What is or Definition of Proposal, Function, Types, Benefits

Definition of Proposal

What is meant by a proposal is a writing made by the author with the intention of explaining the plans and objectives of an activity to the readers, so that they get a clearer and more detailed understanding of the purpose of the activity. So with the proposal, it is hoped that it can provide clear information to the readers so that they understand the intent and purpose of the proposal.

In general, a proposal is a program or plan of an activity that is only a proposal, it can also be said that a proposal is a written proposal to carry out an activity aimed at parties related to the activity.

Definition of Proposal According to Experts

The word proposal itself comes from the English ” to propose ” which means to propose. The following is the definition of the proposal according to the opinion of the experts as follows:

1. According to KBBI

proposal means a plan that is stated in the form of a work plan.

2. According to Rieefky

A proposal is a form of activity design that is made in a formal and standard form.

3. According to Hasnun Anwar (2004:73)

A proposal is a plan drawn up for a specific activity.

4. According to Jay (2006:1)

proposals are standard management tools to enable management to function efficiently.

5. According to Hadi

a proposal is a structured proposal for the agenda of business cooperation between institutions, companies, proposed activities to problem-solving.

6. According to Keraf (2001:302)

A proposal is a suggestion or requests to a person or entity to do or do a job.

Based on some of the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that a proposal is a plan of activity or work that is systematically and in detail according to standards by a person or group of researchers to be submitted to the desired party in obtaining approval or assistance in his research.

Requirements for Drafting a Proposal

As for preparing a proposal, it must meet the following requirements:

1. Must have a structure and logic that is very clear and easy to understand.
2. The results of these activities must be structured.
3. The formulation of the types of activities carried out must be written in detail and must really be carried out.
4. If there is a required budget, the required budget must be realistic with the activity.

Proposal Purpose

The purposes of making or writing a proposal are:

1. To get financial assistance
2. To get support
3. To get permission

Proposal Function

The functions of a proposed proposal are as follows:

1. To conduct research that has to do with social, cultural, economic and others.
2. Can be used to apply to set up a business.
3. Can also be used to submit tenders from various institutions.
4. Can be used to hold events, for example, celebrations, seminars, training, competitions and others.

Proposal Benefits

1. Become a plan that directs the committee in carrying out these activities.
2. Explain indirectly to parties who want to know about the activity.
3. To convince donors/sponsors to provide material and financial support in realizing the planned activities.

Types of Proposals

As for the types of proposals, in general, proposals are divided into 4 types, including the following:

1. Business proposal

Is a proposal that has to do with the world of business or business, it can also be related to a group or individual business. Examples such as proposals for the establishment of business entities, places of business and others.

2. Project Proposal

Is a proposal that has to do with the world of work, generally contains a series of plans in business or commercial. For example, a project proposal for the construction of an office.

3. Research proposal

Is a proposal that is often used in the academic field such as research for final assignments, theses and others. Usually, this type of proposal is used to propose a research activity to be carried out.

4. Activity Proposal

This type of proposal is often used in the community, because it is a proposal to propose an activity plan, both individual and individual activities, such as proposals to hold celebrations, competitions and others.

Types of Proposals Based on Form

Types of proposals based on the form are divided into 3 types, namely:

1. Formal Proposal

This proposal is very complete and consists of three parts, namely the introduction, content, and closing, with the following explanation:

1. The introduction section consists of a cover and title page, foreword, overview, table of contents, and endorsement or application.
2. The content section consists of background problems, problem boundaries, objectives, assumptions or basic thoughts, research methodologies, facilities, personal benefits, loss of time, budget and others.
3. Meanwhile, the closing section consists of a bibliography, attachments and others.

2. Non-Formal Proposal

This proposal, unlike a complete formal proposal, is usually submitted only in the form of a letter. Usually always contains such as problems, suggestions, problem-solving and validation or application.

3. Semi-Formal Proposal

Almost the same as non-formal proposals because the content is not complete or does not meet the requirements of a formal proposal.

Proposal Elements

The following are the elements of the proposal in general and equipped with a brief explanation:

1. Background of the problem

In this element, the gap between expectations and reality is expressed, both theoretical and practical gaps that are the background of the problem.

