How to organize a healthy menu

The lack of organization in our diet means that many times, we end up eating anything: from prepared food to quick sandwiches or snacks that satisfy our appetite. However, to have a healthy diet, it is enough to organize yourself and create a healthy Weekly menu that will set the guidelines for what you should eat on a daily basis.

we help you learn how to organize a healthy menu and banish bad eating practices once and for all.

Table Of Content

1. Plan meals
2. Food distribution
3. Tips for a healthy diet
4. Example of healthy breakfasts
5. Example of healthy meals
6. Example of healthy dinners
7. Example of meals between meals

Plan Meals

To know how to organize a healthy menu, the ideal is to distribute meals in 4 or 5 meals to help the metabolism work throughout the day and to avoid reaching meals too hungry.

However, the calories you take in early in the day should not be the same as the ones you take in late in the day since the amount of energy your body needs is different. In this way, the distribution of calories is as follows:

  • Breakfast: it is recommended to eat 20% of the total calories of the day
  • Mid-morning: it is recommended to take 10% of the total calories that your body needs
  • Food: it is the main dish of the day and should contain 30% or 35% of daily calories
  • Snack: just like the mid-morning meal, the snack should be made up of 10% of the calories of the day
  • Dinner: it is another of the main dishes of the day, however, the caloric content should be lower since you are going to bed shortly; In this article, we tell you what are the best foods for dinner
How to organize a healthy menu - Plan meals

Food Distribution

In order to enjoy a balanced diet, it is recommended that meals are full of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of our body; In this way, to enjoy a healthy diet you must include the following food groups:

  • Proteins: Above all, it is advisable to take the healthiest proteins with less fat, such as lean meats, white fish and skimmed dairy products.
  • Carbohydrates: the most nutritious and suitable for our healthy menu are complex carbohydrates, that is, those whose energy takes longer to convert into fat. Among these, we find rice, oats, rye, pasta, bread, potatoes and legumes. It is highly recommended that these carbohydrates are integral since they help regulate our intestines.
  • Good fats: are those fats that are nutritious for our body and provide vitamins and minerals that we need; among them are those that come from olive oil, nuts or oily fish.
  • Fruits and vegetables: it is one of the most recommended foods to include in a healthy diet and its composition provides our body with a large number of vitamins and minerals with hardly any calories.

The distribution of these foods during the week is vital to be able to plan a healthy diet, the ideal distribution is as follows:

  • Fish: 2 or 3 servings a week (especially white)
  • Meat: 2 or 3 servings a week (especially lean meat)
  • Legumes: 2 servings a week
  • Rice or pasta: 1 serving per week

If you want to lose weight, you should keep in mind that carbohydrates are recommended to be taken during the first half of the day and suppressed at night, the same thing happens with fruits that it is advisable to eat during the day but avoid at night. In this article, we reveal to you if it is bad to eat fruit at night.

How to organize a healthy menu - Food distribution

Tips for a healthy diet

It is important to follow these tips that will help you achieve a satisfactory fulfillment of your healthy diet:

  • Distribute on a sheet of paper the meals you will eat throughout the week, separating the days of the week and the 5 recommended meals.
  • Write down on the shopping list all the ingredients you need to be able to fulfill your healthy menu so you will always have them available in your kitchen.
  • Substitute refined flours for wholemeal flours that are rich in fiber, in this way, you take ingredients with less sugar and healthier for your body.
  • Plan a menu for 1 week and change it every month so you don’t get bored of your meals.
  • To save money, it is best to choose to include seasonal foods that will have more nutrients and will be cheaper.
  • Be creative in your recipes so you don’t get bored and abandon your weekly planning.
How to organize a healthy menu - Tips for a healthy diet

Examples of healthy breakfasts

Monday: Coffee with milk + wholemeal toast with butter

Tuesday: Tea + Whole Turkey Sandwich

Wednesday: Orange juice + cup of whole grains

Thursday: Coffee with milk + toast with jam

Friday: Tea + seasonal fruit salad

Saturday: Orange juice + coffee + skimmed cheese sandwich

Sunday: Coffee with milk + whole grains

How to organize a healthy menu - Example of healthy breakfasts

Examples of healthy meals

Monday: Chicken Pasta Salad

Tuesday: Cucumber cream + Lentils low in calories

Wednesday: Spinach with egg

Thursday: Rice with cod

Friday: Spinach cream + garlic chicken

Saturday: Baked hake + grilled mushrooms

Sunday: Hummus + baked sole fillet

How to organize a healthy menu - Example of healthy meals

Examples of healthy dinners

Monday: Pumpkin cream + zucchini omelette

Tuesday: Grilled vegetables + grilled steak

Wednesday: Zucchini puree + stuffed artichokes

Thursday: Cauliflower with potatoes and baked ham

Friday: Gazpacho + baked stuffed mushrooms

Saturday: Sauteed Green Beans + Fruit Salad

Sunday: Healthy salad + eggplant omelette

How to organize a healthy menu - Example of healthy dinners

Example of meals between meals

At mid-morning and at snack time it is advisable that you eat something to fill you up and prevent you from arriving too hungry for lunch or dinner. These snacks should be made up of healthy foods that give you a lot of energy and little fat; therefore, it is advisable to take:

  • A piece of seasonal fruit
  • a low-fat yogurt
  • A handful of whole grains
  • an energy bar

In this article, we help you to eat between meals in a healthy way.

How to organize a healthy menu - Example of meals between meals

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