Salivary Gland Stones Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Salivary Gland Stones Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Salivary Gland Stones Definition

Salivary gland stones, or in medical terms known as sialolithiasis, is the process of hardening or formation of stones in the salivary glands. The salivary glands produce saliva (saliva) which then flows into the mouth. These chemicals in saliva can crystallize and form stones.

This health disorder generally occurs in the salivary glands located in the lower jaw. Salivary gland stones will block the flow of saliva into the mouth. As a result of the blockage, the salivary glands can swell and become painful.

Salivary Gland Stones Reason

The cause of the formation of salivary gland stones is not known with certainty. Allegedly, changes in the flow of saliva, conditions reduced the amount of saliva, or thick saliva, also play a role in triggering the problem.

This can be found for example in conditions of dehydration, lack of food (eating and chewing stimulates saliva production), the effects of several types of drugs (such as antihistamines, anti-hypertensive drugs, and the like), and trauma to the salivary glands.

Salivary Gland Stones Diagnosis

To determine the diagnosis of salivary gland stones, the doctor will conduct a series of medical interviews to gather information and perform a physical examination. If necessary, radiological examinations (eg X-rays) can be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

A sial endoscopy technique, which involves inserting a camera tube into the salivary ducts to confirm obstruction, may also be an option. If the stone is visible, this technique can simultaneously remove the blocked stone.

Salivary Gland Stones Symptom

Many people with salivary gland stones do not feel symptoms due to this disorder. However, if there is a blockage in the salivary ducts, it can cause symptoms such as:

  • swelling and pain in the salivary glands, these complaints can be felt when eating
  • inflammation and infection of the salivary glands
  • redness of the salivary glands

Salivary Gland Stones Treatment

Salivary gland stone disorders can be overcome by:

  • Conservative treatment in the form of stimulating saliva production, increasing fluid consumption, stimulating stone excretion
  • sial endoscopy
  • surgery
  • If it is accompanied by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics are needed

Salivary Gland Stones Prevention

Until now the exact cause of salivary gland stones can not be ascertained. Therefore, the effort that can be done to prevent this disorder is to maintain the condition and the smoothness of saliva can help. Get used to staying hydrated and practice good chewing habits.

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