Askin’s Tumor Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Askin’s Tumor Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Askin’s tumor is a type of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor and generally occurs on the chest wall. Recent genetic testing concluded that the tumor is a condition similar to Ewing’s sarcoma.

As part of the collective Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT) disease collective, the demographics, imaging results, and healing abilities are the same. This disease is quite rare


Generally, Askin’s tumor is characterized by a mass that can arise in certain locations in the body, such as the chest wall, lungs, chest cavity, or various other locations. In rare cases, askin tumors can be found in the central nervous system.

Askin’s tumors that grow in the chest area are quite invasive and can involve the bone, or spread to the lymph, adrenal, or liver organs. In 60 percent of cases, pain is the only sign and symptom present.


The exact cause of Askin’s tumor is not known. However, this condition is thought to be related to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mutations in several body tissues.

This type of tumor generally consists of small round tumor cells that arise from primitive nerve cells in the nervous system. However, it can also occur outside the central nervous system, such as on the chest wall, pelvis, or extremities.


The diagnosis of Askin’s tumor can be determined from medical interviews, physical examinations, and certain supporting examinations. Several types of investigations that can be carried out are blood laboratory tests and imaging tests using X-rays, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Treatment of this condition depends on various factors, including tumor size and spread. Small tumors that are localized and have not spread can be treated surgically followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation.

Tumors that are large and have spread are generally treated with radiation and chemotherapy. In this type of patient, surgery may also be needed based on the size of the tumor, its location, and the signs and symptoms that occur.


Because the exact cause of Askin’s tumor is not known, there is no method that is fully effective in preventing the condition.

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