Neonatal Disease In Children: How To Get Rid Of It, What Is Neonatal Disease?

Neonatal diseases are diseases occurring before and after birth. These can develop even within a few weeks of birth. The first month of birth is considered very important for the child. During this period, the child can become vulnerable to infection, hence more care is required during this period.

List of neonatal diseases

Many newborn diseases heal on their own and do not require a doctor. The following list is given which are common in children.


Jaundice Definition

Many children suffer from this at the time of birth, bilirubin enters their blood which causes jaundice in children. The baby’s liver is not fully developed so it cannot remove bilirubin from the bloodstream. Apart from this, there is a change in hemoglobin from fetal to adult at the time of birth, which causes jaundice. For its treatment, the child is kept naked in special light.

Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases

It takes some time to develop a normal breathing pattern. Sometimes the baby may have trouble breathing. In this case, the doctor can solve this problem by putting drops of saline water in the nose and a bulb syringe.

Baby Blues

If the child’s color has turned blue and the child experiences difficulty in breathing and eating, then it can be a sign of a problem with the child’s heart or lungs. This is a serious matter and a doctor should be contacted as soon as possible.

Stomach upset

It is often seen that the stomach of some children gets bigger after feeding them milk. And this is absolutely normal. However, if the child’s stomach feels hard or swollen or he vomits, it indicates an intestinal problem and there is a need to immediately contact a doctor.

Preventing neonatal infections

It is difficult to prevent infections in newborn babies but with medical advice, it is possible to prevent diseases. Here is a simple list of newborn diseases:

Breastfeeding: Newborn babies do not have a developed immune system. It grows slowly. Colostrum, the mother’s first condensed milk, is essential for the development of the immune system. It is sticky, yellow in color and very nutritious for the baby. It is full of proteins and antibodies that help keep the baby healthy and protect against viral and bacterial infections. Saves the child from.
Newborn screening: This test is done on the newborn within 48 hours of birth which helps in detecting serious health problems of the baby. It helps in detecting some genetic conditions which helps in diagnosing the problem before it is detected later. There are three different tests in newborn screening.
Blood test: A few drops of blood are taken from the child’s heel for examination.
Pulse Oximetry: In this test, a sensor is placed in the baby’s skin called oximetry which measures the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Newborn screening is usually done in mothers who have a history of medical conditions, have obstetric problems or are at risk for becoming a mother.

Disclaimer: The information given in the article is not intended for professional medical treatment, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor.

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