Do you Know the Reason Why The Lion Is Called The King Of The Forest

Do you Know the Reason Why The Lion Is Called The King Of The Forest, Although He Lives In The Grassland?

If asked who is the king of the jungle? Suddenly people will answer the lion. In fact, did you know that the lion doesn’t really live in the forest? Lions live in the savanna and grasslands of South Africa and India.

Then, why is he nicknamed like that? Reporting from the Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia, here’s the full review.

1. The lion is called the king of the jungle because of his courage, he is not afraid of other animals

Meanwhile, the forest was chosen as the throne of the king because identical animals live in the forest. In addition, maybe the lion is not called the king of the world because humans rule the world.

2. Although not afraid of other animals, lions have enemies, namely hyenas


3. Hyenas are natural enemies of lions because their prey are similar: deer, antelope, and zebra

Hyenas are natural enemies of lions

As for the other natural enemies of lions are humans who like to hunt them just to take their fur.

4. Uniquely, it is the lioness who is in charge of most of the hunt

5. Lions are also very tough animals because they are proud to live in groups

lions proud to live in groups

6. The lion group usually consists of approximately 15 female lions and 3 male lions

7. Lions have a large and strong body, reaching 2 meters in length and weighing up to 225 kg

8. Lions deserve to be called kings because they like to maintain order, even sometimes they will punish other lions who don’t obey the rules


9. Lions are also called kings because they rule over their territories, he controls everything that is on them

10. The lion also sleeps 20 hours a day, really shows like a king huh

lions sleeps

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