What is Google Adwords or Google Ads: Definition, Advantages, and Complete Ways to Use It

Basically, Google Adwords is one of the features of Google that is able to display paid ads in Google search results.

So, if you are looking for a certain keyword or keyword and on the side of the page is written the word ad or ads, then that is what we call Google Adwords.

Generally, this feature is asked a lot by online business people today, maybe you are one of them. Well, to find out more about Google Adwords, let’s discuss it together in-depth in the article about Google Adwords below.


Definition of Google Adwords Is
Advantages of Using Google Adwords

2.1 1. Google Rules the Online Market
2.2 2. More Specific Target Market
2.3 3. Save Cost
Ways to Use Google Adwords

3.1 1. Create a Google Account
3.2 2. Select Goal
3.3 3. Select Target Location
3.4 4. Select Business Category
3.5 5. Making Ad Copy
3.6 6. Inserting Photos
3.7 7. Determining Costs
3.8 8. Selecting a Payment Method

Understanding Google Adwords Is

In an era that is completely digital as it is today, every online businessman will certainly need a feature that is able to help the marketing process of his business so that it can be reached by the targeted market. Google also provides an answer to this problem by providing a feature called Google Adwords.

Google Adwords is a useful feature to advertise your business on the Google search engine page by using certain keywords that match your business field. Of course, this feature is claimed to be able to answer various concerns felt by online business people.

In 2018, to be precise on July 24, Google officially changed the name Google Adwords to Google Ads. although there is a name change, but the way it is used is no different at all.

Advantages of Using Google Adwords

When you decide to take advantage of Google Ads features to advertise your brand or product, you can easily get opportunities to grow your business. As we all know, at this time most business people have started to switch to the world of online business.

By starting to use this Google Ads feature, it means that you have dared to take a step forward to do business in an era that is completely digital. Well, some of the advantages that you will feel in using Google Adwords are as follows:

1. Google Rules the Online Market

Google is a platform that is able to answer every question its users have, from buying goods to searching for information that is not important, Google can answer them.

Based on the official StatCounter page, the Google company has managed to dominate the search engine market share around the world with a percentage level that touches 92.07%. Furthermore, StatCounter also explained that Google has also succeeded in controlling the share of search engines in Indonesia with a percentage rate of 97.44%.

Apart from Google, there are actually other search engines like Yahoo, but they only got a market share of 0.93%, and Bing only touched 0.36%.

By seeing the magnitude of the opportunities provided by Google, of course you will get great benefits when using the Google Ads feature with the aim of advertising your business.

2. More Specific Target Market

When using Google Ads, you can define your own target market that you really need. You can expand this target market again, from Sabang to Merauke, or you can even narrow it down at the city or regional level.

In addition to being able to set the target market, you can also make ad settings so that they can only appear on certain devices. So far, most people will open Google through their respective PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Well, you can set your ad so that later it can appear on the device or choose one of them.

Not only can you make settings based on location or device, in Google Ads you can also set your own ad show schedule. for example, you can set your ad impressions to show from what time to any time.

Of course this is very useful when you have limited operating hours. For example, your business is open from 8 to 5 pm, so from here you can set your own ad schedule.

With these three things, Google Adwords is a very appropriate feature for those of you who are interested and want to run an online business.

3. Save Cost

Some of you must think that placing ads on Google Ads is very expensive. But in fact, placing an ad on Google Adwords is very affordable, you can start at a price of 50 thousand rupees.

In fact, it may cost even less if you use a PPC or Pay Per Click strategy. With this system, you will only be charged if your target clicks.

How to Use Google Adwords

After we know together about what Google Adwords is and the advantages of using it, then now we have to know how to use Google Adwords. Well, how to use Google Adwords is as follows:

1. Create a Google Account

To be able to use Google Ads, you can actually use your personal Google account. But if you are reluctant to receive many incoming emails from Google Ads, then you can create a new Google account for your Google Ads needs.

2. Choose Goal

If you have successfully logged in, the first thing you will see is the phrase “ pick a goal for your ad ”. In the goal, there will be three choices of goals or objectives, namely call your business, visit your storefront and take an action on your website.

You can study the three goals first, if you have just clicked on the words “pock goal” which is located at the bottom right of the page.

3. Select Target Location

In this page, you have to choose the target location freely according to your needs. You can expand or narrow your target location here. This is one of the advantages that you can feel when using Google Ads.

4. Select Business Category

Next, you must be able to determine the business category that fits your product or service. if you run a F&B business or a culinary business, then you should choose that business category.

This is done so that later you can determine the market correctly and also according to the target. Do not let you choose the wrong business category, because this will have a big impact in the future.

5. Make Ad Copy

On this page, you must be good at using your copywriting skills, why? Because ad copy is a very important part when you want to advertise using Google Adwords. Google also limits the characters for the ad copy you want to create.

For the ad headline, Google provides a limit of 30 words. As for the content of the ad itself, Google provides a limit of up to 80-word characters. Thus, you should not be careless in making ad copy.

Try to make ads that are able to run your business clearly, lest you use clickbait words. Because, the audience needs a clearer product explanation, not what makes them curious.

6. Insert Photos

Choose a photo of your business logo, but inserting this logo photo is optional and not mandatory.

7. Determining Costs

One of the advantages that you will feel from Google Adwords is that you can determine your own advertising costs freely. You no longer need to worry about expensive advertising costs, because Google can implement a PPC or Pay Per Click system.

With this system, you only need to pay if your audience clicks on your ad. This method is claimed to be able to save more costs. So, you are free to set your estimated advertising costs.

But if it’s your first time using Google Ads services, then we recommend determining the lowest cost first.

8. Choose a Payment Method

Finally, you have to choose a payment method. There are many payment methods from Google Ads, from bank transfers to credit cards. For those of you who don’t have a credit card, you can use the bank transfer payment method to pay for your Google Ads ads.

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