Know 5 Causes of Your Pet Dog’s Hair Loss

Dog hair loss can make you as a pet owner feel worried. Read an explanation of the causes and how to solve them here.

Dog hair loss is known as alopeciaAlopecia is actually a common thing and can occur in all types of dogs. Dog hair loss can occur in one area or spread over several parts of the body.

When a dog’s hair falls out, it’s natural to worry and seek information about the causes and how to deal with it, so that the dog’s hair returns to its original thick.

In the following article, we will discuss the causes of dog hair loss and how to deal with it properly so that this condition does not reappear.

Causes of Dog Hair Loss

There are many things that can cause your pet’s hair to fall out. Each cause and trigger usually will have a different treatment.  Know 14 Foods That Are Good for Dog Health

So as not to be mistaken, here are the causes of dog hair loss that are important for you to know.

1. Seasonal Change

Dog hair loss is normal. The hairs that tend to be old and damaged will fall out on their own. However, this condition can also occur at the change of seasons.

For example, huskies and labradors will grow thicker coats in winter to keep their skin warm.

Then, the feathers can fall out before spring. However, dog hair loss will be less common in areas with a temperate or tropical climate.

2. Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Bacteria and fungi are normal inhabitants of a dog’s skin. However, when both grow out of control, it can lead to infection. The impact is hair loss, red skin, itching, and odor.

In addition, dogs can also contract ringworm and pustules or bumps like pimples. When symptoms of red, itchy, and scaly patches appear due to bacterial and fungal infections, immediately take your dog to the vet for further examination.

3. Scabies and Parasites

Scabies is a general term for an itchy skin infection caused by lice or mites. Mites can cause dog hair loss and itching on the dog’s skin.

In addition to mites, another cause of dog hair loss is animal fleas. Fleas in dogs can make him feel itchy and keep scratching the skin area.

Both mites and fleas are parasites that are highly contagious and can spread to homes and other pets.

If you find fleas or mites on your dog, take him to the vet immediately so he can get a prescription for antiparasitic drugs.

You can also get education about how to clean the house to avoid parasites.

4. Allergies

Just like humans, dogs can also experience allergies. Signs your dog has allergies are hair loss and itchy skin. The most common causes are environmental allergies, irritants to plants, fungi, mites, dust, fleas, to food.

If your dog is allergic, it’s best to take him to the vet. The doctor will examine the cause of the allergy in the dog and recommend how to treat it.

For example, if your dog is allergic to fleas or mites, the vet will give you medication that can control the itching and prevent the allergy from coming back.

If the main cause of allergies is treated properly, the condition of dog hair loss will be resolved more quickly.  First Aid When Bitten by a Dog

5. Hormone Disorders 

Unbalanced hormone conditions such as hypothyroidism or adrenal gland disorders can cause a dog’s coat to fall out.

If an internal disease problem is suspected as the cause of the dog’s hair loss, the dog will pass a laboratory examination.

Chances are, he will also perform X-rays or ultrasound lighting to determine the cause of the disease and hair loss.

How to Overcome Dog Hair Loss 

Overcoming dog hair loss can be done effectively if you clearly know the cause.

Here’s how to deal with dog hair loss that you can do:

1. Use a Humidifier

One of the causes of dog hair loss is dry skin and hair. To avoid this, you can use a room humidifier or humidifier. 

A humidifier can help keep the air moist, soothe the skin, and prevent itchy skin in dogs. You can place a humidifier near the dog bed.

2. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar contains natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. You can apply apple cider vinegar to your dog’s irritated skin to get rid of the dirt.

In addition, you can also drip apple cider vinegar in the bath or dog bath to remove mildew and make the dog’s skin fresher.

3. Brushing Dog Hair 

How often do you brush your pet’s fur? It turns out that regular brushing can be a simple way to reduce dog hair loss. This habit can help maintain moisture and protect the skin.

In addition, by brushing the dog’s hair, the oil glands on the dog’s skin will be spread evenly throughout his body.

Another benefit of brushing your dog’s coat on a regular basis is that it makes their coat look healthier and shinier.

4. Applying Lemon Juice

Just like apple cider vinegar, applying lemon juice to your dog’s skin can help fight bacteria and restore the pH of the problematic skin.

Skin problems in dogs can be the cause of hair loss. Applying lemon juice can help reduce hair loss and improve skin health.

5. Apply Olive Oil 

You can apply olive oil while gently massaging the dog’s skin to avoid dry skin, mites, and hair loss.

Olive oil can moisturize dry and rough skin on dogs, and remove fleas that cause hair loss.

6. Food Diet  

Another way to deal with dog hair loss is to run a food diet.

You can consult with a veterinarian regarding any food that causes allergies so that the dog’s hair falls out.

After knowing the cause of dog hair loss and how to deal with it, now you have to be more diligent in caring for and maintaining the health of the dog so that the problem does not reappear.

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