Know Benefits of Plants for Humans, Animals, and the Environment

What would happen if our earth was not blessed with plants? Wow, it must have been scorching hot and I couldn’t eat vegetables. We also lose millions of other benefits that can balance life.

Get to know the environment better, here are the benefits of plants for humans, animals, and the environment. Often underappreciated, even though it can provide extraordinary benefits for the earth.

Benefits of plants for humans, animals and the environment
Humans, animals, plants, and environmental factors are a unity in life. For example, in the food chain system. When one of them is not present, then the others may not get food, and then become extinct.

The balance of these aspects has a positive impact on life. Including the existence of plants that should not be underestimated. Because, the benefits of plants for humans, animals, and the environment are numerous. Anything?

1. Habitat


Plants act as habitats or ‘homes’ for many species of living things. From the visible to the invisible, such as bacteria. You could say, there is a variety of life in one plant.

For example, the English oak. This plant is home to hundreds of insects. In addition, oak trees are also a source of food for birds, civets, and deer. The existence of this plant is a source of nutrition for fungi, mosses, and even bats.

Above only one plant, you know, Guys! Scientists estimate that there are 435,000 unique land plant species on earth, reports the National Science Foundation. So, can you imagine how the role of each of these plants?

2. Reduce air pollution

Reduce air pollution

Motor vehicle exhaust, factory activities, and various pollutants continue to accumulate, causing air pollution. These things then affect the air quality.

The role of plants is needed to balance the existing conditions. Open spaces in urban areas, for example, help absorb pollutants and release them in the form of fresher oxygen.

In 1989, NASA discovered that even ornamental plants can absorb airborne toxins. Especially in narrow spaces and limited ventilation. For example, there are lilies, bamboo palms, to Chinese firs.

3. Maintain soil quality

Maintain soil quality

Not only air, roots from plants also provide good benefits for maintaining soil quality. Plant roots generally contain microorganisms that play a role in tightening the soil, reducing the risk of erosion, and fertilizing the soil.

One of the most visible examples is the role of bacteria in plant roots in the nitrogen cycle. These bacteria process nitrogen source substances into nitrogen so that it can be enjoyed by other living things.

There are still many benefits of plants for humans, animals, and the environment. For example, to plant food sources, place for decomposition, and so on.

4. Affects the water cycle

Affects the water cycle

What would life be without water? Given that the human body is mostly composed of water. We all want an adequate amount of water and good quality. Well, plants play a role in providing groundwater on earth.

Plants will help filter and distribute the water. The trick, by transpiration that moves water from the soil to the roots, then up to the stems and leaves, until it is released into the atmosphere. When it has gathered, the water is released back to the earth in the form of rain.

A study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests the role of plants in the water cycle may be even more significant. Researchers from Columbia Engineering found that vegetation is not a matter of rainfall and temperature, but also determines where to live the possibility of flooding or drought.

5. Preventing climate change


Preventing climate change

As mentioned earlier, plants help convert pollutants into clean air. On a large scale, these efforts can help fight climate change.

Plants store CO2 to build new tissues. When many plants are cut down, the CO2 content is released back into the air. It is important to know, CO2 is one of the largest greenhouse gases that affect the earth’s temperature.

Leaving plants alive will help reduce the amount of CO2 on earth. Especially in ancient primary forests that are not touched by humans.

6. Medicine and food

Medicine and food

Of course, no stranger to plants that can be used as the basis for processing herbal medicines, right? That is one of the benefits of plants for humans, animals, and the environment. It acts as a source of health treatment.

In the future, this function could be even more improved given the sophistication of technology. Not only as medicine, plants are also a source of food. Call it spinach, kale, and carrots, which are often served as processed Indonesian specialties.

Not without benefits, these vegetables and plants contain carbon derived from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from photosynthesis. These substances are needed by the body of living things to be able to continue to live as the carbon cycle functions.

7. Improve mental health

Improve mental health

Who can resist the calming charm of the green mountains? Each of us would agree that trees are one of the long-awaited healing points.

In fact, plants have a positive influence on the human mind. To be precise, plants can make us connect with nature thereby increasing well-being, and reducing stress, and anxiety launches a publication in the Journal of Psychological Anthropology.

The theory of biophilia states that a person is attracted to nature and makes it happier. Edward O. Wilson who coined this term in the 1980s, then made it an inspiration for building and building designs.

The benefits of plants for humans, animals, and the environment cannot be underestimated. Imagine, for example, that one type of plant is missing, maybe Popeye can’t have muscles because he doesn’t have spinach. There are other effects, of course.

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