2. Formulation of the problem

This element expressly states in the form of questions that you want to find answers to.

3. Research purposes

In this case, the stated goals or objectives to be achieved.

4. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is proposed in the form of a temporary answer to the research problem so that the relationship between the problem and the answer is clearer.

5. Research Assumptions

Research assumptions are basic assumptions about something that is used as the basis for thinking and acting.

6. Benefits of research

This element contains reasons for the feasibility of the problem under study.

7. Pour Scope
8. Literature review
9. Operational definition

Proposal Writing Systematics

The research proposals include:

1. Research proposal

The systematic writing is as follows:

1. Background
2. Scope of the problem
3. Formulation of the problem
4. Research purposes
5. Benefits of research
6. Literature review
7. Research methods
8. Object of research
9. Method of collecting data
10. Data analysis method
11. Expected results
12. Bibliography

2. Activity Proposal

The systematics of writing activity proposals include:

1. Activity background
2. Rationale
3. Name of activity
4. Activity goal
5. Activity targets
6. Activity benefits
7. Type of activity
8. Time and place of activity
9. schedule of activities
10. Implementers and work organization
11. Target
12. Activity budget
13. Closing

Proposal Language Rules

The language rules of the proposal are:

1. Using scientific terms, both related to the activities to be carried out or related to the scientific field.
2. Using action verbs to express the steps of the activity or research method.
3. Using words that express definitions, such as is, that is, that is, is.
4. Using words that contain detailed meanings, such as first, second, other than that.
5. Using words that are going to be, such as will, are expected.
6. Using denotative or meaningful words. This is very important to avoid misunderstandings between the party submitting the proposal and the party receiving the proposal.

Proposal Features:

1. Proposals are made to summarize the activities to be carried out
2. As the first notification of an activity
3. Contains the objectives, background of the event
4. Of course, the proposal is in the form of bound notification sheets which will be submitted to the event owner

Things to consider when making a proposal:

1. Preparation of proposals should appoint a person or persons who are experts in preparing proposals, preferably those who are related to the activities being held.
2. The drafter of the proposal prepares the materials and information needed, namely in the form of materials that have been agreed upon by the entire committee
3. Prepare draft proposals in a systematic, attractive, and realistic way
4. Proposals are discussed in deliberation forums to be discussed, revised and approved.
5. Made a proposal that has been refined to be used properly.
6. Proposals are reproduced and distributed to the intended parties, both internal and external

Proposal Structure:

The following is the structure of the proposal:

1. Cover

The event proposal must have a cover using the event logo or it can use the organization logo. The cover includes the name of the activity to be carried out. at the bottom is written the agency implementing the activity.

2. Background

In writing the background must be known. Not necessarily the background is written, but the background starts from the general subject to the specific subject.

3. Name of activity

The name of the activity is the name that will be assigned to the activity.

4. Theme

The theme of the activity is written in accordance with the theme that is mutually agreed upon with the forums or themes that have been previously available.

5. Destination

The purpose of the activity is the target for carrying out the activity and includes the reasons for this activity.

6. Types of Activities/Events Activities

The type of activity or event to be carried out. All activity models must be written down because the agency will see the number of activities planned. Each activity must have a clear purpose and purpose.

7. Promotion Tool

Promotional tools are the benefits of sponsors. Promotional means feel from banners, clothing, pamphlets, browsers, banners, audio and Count the percentage of sponsors. The percentage donated by the sponsor determines the size of the sponsor’s logo.

8. Budget Estimation

The estimated budget is the quantity of the total allocation of funds to be used. written in detail with the price. Starting from equipment, administration, consumption, trophies, plaques, stage, sound and others. Budget estimation is an important matter because the main thing checked by the agency is the budget.

9. Closing

Closing is a thank you request as well as an apology to the agency. Signature and stamp must be available because whether or not the proposal is valid for the signature and stamp.

10. Composition of Committee

The composition of the committee must be available because sponsors may use the clothing facility instead of using the committee structure calculation

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