What Are The Preparations Before The Arrival Of The Child?

Do These 8 Things Before Your Baby Arrives

Becoming a parent is the most exciting feeling of your life. Your life starts changing from the day you find out about your baby’s arrival date. As the date approaches, a lot of planning is required to manage the new life and new changes in your life.

I thought of sharing a post I did before my daughter’s birth to make her arrival exciting and make the transition to parenthood easier for us.

Baby Place

It is your choice whether you want to create a separate room for your child or you want to make space in your own bedroom.

We were sure about staying very close to her after having a baby. So we did not buy a separate cot/crib for him.

However, to accommodate all the new baby essentials we freed up space in one of the cupboards to house all the baby-related things.

Shopping list

Most Indian families will not buy baby-related items before the baby’s arrival. However, make a list of the essentials that you will need.

I made a list of things I needed at the hospital for myself or the baby, along with a list of other things that could wait until we returned from the hospital.

Prepare your kitchen

I knew that I would be in the hospital for a few days and then even after coming back home, it would be difficult to show up in the kitchen. So I made sure I filled up on all the groceries for a few days.

I made a list of perishable items like milk, bread, eggs, and vegetables which were to be brought on a regular basis so that cooking at home could continue even in my absence.

Search for help after birth

I’m sure we all agree that after your baby is born I will need some help managing daily chores in addition to the baby for at least a few days. I started looking for someone to help around the house a few weeks before my due date. I asked them to start coming before the delivery of my child so that I could train them under my supervision.

Pack your hospital bag

From the list I had prepared, I took some essential items for myself and the baby and prepared it and kept it in the bag. This way when the time comes there is no rush to gather everything in one place.

Plan your rest days

In general, a rest period of 40 days is a mandate in Indian households. To some girls it looks like a prison, but I was preparing my mind by thinking of it as a time to rest and recover. This is the time when you and your newborn baby bond with each other.

important contact numbers

I had pasted the list of important contacts like my maids, my doctor, etc. on a sticky note and stuck it on the fridge. So that in my absence, if anyone can be contacted, it will not cause trouble to anyone.

Get your camera ready

According to me capturing memories is very important. I may not be able to stop this beautiful time, but I can definitely look at the photos now and cherish the moment.

Hope the blog is useful for you to prepare yourself for the arrival of the baby.

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