What is the Correct Position of the Pillow When Sleeping Like

The correct position of the pillow when sleeping on your back is with a stack that is not too high. Placing a pillow under your knees is also good for your back. Meanwhile, when sleeping on the side, the pillow can be higher.

Table of Content

1. What is the correct position of the pillow while sleeping?
2. Tips for choosing the right pillow

Although it looks trivial, the correct position of the pillow while sleeping can have a significant effect. You must be familiar with the term wrong pillow. Yes, with the wrong position, you can feel pain in the head and neck area.

Meanwhile, if you manage to sleep with the correct pillow position, your sleep quality will improve and you will feel more refreshed in the morning.

The position of the pillow is also important to note by people who already have a history of previous illnesses, such as back pain.

What is the correct position of the pillow while sleeping?

When sleeping, usually everyone has a different comfortable position. Some prefer to sleep on their back and some prefer to sleep on their side. This difference in sleeping position also affects the ideal pillow position. Here’s the explanation.

1. Correct position of the pillow when sleeping on your back

For those of you who usually sleep on your back, the correct pillow position is one that is not too high. Pillows used should also be able to follow the shape of the neck well and can support up to the shoulders.

2. Correct pillow position when sleeping on your side

Sleeping sideways

Meanwhile, if you prefer to sleep on your side, the important thing to note is to position your spine to keep it straight or in a neutral position.

This can be achieved by using a thick pillow for the head and placing a pillow between the knees. If you sleep on your side without a pillow that supports both legs, then the position of the spine is not ideal and risks causing disturbances.

3. Correct position of the pillow when sleeping on your stomach

Sleep on your stomach

The correct position of the pillow when sleeping on your stomach should not be placed on your head. Or if you want to be positioned on your head, choose a thin pillow. Because using a thick pillow when sleeping on your stomach can make the neck and spine actually receive excess pressure. What is a Good Sleeping Position for Breathing

You can also place a thin pillow under your stomach or waist when sleeping on your stomach. This can help restore the position of the spine so that it returns to neutral and is not tense or painful.

4. Correct pillow position for back pain

When you have back pain, you can sleep on your back or on your side. The key is in the correct position of the pillow so that your back can be well supported and not make your condition worse.

If you sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your legs can help reduce pressure on your back and make your spine more neutral.

If you prefer to sleep on your back, try not to use a pillow on your head and place a pillow behind your knees. This method can make the spine in an ideal position and the load on the body can be spread evenly.

Tips for choosing the right pillow

Choose a pillow that suits your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back more often, use a thinner pillow. Thin pillows should also be chosen by people who have back pain.

Meanwhile, if you prefer to sleep on your side, choose a thicker pillow. Make sure the pillow can follow the curve of the neck so that in the future there is no risk of illness or injury.

You can also choose a pillow with memory foam whose shape follows the curve of the neck and shoulders well.

After knowing the correct position of the pillow while sleeping, you are expected to be able to practice it so that you can get a better quality of sleep. Because sleep is very important for health.

With enough sleep, the body can rest so that it can return to normal functioning the next day. Not only that, lack of sleep can also reduce endurance. So even though it looks trivial, choosing a pillow position actually has a big enough effect on health.

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