Know 5 Facts about Mimic Octopus

Octopuses are known as intelligent animals and are able to change the color and texture of their skin instantly to hide from predators. However, no octopus other than the mimic octopus is able to imitate dozens of marine animals perfectly!

The mimic octopus is a type of octopus that can be found in Indonesian waters. The size is not that big. Its body is mottled brown and white. Like most octopuses, they live on the ocean floor.

The mimic octopus is touted as one of the best-disguised animals in the world, you know. Come on, check out the interesting facts about the mimic octopus, aka the disguised octopus, below!

1. Recently discovered

According to a report from Marine Bio, the mimic octopus or disguised octopus was only discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi, precisely at the bottom of a muddy river estuary. This octopus really likes to inhabit shallow areas that are sandy and muddy. Most of them are found in areas no more than 15 meters deep, explains the Our Breathing Planet page.

These octopuses spend most of their time hiding in burrows and exploring the ocean floor for crustaceans and fish to eat. Its brown-and-white patterned body color makes it blend perfectly with its habitat in the form of a sandy seabed. know more with Discovery UK | The Mimic Octopus | Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures

2. Perfectly imitate dozens of sea animals!

Not without reason, this one octopus was named “incognito.” This mollusk scientific name Thaumoctopus mimicus is arguably one of the best disguises. They are known to be able to imitate dozens of species of marine animals. Not only the shape, this octopus also imitates the behavior as well as how to swim the marine animal that it imitates.

When imitating a sole fish or fish next door, for example. In addition to making its body flat, this octopus also swims with the typical thrust of the fish next door. Furthermore, when imitating the lion fish, they will float above the sea floor and stretch out their arms to resemble the fins of the chicken lepu fish which is known to be very poisonous.

That way, no predators dare to approach it. Undercover octopuses can run from dangerous areas without being detected. In addition to the two marine animals above, disguised octopuses are also known to have imitated sea snakes, sea anemones, stingrays, mantis shrimp, and even jellyfish.

3. Not just imitating

The disguised octopus doesn’t just imitate the shape or way of swimming of marine animals. They also understand which marine animals are appropriate to imitate. Of the dozens of marine animals he imitated, most of them are poisonous marine animals and or are predators that are feared by many other marine animals.

Interestingly, they understand which marine animals are a threat to predators who are attacking them. As revealed by the Marine Bio page. When attacked by damselfish reef fish , the disguised octopus immediately imitates the shape of a sea snake which is a predator of the damselfish. As a result, the fish immediately ran away. Intelligent!

4. Live in a place with lots of predators

The octopus’ habitat in the form of a shallow sandy area is an open habitat inhabited by many predators. Its brown color is a form of camouflage that allows it to blend perfectly with its habitat.

In addition, the mottled pattern that is often found in poisonous animals also adorns the body of this octopus. Allegedly, this is to trick predators and marine animals. Actually, this octopus is not poisonous.

Meanwhile, the need to imitate marine animals as a form of self-defense is thought to come from the daily habits of the disguised octopus itself. According to a National Geographic report, this octopus, which can measure up to 60 centimeters in length, is active during the day to explore the seabed and forage for food. The night is more used to hide in the hole and keep an eye on the surroundings.

5. Have a twin

Mimic Octopus

Finding a disguised octopus in its natural habitat is quite difficult. In addition to its ability to disguise, this octopus also has a twin, you know.

His name is Wunderpus octopus. This close relative is indeed very similar in terms of appearance and body size. Both also have a similar habitat in the form of shallow sandy areas, and both are found in Indo-Pacific waters.

However, there are a few things you can pay attention to distinguish the two. As reported by Owlcation, the wunderpus octopus is more active in the early morning and at night, while the camouflage octopus is active during the day. In addition, the coloration of the wunderpus octopus also tends to be more bright orange, while the disguised octopus is dark brown and white.

Well, after knowing more about the octopus in disguise, what do you think about this one octopus? Are you interested in seeing it in person?

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