How To Change Baby’s Nappy

Your baby comes into the world completely wet with puddles and mud. How often a baby’s nappy needs to be changed depends on how often he or she urinates or defecates and also how sensitive their skin is.

Babies with sensitive skin are likely to develop rashes if they wear the same nappy for a long time. And their nappies need to be changed frequently.

Newborn babies need 10 to 12 nappy changes every day. And this number starts decreasing as they grow up. Babies need more nappies to change from time to time. Most new parents remain unknown and scared because this is their first experience. Here are the following nappy-changing suggestions:

Necessary things: Before starting the nappy change, gather all the useful things at the place. So that you don’t have to run here and there. Here are the things you need to have.

  • Soft and firm diaper changing mat.
  • a bowl of water with cotton
  • dust bin or bag
  • coconut oil or diaper rash cream
  • a clean nappy
  • clean clothes

Nappy Changing Area

Whether you’re at home or out, you need a place or surface for your baby to lay down while changing a nappy. At home, you should use a table or clean floor or bed. Now spread a mat in it and make the child lie down on it.

Use a table or flat firm surface to change diapers when you are out. Spread a mat on it, even if the surface is not clean. You can also use a disposable mat.

Nappy changing

You should change and dry your baby’s nappy completely. While changing the nappy, keep the baby entertained or keep talking to your baby.

Here are some points that you should keep in mind while changing nappies

  • If your baby is wearing a cloth nappy, change it immediately and if it is a disposable nappy, tear it carefully and clean the baby’s bottom.
  • Use cotton and warm water to clean the entire floor. Dry the bottom area.
  • The skin layers also need to be cleaned.
  • For girls, clean carefully from front to back to avoid vaginal infection.
  • For boys, clean the penis along with the balls.
  • Use oil or diaper rash cream before wearing a clean nappy.

Maintain cleanliness

  • Disposable nappies should be thrown away immediately after removal.
  • Use sticky tape to tie them.
  • Always keep the dust bin outside so that infection and germs do not spread.
  • wash the cloth nappy immediately

Choose based on your comfort

There are many options available in the market for nappies. This includes disposable diapers along with clothes. Whatever you choose, make sure you follow the clean and neat rules. Whenever you use a diaper for your child, leave the child free for some time so that the skin can breathe and the moisture can dry properly.

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