Know Bird Flu Symptoms and Prevention Measures?

Bird Flu symptoms

After Corona, now bird flu has emerged as a new threat for the world. The World Health Organization has issued an alert regarding bird flu. In the alert issued by the World Health Organization, it has been said that in the last few weeks, apart from birds, snow flu infection has been seen in mammals (mink, otter, fox, sea lion). Soon bird flu may spread to humans also because humans are also a mammalian organism. In an alert issued by the World Health Organization, it has been said that if bird flu is not controlled in time, it can cause a bigger devastation than Corona across the world. Bird flu is a disease caused by infection with avian influenza type A virus.

Bird flu mainly infects ducks, chickens, and sea birds. Diseases like bird flu spread to humans through chickens, eggs, and ducks. Till now, more than 4 waves of bird flu have been seen across the world, which have been quite dangerous. Amidst the alert of the World Health Organization, today in this article we are going to tell you the symptoms of bird flu and measures to prevent it.

Symptoms of bird flu in humans

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if bird flu infects a person, its symptoms can be very common. However, in some cases, a person infected with bird flu may have to be admitted to the ICU. According to the CDC, if bird flu infects a person, the following symptoms may appear:

Health experts believe that if a person has been infected with bird flu, he may suffer from pneumonia, kidney and heart-related problems.

How to protect yourself from bird flu

The World Health Organization held a press conference issuing a warning about bird flu. In the press conference, WHO said that if a person sees a wild creature, animal or bird dead, then avoid going near it or touching it. In such a situation, contact the local authorities. If you consume non-veg then avoid eating it. According to the CDC, you can follow the following things to prevent bird flu:

  • Before eating chicken or non-veg, clean it thoroughly.
  • Wear gloves while cleaning chicken or any meat.
  • Avoid consuming half-fried eggs or raw eggs.
  • Avoid consuming chicken, mutton or eggs in any restaurant or in the open.
  • Wash utensils and everything that came in contact with the chicken with hot water to remove all germs.

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