Know Right Ways to Start a Healthy Eating Pattern

Know Right Ways to Start a Healthy Eating Pattern

A healthy diet must be adopted from now on so that you do not contract deadly diseases that will ruin your life in the future. A healthy diet is the start to living happily ever after. With a healthy diet, you will avoid various dangerous diseases.

It cannot be denied that wrong eating habits have been proven to play a role in the occurrence of dangerous diseases. For example, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer for which there is no cure.

On that basis, for those of you who want to live a long and happy life until the end of time, starting a healthy diet must start now. A healthy diet is the behavior of consuming food that contains all the balanced nutritional elements according to the body’s needs.

You are said to have a healthy diet if your daily consumption consists of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water in balanced amounts obtained from natural ingredients.

So, so that you don’t take the wrong steps in implementing a healthy eating pattern, here are some tips that you need to pay attention to:

1. Avoid foods that are high in fat

Make sure to limit your fat intake, which is usually found in foods cooked with oil, butter, margarine and coconut milk.

So, does that mean humans don’t need fat? Not really. Humans still need fat, but in sufficient quantities and from more natural sources.

So, instead of eating fried foods or consuming coconut milk, it is better to choose natural sources of fat such as nuts or seeds.

2. Avoid foods that contain preservatives

Various studies have proven that consuming foods containing preservatives can trigger long-term effects in the form of cancer.

Therefore, when implementing a healthy diet, you should avoid foods that contain preservatives as much as possible. Preservatives are often found in packaged foods, including canned foods.

Even if you have to buy packaged food, choose one that clearly states the label “No Preservatives” on the packaging.

3. Choose food that is processed appropriately

Frying, grilling and grilling are not recommended as food processing techniques. Because these methods can damage the nutritional value of food.

Therefore, it would be better if you choose food that is prepared by steaming, boiling or sautéing with a little oil.

4. Avoid Excessive Flavoring

Limit the use of seasonings in preparing food. If you can, avoid it completely because the monosodium glutamate (MSG) compound contained in seasonings has been linked to certain health problems.

5. Eat more fruit and vegetables

The majority of fruits and vegetables contain fiber which can bind to carcinogens that cause cancer.

However, that doesn’t mean all fruit is healthy. One fruit that you should avoid is durian because it contains very high fat. Apart from that, avoid melinjo or emping, because they contain high purines so they can trigger high uric acid.

One other thing to remember, wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating to avoid bacterial contamination and pesticide residue.

6. Avoid offal, fat, brains, and chicken skin 

Offal, fat, brains, and chicken skin are some foods that are high in purines and fat. If consumed too often, you are at risk of developing gout and heart disease.

Switch food choices to lean meat, clear soup foods, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as the best sources of protein.

7. Drink more water

About 80% of the human body consists of fluid. If we lack fluids, the performance of vital organs will be disrupted. To meet these fluid needs, water is the best intake.

If you want a little variety, consume vegetable or fruit juice without adding anything. On the other hand, you must avoid alcoholic, fizzy drinks or those containing high levels of sugar and caffeine.

8. Avoid Eating and Drinking Modified Colors

Avoid choosing food or drinks that have modified colors or have added chemicals.

Choose foods or drinks that are naturally clear in color. The exception is foods that have a natural color from the food itself, such as chocolate, red strawberries and so on.

9. Manage Portions 

As healthy as the food you consume is, you still have to pay attention to portions so you don’t overdo it. In fact, consuming too much healthy food will actually put you at risk of obesity and various other health problems.

10 Eat on Time

Make sure to always eat at the same time every day. With this, your digestive system will be more organized in processing incoming food so that it does not accumulate in the body.

11. Take supplements if necessary

Supplements aim to supplement nutrients that you don’t fully get from food. Therefore, as a complement to a healthy diet, you are advised to take supplements regularly.

To find out the most appropriate dosage and type of supplement, consult your doctor first. Don’t hesitate to immediately implement a healthy eating pattern from now on. You want to avoid dangerous diseases and live happily ever after, right?

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