanwhile, when a dream is present while in the non-REM phase, it can appear divided into several parts. Examples include phases 1 and 2 of sleep ( lighter stages of sleep ) and phase 3 ( slow-wave sleep ).

Is there a better way to remember dreams? According To Explore Lucid Dreaming Tricks To Remember Your Dreams Every Morning

Actually, there is a way for those who want to remember dreams better. The technique is simple, namely by writing a dream journal. Place pens and books by your bed so you can immediately take notes when you wake up.

Writing down what is in a dream in a journal can sharpen memory from time to time. Maybe it’s not complete writing but a random note. However, it could be a reflection of the meaning of certain dreams when read again.

So, no need to feel stressed when you do not remember the dream. Everyone can experience it because this process of remembering occurs subconsciously.

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