What are the health benefits of drinking mint leaves juice?

Health Benefits Drinking Mint Leaves Juice: Proper eating habits are needed to prevent diseases in summer. Health experts and doctors recommend consuming such foods and drinks in summer, which not only provide nutrition but also help in keeping the body cool from the inside. This is the reason why the demand for mint leaves increases during the summer season.

Mint leaves have a cooling effect, due to which people use them more. You too may have used mint leaves many times to make drinks and chutney, but today we are going to tell you about a special juice of mint leaves. Consuming this juice in summer will give you a feeling of freshness and coolness.

Health Benefits Drinking Mint Leaves Juice

1. Keeps the body hydrated

Mint has a cooling effect. Drinking mint juice in summer provides coolness to the body. Besides, it also helps in keeping the body hydrated. People who feel thirsty frequently during summer are advised to drink the juice of mint leaves once a day.

2. Beneficial for skin

During the summer season, many people face pimples, acne and many other problems. Mint juice is very beneficial for such people also. Drinking mint juice moisturizes the skin. Besides, it can also help in making the skin feel fresh. If you want, you can also apply mint juice on your face to get rid of skin problems occurring in summer.

3. Strengthens the digestive system

Nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin C, sodium, and potassium are found in mint leaves. These nutrients provide relief from digestive problems that occur during the summer season, such as stomach ache, gas, vomiting, and nausea. In summer, if you have digestive problems after eating food, then you can consume the juice of mint leaves mixed with asafoetida.

4. Heals irritation and swelling

In summer, many people feel burning and swelling in different parts of the body. The juice of mint leaves proves to be very beneficial in getting rid of such problems. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling and irritation in your body. We have learned about the benefits of drinking mint leaf juice, let us know the recipe to make it.

5. Helpful in weight loss

Calories are found in very small quantities in mint juice. This proves to be very beneficial for those who are planning to lose obesity and weight during the summer season. Consuming mint juice boosts metabolism, which helps in weight loss.

Mint Leaves Juice Recipe

Ingredients List

  • Mint leaves- 250 grams
  • Sugar or jaggery powder – as per taste
  • Lemon juice- 1 tablespoon
  • Water- half liter
  • Salt- as per taste
  • Ice cubes- for serving

Method of making mint juice

    • First of all, wash the mint leaves thoroughly.
    • Now grind mint leaves in a mixer grinder.
    • Add half a liter of water, jaggery or sugar, salt, and lemon juice and mix.
    • Now put some ice cubes in a glass, filter the juice of mint leaves, and serve it chilled.

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