Is It True That Garlic Can Treat Flatulence

Known to have many health benefits, is it true that garlic can treat flatulence? Here’s the explanation! What do you usually do if your stomach is bloated? Some people often overcome this by applying wind oil or drinking warm drinks.

Apart from that, it is believed that flatulence can be overcome with garlic. It is thought that the way to treat flatulence with garlic can be done by drinking boiled garlic water or eating raw garlic.

Is it true that the benefits of garlic for flatulence are effective and proven medically safe?

Can Garlic Treat Flatulence?

According to Doctors, until now there has been no research that says that garlic can cure or eliminate discomfort in the stomach or flatulence.

“As far as I know, garlic can actually cause flatulence. “That’s because the fructose content, when digested by the intestines, actually causes gas, thus making the stomach bloated,”.

Fructose is also found in shallots and leeks. In fact, in small amounts, garlic and onions can cause bloating and other digestive problems.

Some people who are allergic to garlic or onions are also at higher risk of experiencing flatulence and belching after consuming them. For this reason, using garlic to relieve flatulence is not necessarily effective.

Other Side Effects of Raw Garlic on Digestion

For those of you who have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, you should limit your garlic intake to prevent heartburn.

According to research in the journal Foods, certain compounds in raw garlic can irritate the digestive tract. This may cause a burning sensation in the chest or stomach.

Basically, eating raw garlic in moderate amounts usually doesn’t cause problems for healthy adults. However, be careful if your digestive condition is sensitive or you are taking regular medication such as blood thinners.

The reason is, garlic may also increase the risk of bleeding. This natural ingredient can prevent the formation of blood clots.

Do This to Treat Flatulence

Doctors explained that effective ways to treat flatulence include:

1. Give a gentle massage to the stomach
2. Actively move and exercise, so that gas moves through the intestines more quickly, thereby reducing bloating in the stomach
3. Reduce consumption of foods that trigger gas in the stomach, for example, garlic, onions, and cabbage
4. Drink peppermint tea or supplements

According to research in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, supplements containing peppermint may help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which include gas and bloating.

Apart from that, there are several foods that are believed to help reduce gas in the body, including:

1. Lean meat and protein
2. Apple cider vinegar
3. Chamomile tea
4. Counts
5. Fish
6. Lettuce and zucchini
7. Tomatoes, grapes and melon

The doctor advised that you can also prevent stomach bloating by eating slowly. Chew the food until it is completely smooth.

If you experience flatulence, you can try some of the things recommended by the doctor above. The thing is, garlic for flatulence has not been proven to be effective and safe for you.

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