Know Various Effective Ways to Overcome Insomnia Without Sleeping Drugs

How to overcome insomnia aka bad sleep habits do not always have to use sleeping pills alone. You can try home methods such as making a regular sleep schedule.

Table of Content

1. Insomnia treatment
2. How to deal with insomnia aka bad sleep habits

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can affect a person’s daily life. Everyone who has insomnia problems will find it difficult to carry out their daily routines.

People with insomnia usually have a variety of things that cause a lack of sleep, such as health problems, personal problems, and stress that affect the ability to sleep.

Everyone can experience insomnia, but insomnia is more common in women than men. One study found that women of all ages reported poorer sleep quality than men.

It is characterized by longer time to sleep, shorter sleep time, and feeling sleepy upon awakening. What can be done to overcome this sleep problem?

Insomnia treatment

Acute insomnia sometimes does not require treatment. This type of insomnia can be prevented and treated by practicing regular and regular sleep habits. However, if insomnia makes it difficult for you to work optimally during the day due to drowsiness, you need to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

The treatment is intended to prevent insomniacs from falling asleep during the day. Avoid using over-the-counter drugs with side effects that can make insomnia worse.

Meanwhile, treatment for chronic insomnia is done by first diagnosing the main cause of the insomnia, for example due to certain diseases. Talk to your doctor about this condition.

If insomnia persists, your doctor may suggest behavioral therapy to improve sleep quality. Techniques such as relaxation and restricted sleep therapy can help insomniacs get better quality sleep.

How to deal with insomnia aka bad sleep habits

Good sleep habits, with a regular and regular sleep schedule, can help insomniacs get better quality sleep. Here are some ways to overcome insomnia that can be done through good sleep habits:

1. Create a regular sleep schedule

Set a regular bedtime. Start by setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Going to bed at the same time every night, and getting up at the same time each morning can help you deal with insomnia.

Sleep times that often change can be a trigger for insomnia because it can disrupt the circadian rhythm that works by regulating the body’s metabolism. This way of dealing with sleeplessness can also affect your wake-sleep cycle in the morning.

2. Avoid napping habits

Napping sounds like fun, but you should avoid naps to prevent insomnia. The habit of napping during the day can be one of the reasons you find it difficult to sleep and actually stay awake at night. If you feel the need to take a nap, limit your nap time to 30 minutes and before 3 pm.

3. Avoid the habit of using gadgets before bed

Avoid using gadgets in any form, because the light produced by the gadget screen can make it difficult for someone to sleep.

Electronic screens that emit blue light can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin and affect drowsiness. Instead of watching TV or spending time on your phone, tablet, or computer before bed, choose another relaxing activity when you’re having trouble sleeping, such as reading a book or listening to soft music.

4. Avoid caffeine before bed

Avoid consuming caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol at night. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that prevent you from falling asleep. While alcohol can interfere with sleep quality because it can cause a person to wake up at night.

5. Sports

One way to overcome insomnia is to routinely perform physical activities such as exercising. Regular exercise is proven to provide good benefits for the health of the body.

Exercising can also improve your mood, give your body more energy, help you lose weight, and make sleep feel better. Exercise at least 3-4 hours before bedtime to prevent insomnia.

6. Set meal times before bed

Do not get into the habit of eating too much at night . Eating too much or too little before bed can affect sleep time.

Not only that, eating heavily before bed can also cause reflux. When you lie down, acid from your stomach rises back up into your esophagus, which can trigger heartburn, pain, or coughing. Make it a habit to eat dinner early, at least 4 hours before bed.

7. Create a comfortable sleeping atmosphere

Make the room as comfortable as possible for sleeping, for example, turn off the lights and adjust the room temperature so that it is not too hot or too cold.

It could be, insomnia arises because the atmosphere of the room is not comfortable to help you sleep. If insomnia occurs for a long time, try changing the position of things and bedding in your room or changing the night light to a dimmer.

8. Drink a glass of warm milk

Difficulty sleeping at night can also occur due to a disruption in melatonin, a hormone that plays a role in regulating sleep and waking times every day.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try drinking a glass of warm milk at night or before bedtime.

Milk contains calcium which can help the brain produce the hormone melatonin, so you can avoid the problem of insomnia at night.

9. Stress management

According to the American Psychological Association , insomnia can also occur due to stress, being too alert and worrying too much. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands release hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, that keep you awake.

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