Which is Healthier: Drinking Gallon Water or Boiled Water from the Tap?

Where does the drinking water come from in your home? Bottled water or boiled tap water? Most people provide special gallons of water for drinking and cooking. Meanwhile, some homes choose to boil from tap water. However, which one is actually healthier and cleaner to drink? Learn the comparison of gallon water and tap water below, let’s go.

Are gallons of water absolutely safe?

Bottled drinking water that is sold in gallons does seem safer. The reason is, judging by the advertisement, gallon water looks hygienically processed. However, before entrusting the choice to gallon water, you should pay attention to whether the brand of gallon water has received a distribution permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) & has been tested according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Drinking water that has not received permission from BPOM and SNI is at risk of containing various types of disease-causing pathogenic bacteria.

When the brand is standardized, find out the expiration date. Do not consume drinking water that has passed the stated validity period. Water does not expire, but water packaged in plastic-based gallons is at risk of being contaminated with bacteria and toxic chemicals if it is too long. This is because as long as gallons are stored in a warehouse or store, the heat of the air or exposure to the sun can cause the plastic chemicals to leach into the water. Bad bacteria will also multiply ferociously.

How about tap water? Is it safe too?

The tap water in every home comes from different sources. Some are from wells (groundwater) and some are from rivers or lakes (PAM water). Water from the PAM installation center has basically been processed in such a way that it is safe to drink without having to be boiled first.

However, the quality of the water is likely to decline after it is channeled into people’s homes. This may be caused by the installation of pipes that do not meet PAM quality standards or various other technical problems. As a result, bacteria grow in the pipes and the water is not necessarily safe to drink without cooking.

Meanwhile, the quality of groundwater from wells or excavations in your home is not guaranteed. You still have to take the water sample to the laboratory to be tested for quality and cleanliness. After it is declared clean and safe, then you can consume it.

If the groundwater in your home has not been tested, do not use it for drinking and cooking. Especially if there are signs of contamination such as cloudy water, yellowish color, or emitting a foreign odor.

Can boiling tap water effectively kill bacteria?

Some types of toxins and bacteria can die if the water is boiled until it boils. However, keep in mind that there are also types of bacteria that can survive even after boiling. That is, boiling water is not one hundred percent guarantee your water is safe to drink.

Certain bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum can still live above 100 degrees Celsius. Bacteria that live in soil, rivers, and lakes can cause botulism in infected humans.

Tips for choosing between gallon water & tap water

In the end, there are many factors to consider before choosing between gallons of water and tap water. If you want to use gallon water, you can only buy water from brands that have been registered with BPOM and SNI. Also, make sure the gallon has not expired and is kept out of direct sunlight.

Meanwhile, if you want to use tap water, first test the water quality by bringing it to the local health department laboratory. If it is declared free of bacteria, viruses, or toxins, boil the water to a boiling point, which is one hundred degrees Celsius. Let the water boil for at least ten minutes before turning off the stove.

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