In addition to recovering energy, see other benefits of drinking milk after exercise

Nutritional intake after exercise is very important because you need to recover the energy used and body fluids that come out during physical activity. One way to get this nutritional intake is by drinking milk after exercise.

Milk content that helps recovery

The reason is, milk has characteristics that make it suitable as a recovery drink after exercise. Some studies even show that milk has certain advantages over commercial sports drinks.

Drinking milk after exercise has many benefits for the body. All these benefits come from the content below.

1. Casein

About 80% of cow’s milk is casein. Casein is the solid part of milk protein, which is usually the raw material for protein powder. Casein can provide a feeling of fullness longer and repair muscle after exercise.

2. Whey

In contrast to casein, whey is a liquid part of milk protein. The protein, which makes up 20% of cow’s milk, encourages the formation of protein in muscles so that muscles can recover faster after exercise.


BCAAs ( branched-chain amino acids ) include amino acids that can only be obtained from food because the body is not able to form them on its own. This amino acid maintains muscle mass by inhibiting the breakdown of protein during exercise.

4. Carbohydrates


The milk you drink can provide energy after exercise. This energy comes from lactose, a type of sugar from carbohydrates contained in milk. Lactose can replenish energy stores after you do physical activity.

5. Fat

The fat content in milk can provide a longer feeling of fullness and reduce excessive hunger after exercise. This is because the process of digesting fat takes longer than other nutrients.

6. Calcium

The calcium content in milk plays an important role in maintaining healthy muscles and bones. This type of mineral helps transmit signals that produce muscle contractions and maintain your bone density.

7. Air

Milk contains about 87% water which will help restore the body’s fluid needs, promote muscle recovery, and prevent excessive fatigue.

8. Other nutrients

Milk contains various vitamins and minerals that are important for your body, such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, biotin, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Benefits of drinking milk after exercise

Thanks to the various nutrients contained in it, milk can provide your body with the following after-workout benefits.

1. Increase muscle mass

Whey protein and casein in milk do have different effects on muscle formation. Even so, several previous studies have found that intake of both at the same time can encourage better muscle formation.

This benefit was most clearly seen in people who drank milk after lifting weights. In fact, if you routinely do this habit for 12 weeks, the increase in total muscle mass is likely to be even greater.

2. Help reduce fat

To reduce body fat mass, the amount of energy (calories) you burn must be more than the calories you get from food. Exercise will burn calories, while milk helps you limit calorie intake.

This is because milk contains fat that makes you feel full longer and prevents excess hunger. By drinking water after exercise, the rate of fat burning in the body increases so that fat is reduced faster than usual.

3. Restore body fluids

Your body fluids are lost with the sweat that comes out during exercise. You must restore these lost fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated. One source of fluids that can be consumed besides water and sports drinks is milk.

Drinking milk can be an alternative for people who don’t like drinking water or sports drinks. In fact, milk may be superior because you also get the intake of beneficial nutrients and calories in sufficient quantities.

4. Restore the body’s electrolytes

As your body loses fluids with sweat, you will also lose electrolytes. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are present in fluids and various body tissues. These minerals carry out various vital functions of your body.

You can’t restore electrolytes just by drinking water. Fortunately, milk contains electrolytes in the form of calcium, potassium, and sodium. These three minerals can help prevent health problems due to electrolyte imbalance.

Milk contains nutrients that are beneficial for muscles and the body as a whole. Thanks to its various benefits, milk can be an alternative restorative drink to water, isotonic drinks, or commercial sports drinks.

Even so, please note that you are not advised to drink milk after exercise if you have lactose intolerance. Choose drinks without lactose that are safer for your digestion.

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