Oral Cavity Tumors Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Oral Cavity Tumors Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Tumors or neoplasms are swellings formed by abnormal growth of cells. Oral cavity tumors are tumors that are found in the area of ​​the oral cavity, which is limited by the upper lip and lower lip to the border of the upper hard and soft palate.

There are two groups of tumors:

1. Tumor Jinak (Benign Tumour)

These tumors may invade adjacent structures, which do not have the ability to spread widely to other tissues.

Growth is slow and pressing against the bone. The tumor has clear boundaries and can be moved so that if it is removed it can be done easily. The affected area is localized and there is no effect on body tissues. Examples are Ameloblastoma, Fibroma, and Odontoma.

  • Ameloblastoma

This benign tumor is generally the most common and attacks the lower jaw. It originates from the remnants of the epithelial elements of the dentition, the remnants of Malassez cells or the basal layer of the oral mucosa.

Ameloblastoma usually occurs in the mandible. Treatment for this tumor is by excision or surgery. This procedure is done by taking the infected tissue to the healthy tissue underneath.

However, ameloblastoma can recur after surgery.

  • Fibroma

Is a type of benign tumor that grows in connective tissue. It generally occurs on the lips or gums and is not painful. The cause can come from consuming unhealthy foods. Treatment of fibroma can be done surgically.

  • Odontoma

These tumors form from normal tooth growth. It consists of enamel, dentine, cementum and also the pulp chamber. It is characterized by slow growth. Treatment that can be done is surgery.

2. Tumor Ganas (Malignant Tumour)

These tumors can invade and destroy surrounding tissue and have the ability to spread widely. It grows quickly and easily spreads to other areas.

Bounded not clear, so it can penetrate the bone. The affected area may extend in other directions. Generally, this is also called cancer. If not treated immediately, cancer can cause death. An example is Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Oral Cavity Symptoms

Some of the symptoms that can indicate a tumor in the oral cavity, namely:

  • There is inflammation, swelling and pain in the affected part.
  • There is a lump in the soft tissue
  • Bleeding occurs
  • Pain when chewing
  • Bad breath

Oral Cavity Reason

The exact cause of oral cavity tumors is still not known until now. However, there are factors that are thought to trigger the occurrence of this tumor. Some of them are genetic factors, bad habits, trauma, and food.

Oral Cavity Treatment

Treatment of oral cavity tumors is carried out after clinical examination and supporting examinations to establish the diagnosis. This treatment is done based on the location, size, duration of growth, and the general condition of the patient.

In the treatment of benign tumors, excision procedures (removing tissue by cutting) or enucleation can be performed. Meanwhile, malignant tumors can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


Preventive measures can be taken so that tumors do not occur in the oral cavity, including:

  • Maintain the health and cleanliness of the oral cavity, by brushing your teeth twice a day. Do it in the morning after eating and at night before going to bed.
  • Use toothpaste that contains fluoride so that your teeth can avoid caries.
  • Regular check-ups with the dentist at least once every six months.
  • Immediately perform filling when there is a hole in the tooth.
  • Avoiding bad habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco, alcoholic beverages which can trigger oral cancer.
  • Adopt a healthy and balanced diet.

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